
Supreme Warrior God: I Shall Sever All Heavens and Realms!

Destroyed and translocated into the body of a deceased, low-ranking disciple from an illustrious sect—formerly timid, cowardly, and utterly useless—Sun Kang, whose soul was randomly transplanted into this specific body by a soul-relocating treasure, will endeavor to cleanse himself of every inherited disgrace and shame. He aims to achieve this by overcoming all that once oppressed and intimidated the former easily frightened, frail, and vulnerable owner of the body he now inhabits. Coupled with an unwavering motive to reach the peak of power, where all living or sentient creations in his universe and far beyond will bow before him with total adoration, fear, and reverence due to the inestimable, vast physical strength and dread-striking, overflowing despotic powers he would possess, he will endeavor to subdue, suppress, surmount, or eliminate all odds that he would encounter in his unstoppable climb to the zenith stage. His ultimate goal? To become sovereign and supreme, looking down upon all things with contempt. Yet, would he be able to achieve this in his weak new form, especially in a world filled with immensely strong, power-thirsting, arrogant cultivators who believe that only the strong survive? A world where the weak are considered prey for the strong, thereby creating continual situations and unfolding events where opportunities to grow stronger, to greatly surpass one's peers, are lustfully, desperately, and brutally sought after, resulting in overwhelming chaos, mayhem, carnage, and havoc that has become the order of the day. To learn more, join Sun Kang on his arduous journey to attain the pinnacle of power. He will embark on endless and perilous explorations into forbidden, abandoned, or sealed malevolent otherworldly sites, as well as uncharted concealed regions and dangerous miniature dimensions. These locations could instantly destroy him, but he is relentless, fearless, indefatigable, and overly curious in his quest for primal ancestral treasures of devastating potency, enormous amounts of exceedingly rare supreme sovereigns' cultivation manuals, and perfect cultivation resources. And, supported by numerous formidable entities—massive and astronomically powerful, highly intelligent cosmic creations that inhabit his body, including possession of the transcendent-tier superior Battle Art and All-Firmament-Severing treasure-sword of an unstoppable, venerable grandmaster Sovereign who is infinitely skilled in the fearsome, ominous, and domineering 'Ways of the Severing Sword', as well as owning thousand other sterling combat skills of devastating effectiveness, Sun Kang will endeavor to overwhelmingly subdue, ruthlessly humiliate, and mercilessly obliterate countless talented cultivation experts of diverse cultivating races or tribes that will act as obstacles or barriers to his acquisition of a vast and limitlessly great, tyrannical divine power. By all means possible, he must become a revered, radiantly dazzling, dreadfully imposing, and majesty commanding 'Supreme Warrior God'—an aspiration he has always harbored since little where he will possess the capability to instantly split, sunder, or rend apart every unbounded heavenly layer, realm, or dimension with disdainful ease!

koladeizdavid · Eastern
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24 Chs

Chapter 3 - Escape of the Innate Spirits; Bonding to a soul

Chapter 3 - Escape of the Innate Spirits

But just when the experts of the Azural race could combine their efforts together to cast down a powerful formation that will lock down the space around the spirits and heavily suppress them using a particular imprisonment formation that an expert sent to them using his mind transmission ability, the Supreme Spirit of Dominance which was also nearing full depletion of its energy, as it had been fighting the experts for many hours now, quickly conversed mentally with the other spirits that they should each unleash a strike that will contain virtually all their powers.

It wanted to try their bet on single individual attacks that will bear their full powers and constitutional essences!

So, the Supreme Spirits of Radiance, Domination, Invincibility, Fire, Ice, Myriad Creations, Fortune, Time, Space, Destruction, Metal, and the largest of them all, the Spirit of Life which was a dozen times larger than all of the spirits combined, all got ready to unleash their most powerful attacks which of course will drain them dry.

Although it was odd for the Spirit of Life to join the rest in attacking, it could however do so with the vast and seemingly boundless power that it possessed.

Once its power was harnessed and focused into a solid, steel-like column of extremely condensed power that was countless times more solid than steel, it could deal a whole lot of unprecedented damage to anything that will stand in its path to obstruct it. Even dozens of massive planets formed purely and entirely from steel, and possess solid cores as hard as diamonds, won't be able to obstruct the beam in any way.

Therefore, other than using its power to heal everything within the universe and grant them endless life and inexhaustible vitality, it could cause a really shocking degree of ruination that was nearly on par with that of the Supreme Spirit of Destruction, making it the second strongest Supreme Innate Spirit.

So, in the next second, many brilliantly colored beams of concentrated Origin Energy that each possessed the frightening power to turn thousands of entire worlds to dust, suddenly shot out at great speeds from the twelve Supreme Innate Spirits towards the experts who hastily retreated backwards by millions of kilometers using their great-distance teleportation powers.

As soon as they appeared at a new location in the void, they quickly erected powerful protective barriers in front of their bodies using their seemingly-inexhaustible divine powers, and also with the aid of powerful defensive treasures that they each wielded.

And not wanting to rely only on just their defenses that could result in a huge disadvantage for them, they quickly responded with their own full-powered attacks that immediately shot out from their hands and at great speeds towards the enormous devastating attacks rushing towards them like furious lightning bolts.

Golden Deity Hand Sundering Hundred Empyreal Heavens!

Great Shining Sword of Nine Reminiscing Kings!

Thousand Celestial Pathways Grand Overlord Spear!

Peerless Battle Progenitor Annihilation Scimitar!...

Just like that, myriad powerful attacks in the forms of blinding illusory hands, huge radiant swords, flaming multicolored spears and so on that were formed from their divinity powers using god-tier Battle Skills, and shone with many times the brightness of a gigantic star, whilst possessing the power to turn numerous clusters of large worlds into nothing in the blink of an eye, suddenly materialized right before their outstretched hands and shot in the directions of the attacks discharged by the Supreme Innate Spirits.

The moment the opposing attacks collided into one another, after crossing the tens of millions of kilometers between them in only a few seconds, several resplendent spheres of energy that shone with really harsh brilliance and were many times bigger than the combined size of numerous giant stars, suddenly emerged for only a few seconds before exploding with universe-rupturing, world-shaking bangs, except that there were no sounds since they surfaced in the void.

But, if these startling sounds of explosion were to ring out in any world, the world will definitely reduce in an instant into countless tiny fragments of rocks that will litter the void.

So, a second after the numerous spheres of forcefully-fused clashing energies exploded, tremendously huge waves of unimaginable destructive power abruptly manifested before travelling outward and in all directions with the power to totally obliterate everything in their paths.

The waves were so fast that nobody amongst them, including the innate spirits of laws, really had sufficient time to prepare for it. It smashed into them with a type of force that will disintegrate numerous worlds.

Then the instant the waves struck into them, they were all sent flying away like shooting comets for tens of thousands of kilometers through the void.

Only after several minutes of shooting through the void like actual comets did they regain their balance, looking all worn-out and extremely fatigued.

Besides, each and everyone of them were covered in multiple serious wounds, especially the experts from the Azural race.

They were all covered in numerous slash-like wounds that revealed the glowing lustrous bones of their superhumanly strong and divinely bodies, while the shining thick blood that oozed out from these wounds totally stained their regalia.

As for the Supreme Innate Spirits, they had all become heavily weakened that it seemed like there was no life or vitality in their bodies anymore.

They had all grown really dim having lost their previous brilliance. Even their solid illusory forms had become less visible, that is, had become vague and blurry, giving the feeling that they could fade away anytime soon if they continued to expend more power in their battle with the experts.

At the moment, they were all floating thousands of kilometers away from one another like tremendously huge pieces of earth that moved aimlessly in the void.

The experts of the Azural race who were greatly injured and bled profusely from those wounds, quickly produced powerful healing pills from the independent, inner miniature worlds found within their bodies. And as soon as they did so, they quickly swallowed them down their throats.

These small internal worlds which could act as vast storage spaces for countless earthly materials, and could house and fully support the growth and development of all sorts of creatures, were actually formed from the experts' divinity powers.

Only experts at their level could create vast planetary systems within them that could endlessly sustain life, and from which they could draw out near-limitless divinity powers if they were outside the universe.

Immediately they swallowed the pills, they quickly sat in cross-legged positions in that area of the void to circulate the healing, revitalizing power that erupted from the pills which abruptly dissolved into roiling streams of a luminescent, green-colored healing energy within their bodies.

Few moments later, the experts who had fully recovered from the life-threatening wounds inflicted upon them by the furious waves bearing fathomless cataclysmic power, had their sharp and clear eyes begin to shine with great delight. And this was simply because they could sense that victory was finally within their reach!

Of course, they could see from afar how weakened the innate spirits of laws had become, then once they persuaded them into merging with their bodies or fusing with the treasures forged directly from their blood essences, the spirits will have no choice than to accept and do their biddings.

A second later, where they were now armed with certain restraining and binding-type treasures produced from the independent spatial dimension within them, they all teleported to the different faraway areas of the void that the innate spirits of laws were knocked to.

Immediately detecting the fearsome presences of the experts that outnumbered them by fifty to one materializing before them, the Supreme Innate Spirits who greatly valued their freedom as they wanted to roam round the entire universe unfettered, immediately fell into a deep state of melancholy and began to lament sorrowfully within themselves.

They wish they could find a way to escape such a fate where they would become nothing but slaves controlled by masters!

But just as the heavily weakened Supreme Innate Spirits were beginning to despair under the fierce and intimidating presences of the experts, a flash of light so bright that it seemed to illuminate the entire vast and endless void, suddenly manifested and caused the peak experts of the Azural race who were gazing with unbounded gladness and anticipation at the Innate Spirits to immediately turn their eyes away for only a few seconds.

Although they wouldn't have their eyes hurt by that strongly dazzling flash of light, it was just too sudden that it forced them to turn their eyes away.

However, it was within that small frame of time that the Supreme Spirit of Space and the Supreme Spirit of Time concertedly used the very last slivers of power within them to cast a form of imperceivable power that abruptly wrapped around them and around the other Supreme Innate Spirits who had already lost their wills to resist and were filled with nothing but wrath and resentment towards the experts of the Azural race.

Then without any flash or ripple manifesting from the power that they rapidly interweaved together, they were all immediately transported at great speeds towards the soul that had just appeared in the void and was moving through it at a speed that surpassed the highest speeds of the experts by a thousand fold.

With the fused power of the Supreme Innate Spirits of Space and Time, incalculably huge distances that were impossible to cross within minutes by the god-like experts, could be effortlessly achieved in mere seconds by these innate spirits if they worked together.

So, in that fashion, the spirits hitched a ride on that shooting soul since they were really weak to use their combined space-time movement power for long.

Then along with their innate spirit counterparts, they all temporarily fused to the fleeting soul to escape the terrible fate that was awaiting them.

"What?!! How dare those damned spirits flee right before us?! Quickly, everyone gathered here should send out every experts from their factions to search for the spirits. No one is allowed to slack, as we must capture these spirits and make them submit to us!" A peak expert transmitted to the rest with great anger and vexation rocking the very depth of his heart.

He then said further in that transmission, "We must capture those Supreme Innate Spirits by all means. Once we have them and make them become the supporting-spirits of our blood weapons and artifacts, we will definitely usher in a new era of unprecedented power and glory."

"Our Azural Race will rise to unparalleled supremacy once and for all. I surely can't wait for that glorious and magnificent day!"