
Supreme Sovereign.

Aaryn, having reached the pinnacle of power and becoming the strongest, found himself in a paradoxical state. The once insurmountable challenges that fueled his cultivation journey were conquered, leaving him with a sense of accomplishment but also an overwhelming sense of boredom. As he looked upon the world, time passing by without presenting any new challenges, Aaryn pondered the purpose of his newfound strength. What now? A single question turn the entire chaos upside down! Author warning!!!!!! Don't expect the novel to get good immediately; at least read until around chapter 50. Only after that will the story be able to develop. If you don't like overpowered characters, this might not be your cup of tea. There will be mystery, challenges, and things won't just be given to the protagonist. And yes, he will be the strongest from the start, but read the story to understand more. There will be romance and a harem, but don't worry, female characters won't be portrayed as headless fools, nor will every girl join the harem. This is my first novel, so I hope people can be understanding.

Unknown_man11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Wrong script or something.

Rahul's POV:

Rahul looked at his hands, feeling empty. He simply stared at them, devoid of speech, thought, or emotion. It was as if a void had settled within him. Suddenly, Aryan's voice pierced through the emptiness, jolting Rahul's mind into focus. Gradually, a hint of emotion began to surface in his eyes.

The crux of the matter lay in Aryan's understanding and the overestimation of Rahul's mental fortitude. While it was true that the soul Rahul possessed was special, enduring a hundred years was no easy feat for an earthly mortal, contrary to Aryan's portrayal. Aryan possessed a perception of time vastly different from Rahul's. Even during Aryan's mortal phase, his sense of time exceeded that of any human on Earth. For beings who reached a type one civilization and understood the application of Qi, their lifespans far surpassed those of ordinary humans.

Aryan, born as a type 1 civilization, had a time perspective beyond the comprehension of Earthly humans. As Rahul emerged from the constructed house, which had been his home for more than 100 years — Aryan's creation, no doubt — Rahul pondered how effortlessly Aryan manipulated reality. The concept of the "other half self" that Aryan mentioned remained somewhat elusive to Rahul, but at this point, he was only happy to leave this damned place. He didn't care where he had to go; he just wanted to leave.

Unaware or unable to realize the full extent of the impact of those hundred years, Rahul faced uncertainty about the marks left on him — whether they would be beneficial or detrimental.

Despite the profound changes he underwent, Rahul's age remained unchanged at 21. His knowledge had multiplied exponentially, and his combat skills had undergone a significant enhancement, reaching the foundation realm.

Aryan looked at Rahul and said, "Finally, you can start the journey. But before that, let me ask you, what do you want me to do with your realm? I can leave it as it is now; time will remain stopped for the entire realm. Or do you want me to free it from its timeless state?"

Rahul thought for a moment. There were no emotions; it was so calm that he wasn't even sure what he was supposed to do. He just felt a sense of detachment like never before. Aryan had stopped time in his realm to prevent Rahul from distracting himself with family or friends during his training, but now he didn't even feel as if he cared for them. Any feeling he had for them felt as if it vanished with time.

Rahul looked at Aryan and said, "Well, I don't mind whatever you decide. You can leave them in a time-paused state; I don't mind. Before I meet my parents again, I would like to experience human interaction before."

Aryan looked at Rahul, as if thinking something to himself, and said, "Fine. But why not take one of your friends with us?" As his sentence finished, Amaan appeared suddenly, seemingly confused…

Amaan looked at Aryan cautiously, and as his eyes turned to Rahul, some of the caution in his eyes seemed to dissipate.

He said to Rahul, "Hey man, what's happening? How did I appear here? Wasn't I with Rohit? What's happening, Rahul?"

For a moment Rahul just looked at Amaan as if trying to recall a distant memory. After a while...

Rahul looked at him and said, "Well, it's a long story," then turned to Aryan, adding, "I guess you don't mind waiting for some more time."


Amaan seemed to be looking at me as if Rahul was an idiot. He looked at Rahul and said, "So let me get this straight: you are saying that the man whose face I can't remember for who knows why, who I just saw. He is you but you or at least half of you, and his half-soul is in you. He is the strongest person in this entire universe or something, and you have been here for 100 years, training so that you can go to the low realm to have fun."

Rahul looked at him and said, "Well, you see, yes to everything. And he is the strongest person in existence itself. There is no one that he is aware of being as strong as him or stronger. I know this sounds absurd; I thought the same things too, but everything I have said is true and nothing else."

"Well, let's say I believe everything you said, and you know what? I love it, hahahaha! I have read so many novels with some overpowered character, but to think my friend himself is the strongest existence, man, I will come with you. Let me rephrase it: you need me to take me with you."

Rahul looked at Amaan as if he were looking at an unknown person whom he never met before. "Man, what are you saying? I think you have lost it or something."

Amaan, as if understanding the confusion shown by Rahul, said, "Well, you see, I am sure that there will be challenges and problems. But you know me, Rahul. I don't have anyone who lives with me; I am an orphan; I have no one to begin with. Before meeting you all, all I did was waste my life reading novels, watching anime, and playing games. So, for me to see all this is a blessing to begin with. I please ask you to take me with you."

Rahul looked at Amaan and finally said, "Gosh, you are one emotional blackmailer. Fine, you can come with us."

"Thanks, man. I will not let you regret this," Amaan said in an appreciative tone.

Both of them finally came out of that random house, and Rahul said, "We are ready to go." Aryan appeared from thin air and said, "Let me give you something for you both to understand all the languages of this Chaos River." Aryan waved his hand.

Suddenly, some kind of tattoo appeared on the back of Rahul and Amaan's ears. Aryan looked and said, Now that's good. Shall we move?

Amaan raised his arm and said, "Mr. God Immortal," making Rahul raise an eyebrow after hearing how Amaan addressed Aryan. "If I may ask, how long will it take us to reach the lower realm?"

Aryan said without looking, Distance is nothing in front of me. You can think as if we will teleport. But before that, we will have to make a little tour before we go to the lower realm.

Listening to what Aryan said, Rahul asked, And where are we going now?

Aryan smiled and said, To the Eternal Empire, of course.

Rahul looked at Aryan, surprised to see him smile like this before, and thought to himself, Isn't this the first time I see him smile like this?

Amaan, hearing what Mr. God Immortal said, thought to himself, Hey, what's happening? Why is the protagonist going to the last stop first? Isn't this a rule that the protagonist must go to the low realm and follow a tradition of face-slapping and make his way up? Did we get the wrong script or something?