
Surgebinder in Game of Thrones

Plagued666 · Book&Literature
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146 Chs


Arya quickly sidestepped as Jason swung his practice sword at her, shuffling in as he kept the distance between them short. The girl had Needle in hand, focusing on using it for parrying and blocking instead of attacking back. While practice swords were safer, both of her teachers knew Arya needed to understand her personal weapon, so a more involved practise was needed. They also were teaching her how to combat common fighting styles, Jason using basic sword styles fitting of Westeros while Syrio focused on agile duelling.

"Redirect instead of blocking." Jason sternly instructed. "Your sword isn't meant for direct strikes and I doubt your arm will handle strong blows too well."

He'd give Arya a moment to catch her breath, the girl seemed a bit baffled at how unfazed the Suegebinder was keeping up with her agile pace. "I know…but it is hard to do when I'm constantly having to move!" She argued.

Suddenly Jason lunged in, doing a light shove with his forward leg to knock her onto the ground. She'd gasp from the fall, giving an annoyed look at first before seeing the Suegebinder's smirk. "And that's why. Imagine if I had kick or tackled you instead, you'd be dazed and helpless." He explained. "Your size makes you fast and harder to hit, but light and fragile."

He'd offer a hand to help her you, Arya nodding in understanding as she'd grasp it to be pulled up. "Guess there is more to fighting then I thought."

"For you and many others, it's different. You have a lot to learn, but you've done in the last few weeks."

The compliment had Arya grin with pride, making Syrio laugh slightly.

"Don't give her too much praise Jason. The pride is the bane of even the finest warriors after all." The duelist chuckled. "I think a short break is needed for now. A quick lunch would do you some good."

"Well…" She started before her stomach made a small growl, making her glance away a bit in embarrassment from how the duelist smirked. "...Alright maybe your right. Yet you two better not run off while I'm away." Sheathing Needle, she'd set the small blade at the bench before hurrying off, giving a pairing wave to the two before leaving the open hall.

"Does has that classic Northern stubbornness. At the least, she knows well when to listen." Syrio remarked as he'd look back at Jason. "She'll be a fine duelist once she grows up."

"Rather she'd not make a career fighting like you or me," Jason answered back calmly. "This is about teaching her on how to protect herself, nothing more."

"I…of course." The duelist seemed a bit taken back by the Suegebinder's set answer and felt it best not to say more on the subject. "Training aside, I feel there is a more pressing matter we should discuss."

"About King Robert?"

A more serious look showed in the Braavosi man who nodded in response. "I know things are becoming more dangerous here. Being a guest here does lessen suspension on me and lets me keep an eye on certain matters."

"Such as?"

The duelist paused, pacing a bit before leaning in to whisper. "I caught word among the servants that a certain Lannister of low standing would be leaving today, a squire you may know as Lancel." He'd see a hint of surprise in the Suegebinder's eyes, drawing a grin from the Syrio. "No doubt it is suspicious that the Lord Baratheon's personal squire suddenly make a plan to leave or is at least following the directions of his betters."

"Why didn't you teller me earlier today?" Jason sternly questioned.

"Because I didn't want to distract you from your promise with the girl, besides the walls have ears in this keep. I can say now be the best time to confront the boy before he disappears."

After a short pause of thought, Jason nodded in agreement. "Tell Arya then that I was called away on a private matter. Try to keep her distracted for the rest of the day." Already he'd move for the door out, yet he'd stop halfway at the doorway. "Also, Syrio…keep your rapier on hand from now on. Just in case." With his warning given, he'd hurry away yet notice the thoughtful look the duelist had just as he left.

Moving through the Red Keep at a hasty pace, he'd soon enter the main courtyard and head for the stables. Nearing the main doors, he'd hear a familiar nervous voice before he entered. He'd see Lancel quickly tying the last few bags to his horse's saddle, hands fumbling with the knots.

"Leaving so soon?"

The chilling voice of the Suegebinder had the Lannister squire gasp, becoming still before glancing over one shoulder to see those fierce cat-like eyes staring back. "I-I was just…setting amount for a knight who is leaving Ser Jason." He quickly remarked back.

"Now? Which knight would that be, maybe a friend of mine."

Lancel's gaze glanced about, muttering a bit to himself as he tried to make an excuse. "Uhh…Ser Loras!"

The Suegebinder crossed his arms, shaking his head slightly at the answer. "A lie."


"Loras was planning to stay longer than a few days after the tournament. He told me himself."

"Umm…surely he must have changed p-plans."

Jason stepped closer, the squire backing up until bumping the back of the horse stall wall. "Seems like a lot of supplies to just get to Highgarden. The road there is quite easy to travel from what I heard…though the route to Casterly Rock is much more difficult."

"Ser your-"

"No more excuses Lancel. I know you had a part in the ambush, considering the timing of the attack was too convenient for you." He'd pause, letting his accusation sink in. "Now tell me the truth…"

"I can't…" He'd mutter, panic in his voice. "If I did they'll-"

"Kill you? I thought Lannisters look out for each other."

"We do but…NO! You misunderstand."

The slip of up with his words was clue enough for Jason as one hand reached out for the squire's shirt collar, gripping it firmly to stop him from trying to slip away. "Did Cersei tell order you to signal the assassins and to leave the Red Keep?"

"S-She…she didn't." The boy yelped as his back was slammed against the stall wall roughly. "Alright, m-maybe she suggested a few things?"

"Such as?"

Lancel was silent, eye glancing away to avoid Jason's unblinking gaze. "She…thought Lord Baratheon should enjoy the strong wine again. To…umm…calm his nerves during the hunt."

"The wine…" Jason remembered it was the same stuff from the tournament, strong enough to even faze him. "Sounds like to get him drunk and dull his reactions. Could have gotten him killed when that boar attacked."

"I didn't wish any harm to the King!"

"No, but Cersei would. Now, what about the assassins?"

"I…was told some old friend of the Baratheon's wanted to make a surprise visit. The queen gave me a signal whistle and…told me where to use it."

"Where is the whistle?"

"Urg! I…destroyed it…part of orders."