
Supreme Warlock

Thousands of years ago, and in unknown circumstances, a mysterious realm appeared in this world where all human fears and nightmares manifested and expanded. Endless darkness, bottomless seas, horrifying monsters, and uncurable diseases. All can be found in 'Holem'. But, as dangerous and as bizarre as this place is, it contained everything that a human would desire. Power, wealth, fame, and many more things. From plants that can extend lives to creatures that can cure any illnesses. Holem extends as far as human imagination could go. Our story starts with Akio, a poor, broken boy living in the slums outside the walls of a major city somewhere in the world. His life was miserable and his conditions were horrible, to say the least. However, a disastrous event will occur, that will change his fate forever. Being thrown inside this dangerous world called Holem, he will be given two choices... Either stay as he was and die a horrible death or he can do anything, no matter what it was to survive and reach the peak of the world. [Your thoughts have caught the interest of a higher being.] [The higher being is interested in watching your path.] [Requirements have been achieved.] [Holem has chosen you.] *** Finally, my book for WSA this year. It's going to be a bizarre, epic journey with a protagonist that hopefully will be to your liking. There will also be romance but it will hopefully make it as unique and interesting. It won't be the normal stuff you see in other books. Also, the prologue is slightly slow but after that it picks up pace so do give it a chance till the end of the prologue which is around chapter 15 :) Anyway, don't forget to add this book to your collection, and also make sure to support this book as much as you could.

LazyAngel · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Chapter 17- Bizarre Start!

Chapter 17- Bizarre Start!

Seeing that, Akio paled visibly as he looked around him quickly in a hurry. Even though what just happened is still in his mind, he had to first find a way to get out of this massive problem if he wanted to actually see for himself what it was all about.

But, looking at the situation, he had basically no way of escaping from this huge problem. He had no escape route other than the door which was now flooded with monsters. The other escape was to jump from the roof. However, the building was at least 15 meters high so the chances that he will survive a fall from that height is close to none.

[Finalizing Contract…]

[Contract Completed!]

[Transmigration Process Initiated…]

[Time Left Before Transmigration: 30…29…28]

'Transmigration?! What?!'


Before he could even process what appeared in front of him, the swarm of monsters reached him and lunged at him.

Akio's body instinctively jumped back a few meters. However, as he was about to land, a monster had already run from the side and slashed with its claw toward him.


No matter how fast Akio was, evading this slash would be hard especially since his eyes can't keep up with their speed. All he could see was a blur. However, at that exact instant, his eyes widened as a flash of light assaulted him.


A split second later, Akio twisted his body to the side with impressive swiftness, barely dodging the slash.



The claws continued their journey, hitting another monster right in the face. Because of the sheer strength of the attack, the monster's head was sliced off cleanly. Falling down, blood squirted everywhere from the monster's neck. The monsters were blinded by the blood and were stopped in their tracks to clear their visions.

'What the fuck happened?!!' Akio's mind raced like a raging train, trying to understand what had just occurred. One second, Akio had seen some kind of image flash in front of his eyes for a moment and then he found himself landing on the ground safely. Through all of that, he didn't process a single thing that occurred.

But, not yet, he isn't safe yet as he was now almost surrounded by these creatures. His only route of escape was the empty space behind him. He could either jump or stay there and get shredded to pieces like a piece of chicken thrown to a bunch of rabid dogs.

'Ugh! This is stupid! But, I have no other choice!!'

Quickly turning around, Akio ran toward the broken door that was laying on the edge and pushed it with his leg before jumping on top of it. After that, he looked back and pushed himself from the edge as fast as possible.

"This better work!!!!"

The door slid off the roof followed by the swarms of monsters that jumped after him. One of them was able to get a hold of the door and tried to twist it around. However, Akio clenched his teeth and glared at it.

"Fuck off!"


Kicking the monster in the face, Akio pushed the door further down because of it as it started spinning. The world rolled around him confusing his head even more. But, he quickly latched onto the door, not leaving it at all.

"Crap, Crap! I'm gonna hit the ground!!"

Akio had put all of his bet on the pop-up that appeared in front of him. All he had seen was the word 'Transmigration' and he immediately linked it with Holem, the land of dreams. It was a very risky move to put all of his bet on those two words alone but he had no other choice.

Not even a minute ago, he was about to commit suicide and somehow he was given a slim chance to survive so he wasn't going to let that chance slip, even if it meant ending in a very bad way.

'Come on! Come on! Please!!' He closed his eyes and waited for the worst to happen.


[Transmigration started!]

[Welcome to Holem, Crusader. Have a great dream!]


The loud sound of the door smashing on the ground echoed in the vicinity. Then, after it, a rain of monsters came down like a violent torrent.

Bones were crushed and the sound of flesh violently smashing against each other filled the whole place.

But, in between that mess of dead corpses, right on top of the door… There was not a trace of a young boy at all. He had somehow vanished as if he never existed in the first place.


Somewhere unknown, inside an endless abyss of black, floating in the middle like a dancing leaf, not moving down or up… as stationary as he can get, Akio's body was motionless. His eyes were closed and his breathing as erratic as it was, was now way gentler and more rhythmic.

His whole body was completely relaxed as if he was being cradled in the blissful embrace of a goddess. There was no painful expression on his face at all as if all the injuries he sustained were a mere illusion.

As he was like that, appearing on the horizon was a small ball of light the size of his fist. The ball of light was very feeble, dancing between completely vanishing and sustaining that small light. However, that ball's speed was considerably quick as it flew toward Akio as if he was its target from the start.

When it reached him, it floated around him as if it was assessing him. Then, without any hesitation it entered his body from his chest, vanishing completely. Meanwhile, Akio was unconscious so he didn't notice anything of what happened.

Immediately after that, something happened.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

The void-like space around him started cracking visibly as if it was a piece of glass. The cracking continued for a while as the whole world crumbled around Akio. The scene was mesmerizing as much as it was intimidating. However, sadly for the young boy, he wasn't awake to witness it with his own eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, the whole place finally broke down completely. Then, everything was pulled toward something in the center of the place. It was as if a black hole of some sort appeared there and started sucking everything in.

Akio wasn't an exception as he was quickly dragged toward it, eventually vanishing inside the black hole.


"M-Mmm…" Akio cracked open his eyes as he allowed them to absorb the light from the world. But, because of that, he had to squint his eyes instinctively as it was too bright.

'W-Where am I?' He asked himself.

Even without his ability to see, Akio immediately noticed that the place he was in right now wasn't familiar at all and the reason for that is quite simple…The air that Akio inhaled, it was way different than the air he breathed in the slums. While the one he lived with his whole life was dirty, musky, and very unpleasant, this one was clear, pure, and extremely pleasurable for the lungs and nose.

'Did I get transmigrated?'

Opening his eyes fully, he was finally able to see where he was clearly.

The place was small, barely 6 feet wide and 4 feet high. Two planks of wood were put on each side of the small place where multiple people were sitting, ten to be exact. From the constant shaking of the place and the sound of animal hooves outside, he quickly discerned that he was inside some kind of caravan or a wagon of some sort.

His eyes then shifted to the people sitting. They were all older than him, most likely in their early twenties or as old as their early thirties. Each one of them looked quite healthy, strikingly handsome, and in good shape. However, all of them, with no exception were wearing ragged clothes that looked so dirty and cheap that it could even compare to what Akio was wearing.

Their bodies were quite dirty too but that wasn't really the worst thing about this situation that made Akio frown.


Moving his hand, Akio felt a weird restraint around his wrist. Looking down, he saw a bunch of shackles tying his arms. The shackles were made of some kind of metal that looked greyish in color yet also felt different from the usual steel. In fact, Akio felt his energy being drained by these shackles as if they were trying to send him to sleep again. It was a weird feeling that he couldn't describe precisely.

However, the energy drain wasn't that strong so he was sure he won't be feeling tired any time soon.

"Oi, psst!"

As he was like that, Akio felt a tap on his shoulder from the right. The one who called him was one of the youngest ones there, most likely 20 years of age. He was quite good-looking with blue hair and strikingly orange eyes.

Akio had never met someone with this weird combination of colors. Hell, he didn't even know that blue-hair and orange eyes even existed. But, here he was, looking at someone with these traits. His body was lean yet also strikingly muscular and his height was over 6ft, towering over Akio even when sitting.

"What…" Akio asked confusedly.

The young man smiled at him with a friendly look before he asked.

"I have never seen you before, what clan did you come from?" He asked in a whisper-like voice.

'Clan? What the hell is he talking about?'