
Supreme Universal System

***Currently, I am reconstructing the story due to some "tips".*** A fantasy story features the humans of Blue Star who are sent to this unknown universe, one of whom wakes up in a dark space with no explanation of how he got there. He discovers that he has been transported to a new universe, where the strong can become gods and the weak have no choice but to submit to the strong. With a devilish and unreasonable idea to get ahead of others, one of our protagonists will embark on a story in which he doesn't know if he will lose his lust for power or if he will become a worthy supreme being.

DaoistAdQYQ3 · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Inmortal World: Knowing your rivals

( Hello dear readers, I apologize for the delay in posting chapters, but I had some personal problems that prevented me from updating, however, they have been resolved and I will try to resume the pace of one chapter per day, so thank you very much for continuing to read this novel 😀)

Pov Meilin:

"Haa, haa, done," I said exhausted as I examined the golden-colored dragon tail protruding from my back, a consequence of the technique given to me by the ancestor.

(How kind of that ancestor to give me the version that works with spiritual energy).

The technique I had seen before employed the magic cultivation system, so it is problematic that I obtained that same technique, since in the immortal world we use spiritual energy.

(I wonder if I can also use magic in my world...).

I've never heard of anything like magic in the immortal world, or well, outsider magic, since here we call magic cultivators those who employ malevolent arts to gain power.

"Still, this process is quite complex," I said as I watched the golden tail sway.

The process involves modifying your body using a combination of spiritual energy and draconic aura. In simple summary, you basically stimulate your body with draconic energy to the point where you feel you are transforming into a dragon, at which point, you use spiritual energy to slow down the transformation and, during that time, you somehow combine both (spiritual energy and draconic aura) to manifest the form.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? But it's not, since it's quite annoying, uncomfortable and somewhat painful if you do it wrong, since you're stimulating the growth of a limb that, although you already theoretically had in your dragon form, grows back into humanoid form.

(I wonder, why didn't my ancestors of this world think of this?)

"It's not worth thinking about it, instead, I should just get out of here already."

I've spent a total of 3 days in that dungeon and a few hours trying to manifest my tail, which is quite weak, and I don't think spending more time here will make it any stronger.

"I'm sure I won't be able to kill even a mortal with this."

Like any limb, the tail has its muscles and, well, this tail is basically a newborn limb, which only has a few developed muscles.

Fortunately, in the jade given to me by that ancestor, exercises are shown to be able to increase the power of whatever it manifests in the full ultimate form (tail, wings and even at the highest levels, scales).

"Let's get out of here, there's no point in continuing," I said, thinking that I can train this tail in the immortal world.

(Besides, I have a young dragon to conquer...).

When I left the building, I didn't meet anyone outside.

(Well, I guess no one would wait 3 days for someone you barely know...).

I also noticed that I still had the magic circles in my heart, which indicates that some changes that dungeon made to my body are real.

(Although there is no magical atmosphere to take advantage of this).

As I had guessed, in the immortal world it is not possible to use magic. It was a bit disappointing, but if you think about it, it's for the best, since magic is the nemesis of my specific clan (Azure Dragons), specializing in being immune to elemental attacks that employ spiritual energy.


I arrived at the mansion and the first thing I did was to go to the temporary room that was given to me when I arrived here and change my clothes. This was because I felt quite uncomfortable, since I wore the same thing for 3 days.

(Fortunately, the tail can be hidden, as I would not want to damage my clothes).

Those were my thoughts as I put on a casual dress, due to the fact that I felt it wasn't necessary to play so aggressively with Illios.

When I made sure that all was well with my appearance, I went to the dining room because my senses detected an unusual presence, different from Illios.

(This would be the famous wife, wouldn't it?)

A little amused, I approached.


Pov Lila:

As I was sitting eating the way Mery instructed me to, I remembered that I was in a rather peculiar situation....

(According to Mery, this visiting dragon princess is a threat to my position as the head wife.)

When I came out of the tower, which, by the way, gave me a sense of calm and tranquility I had never felt before, Mery came to me urgently and explained that we had visitors.

To summarize the conversation we had at the time, she said that the way this dragon princess was looking at Illios, combined with her daring attire, was an indication that she was trying to seduce him.

What's the problem then? You see, dragons, especially royal bloodline dragons, according to Mery, are quite possessive of their mates, and once they have found a worthy mate, they will act straightforward.

With this knowledge, Mery came to the conclusion that this princess might even challenge me for the position of first wife.

(Not that I care much, but if you think ahead, my position as first wife ensures that the children I have with Illios will receive more of her attention).

Or so Mery explained to me...


Hearing footsteps approaching the dining room, I prepared myself to put on a serene and dignified face to face this princess.

(My children's future depends on this), I thought, brainwashing myself to play the role of a strong wife.

As for Illios, according to Mery, he went for a walk around town because he was stressed out from work.


When the footsteps stopped, I saw my rumored rival.

Golden hair, along with her eyes of the same color, an incredible figure and a wild, but dignified expression at the same time. Her horns, adorning her head, served as a cute accessory that increased her already stunning beauty.

(Do I have to fight against that?).

Was my thought. I mean, I'm literally pitting a tramp from less than a month ago, against her, a dragon princess.

But I didn't have time to judge, as she greeted me.

"Oh, you're the wife, huh? A pleasure," she said with a strange face and scanning me….

"Greetings, dragon princess. My name is Lila, and I am the wife of Illios. It is a pleasure to meet you," I said as I stood up and greeted like a noblewoman.

I've already learned a lot about noble etiquette from Mery, so I guess my greeting was perfect.

"Meilin, Azure, but you can call me Meilin. I have a feeling we'll be good friends," she said with a rather polite smile, unlike what Mery had told me about a dragon's behavior.

(Is she faking it? Or maybe she doesn't consider me a rival?)

As my nervousness provoked multiple thoughts, the front door of the mansion, could be heard opening.

"Looks like Illios has arrived. I'll borrow him for a few moments," the dragon princess said before leaving to greet Illios.

When she left, I turned my head to notice Mery, who was on my right side.

"It was perfect, Miss Lila. I'm sure that princess won't underestimate you in the future," she said, nodding repeatedly, satisfied.

(I wonder if...?)


Pov Meilin:


That's the word that sums up my observation about Lila, Illios' supposed "wife".

(I suppose she was chosen as the mother of the infant dragon to avoid problems in human society.)

In reaching that conclusion, I took two things into account.

The first was the fact that in human society, marriage between close relatives was frowned upon. Although there are some accepted cases, these are usually royalty measures, such as the Solaris Empire on the floating continent, which prefers to preserve its lineage through marriages between relatives.

The second is that it is impossible for a normal human without Draconian blood to give birth to a pure dragon. Therefore, it is very likely that the mother of that infant dragon is his sister, who, by the way, does not possess a Draconian aura as strong as Illios'. At least that's what I think, since I didn't feel a strong aura while passing through the rooms.

In conclusion, that young wife poses no threat to me or my future plans with Illios. The real problem would be this so-called sister and her behavior, but I doubt it would be much of a problem, given that they have both been raised as humans.

"Oh, it's you," my thoughts were interrupted when Illios spoke to me.

The moment I saw him, I immediately recognized a familiar aura on his body.

It was Aunt Hua's aura.

(So mom sent her, huh?)

It was my initial thought, since she is indeed a great choice to bring me back to the Dragon Empire, since I am not able to disobey her.

(Why does Illios have a residual aura of my Aunt Hua?)

There are only two cases when one cultivator has the aura of another. The first is when they fight and, inevitably, their attacks will contain the unique aura coming from their spiritual energy attacks.

The second case is having a lot of contact with the individual. Normally, cultivator families have a bit of their parents' or siblings' aura due to frequent contact, either in training or just bodily contact.

(So that's all that's left, heh, heh, heh).

In the second case, there is a way to acquire the residual aura right away, and that is to have sex.

(There is no trace of fighting, and Illios does not know Aunt Hua).

"Meilin?" said Illios a little nervously as she scanned him with her eyes.

"It's okay, follow me. I need to talk to you," I told him.

I led him to my room, as I had to dial Illios quickly.

Why? Well, right now I'm feeling my Aunt Hua's aura very close, and worst of all, she seems to be angry....