
New Universe: Survival Mode

[ Teleportation to the battlefield starts at: 4:59]

(So it's a survival mode, huh...).

I won't deny that I was expecting something like a battle royale or a death match tournament, but a survival mode was also among the possible scenarios I discussed with Elena.

"Good Miss Kiralia, I guess this is where our time together ends," I said as I looked at the cat woman next to me.

Her expression looked thoughtful, how to describe it? It was like someone debating an idea in her mind.

"Hmmmm, if you survive, you can send me a friend request. Don't worry, I'll accept it just because it's you," she told me, as if she was doing me a favor by accepting "my friendship."

(She relies a lot on her strength... I wonder how strong she is).

Needless to say, the system functions, such as the store or even the friend chat, are disabled. That's why we can't know anything about each other until the end of the event.

"Heh, heh, okay, but will you be okay?" Although I sensed that this cat woman was not simple, it doesn't hurt to ask out of politeness. Besides, I might as well get a little information about her.

"Worry about yourself, handsome man. I, Kiralia, come from a Hard world." Patting me on the back, she puffed out her chest and told me that.

Looks like he won't say much....

[The teleportation to the battlefield starts in 5 second].

"Nyan~, I hope you survive, handsome man," Kiralia said wishing me good fortune.

"Same here," I replied with a smile.

(I don't think it would be too hard for Elena to survive).

With that last thought, I was teleported in a halo of light.


When the halo finally subsided, I was on a plain, and dusk was beginning to spread across the sky.

(Nice scenery, reminds me of that time I had to kill 10,000 goblins).

[Inventory items are unlocked.]

[Survival: Survive waves of increasingly powerful and numerous enemies.


-No energy systems (no recharging): manage your forces properly!

-5 minutes rest between rounds: Use your healing skills/items before time runs out and get plenty of air!

-All injuries will heal after 5 rounds: Don't be afraid to sacrifice a hand for victory!

-For those from urban worlds, enough resources have been generated to survive: use them wisely!]

I could feel it from the moment I arrived; my strength was fully restored, but there was no atmosphere of spiritual energy or mana.

In short: if you spend all your spiritual energy or energy resource, you won't be able to use the abilities derived from these, relying solely on your body.

(Well, that will happen to others. I, on the other hand, have another source of emergency energy).

That's right, I'm talking about the cosmic energy provided to me by the Star Demon body, and which I can employ as a substitute in case of emergency.

(Although the efficiency is disastrous).


I drew and unsheathed the sword I brought in case we had an extreme survival event or something.

Its hilt is wrapped in dark leather and is decorated with inlaid gems that glow with an eerie radiance.

"It's finally time to use this baby," I said fondly as I looked at my signature sword, the one that would accompany me on my future adventures.

[Name: Excalisombra Starblade

Description: The Excalisombra Starblade is a double-edged sword with an enigmatic blade that seems to be woven from the darkness of night and the glints of stars.


Star Slash: Each slash performed with the Excalisombra Starblade releases fragments of dark stars that shoot toward nearby enemies. These shards pierce and explode on impact, dealing bonus slashing damage and blast damage over a small area.

Sinister Eclipse: Once per day, the wielder can summon a temporary eclipse by swinging the sword skyward. During this eclipse, the sword's blade becomes charged with celestial darkness, drastically increasing its offensive power. For a short period of time, each swing of the sword generates waves of dark energy that spread across the ground, damaging all nearby enemies. ]

(It's a pity he can't use his other abilities).

This sword requires me to use a lot of cosmic energy to unlock its other abilities, but this time, I only need to use basic attacks to win.

[Wave 1: Begin!]

Seeing this, I put on my guard.



There was no one.

"So... it's an isolated deployment, I guess?"

Honestly, I expected them to appear as I did: in halo of light a few meters from my location.

(They do this to give me a chance to look for optimal terrain...).

I sensed, though for me it wasn't necessary; more than that, it was very annoying to wait for my enemies to come after me.

"Let's just walk," I said to the air and walked slowly in a random direction.

A walk later...

"A small town," I said as, on my walk, I found a place with some old looking houses, they were made of wood and looked very old, nothing special.

(5, 6, 7, 7, 7 houses, it's a good place to take cover).

If I didn't have any of my advantages, I would entrench myself in this spot.


I walked to the first house I came across and stood in the doorway of the house.

(If this were a horror movie, the antagonist should be in some houses).


I slowly opened the door of the first house.

There was nothing there, besides a very old wooden table and chair, the kind that looks like it could be damaged at any time.

(Am I in survival horror?)


In an instant, my senses detected movement behind me.

The moment it got close enough....



Quickly, I turned and made a downward lunge straight at the enemy; the poor thing couldn't react to my speed.

(A goblin... and uglier than the one in the forge of heroes).

Yes, what I just gutted is a goblin, the typical fantasy creature.

Analyzing it closer, I saw that it had the typical standard goblin equipment.

Just dressed in a loincloth and a dagger presumed to be poisoned.

(Nothing special, it was instakill).

He didn't seem to have anything but a dagger, so he wasn't a threat to me, and probably to any of my competitors.





In front of the fallen goblin's body, a few feet away, I watched as four goblins emerged from the adjacent houses and approached me with their daggers.





They seemed to be discussing how to finish me off.

(It shouldn't be hard to finish them off with Phoenix Fire, but let's test the effects of this sword.)

The previous goblin died too quickly for the sword to show its power, so it would be a good idea to test it on these goblins; anyway, I don't lose anything.


I quickly approached the nearest goblin and...


I launched a horizontal slash.

"UGGHHH," the goblin exclaimed in pain for the last time before it died, as I had almost split it in half.

And black fragments came out of its body and went to the goblin on the right, which was closer.


"AAAAAAAA" the goblin screamed as the fragments impacted directly into his face, presumably leaving him blinded and bleeding badly.

I didn't miss this opportunity.


One slash and his head separated from his body.

(2 left...)



Apparently, the last 2 decided to run away, but unfortunately....




Just as they turned their backs to me, I decapitated them cleanly.

"It wasn't too difficult. Let's see... Is there one missing?", I wondered as I examined my surroundings.

[ Wave 1: Completed! You have 5 minutes to rest and recover.]

I simply sat on the ground and waited.

(I'll stay here until the enemies arrive).

There was no need to explore, this place is good enough in case of any eventuality.

[ Wave 2: It's starting! ]

After 5 minutes.



Two goblins approached from the entrance of this small town, and behind them I counted about 8 more.

*After an epic battle....


I cut off the head of the last goblin that approached me. This time, unlike the first ones, these goblins were more agile and didn't try to run away.

Still, they were just as fragile and didn't have very special equipment.

(Not difficult at all, even a normal human with weapons could easily get through this wave).

[ Wave 2: Completed! You have 5 minutes to rest and recover.]

[ Wave 3: Start! ]





"Blibber-blabber, Jibber-jabber." (Fireball)






[ Wave 3: Completed! You have 5 minutes to rest and recover.]

In this wave, I could feel the difference, as there were 20 goblins and among them were 4 mages. Although they could only throw fireballs, I could feel some skill coming from them.

(Maybe normal humans would have a hard time in this wave?)

[ Wave 4: It's starting! ]


This time, from a distance, I could see a large cluster of light shoot up from the sky.

(I guess the strong ones are coming now)

Trash! Trash! Trash! Trash!

When the light dissipated, I could see who the enemies of this wave were.

They consisted of goblins again, but they were different.

These were fully equipped with iron armor. In the vanguard, they had large iron shields and behind the squires were spearmen forming a military formation.

Behind them, I could see some with mage robes and staffs with gems that looked like fine jewelry.

(Approximately 40...)

(I wonder if the bullets will get through those shields).

I wasn't worried at all, as I have countless ways to take them down, but still, I was curious about those who don't.

(Elena should have no problems with these guys).

She possesses most of my talents and I also bought her a special sword in case something serious happens.

(I wonder how Kiralia will do, she looked very confident).

Did you see any errors?, I would like you to point them out in the comments, so I can correct them quickly.

Thank you!

DaoistAdQYQ3creators' thoughts