
Supreme Sovereign.

Aaryn, having reached the pinnacle of power and becoming the strongest, found himself in a paradoxical state. The once insurmountable challenges that fueled his cultivation journey were conquered, leaving him with a sense of accomplishment but also an overwhelming sense of boredom. As he looked upon the world, time passing by without presenting any new challenges, Aaryn pondered the purpose of his newfound strength. What now? A single question turn the entire chaos upside down! Author warning!!!!!! Don't expect the novel to get good immediately; at least read until around chapter 50. Only after that will the story be able to develop. If you don't like overpowered characters, this might not be your cup of tea. There will be mystery, challenges, and things won't just be given to the protagonist. And yes, he will be the strongest from the start, but read the story to understand more. There will be romance and a harem, but don't worry, female characters won't be portrayed as headless fools, nor will every girl join the harem. This is my first novel, so I hope people can be understanding.

Unknown_man11 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

the beginning II

As I left my clan with my sister and grandpa, I tried to take in the view, but it felt as if a veil prevented me from seeing clearly. Just as I was searching, my grandpa's voice came, announcing that we had arrived. To say the least, I was surprised. I knew we would be fast, but this fast I didn't expect. It was as if a veil had been lifted, and my eyes locked onto the majestic palace before me.

I have always been proud of my clan and our palace. Not many can compare to my clan; leaving some of the other clans behind, but His Majesty's palace was different from ours. It seemed to float amidst a shimmering celestial landscape, surrounded by a halo of soft light and celestial beings. The structure itself was a captivating fusion of celestial elements and intricate celestial craftsmanship.

The palace's exterior radiated an otherworldly glow, with walls adorned in iridescent mother-of-pearl that reflected the ever-changing hues of the celestial sky. Even as an immortal, I couldn't see the end of the palace.

Noticing my reaction, my grandpa spoke as if he could read my thoughts. He explained that it was normal to feel overwhelmed when first seeing His Majesty's palace. Then he asked if I had noticed something. Puzzled, I inquired about what he meant.

My sister gave me a look as if I were an idiot for not noticing what they were referring to. I focused my attention and finally realized what they were talking about. My eyes widened like never before when I sensed celestial qi in the air, not just in celestial stone. It was a revelation that startled me, not because of the presence of celestial qi, but because of its pure nature.

Noticing my realization, my grandpa reassured me that there was no need to be so shocked. He explained that it was natural due to His Majesty's influence. He then reminded me of his status as a sovereign who had reached the cultivation peak. Some say that reaching sovereignty is the end, but some believe that His Majesty knows a way to surpass this realm.

However, his next words struck me like a lightning bolt. I turned to my grandpa and exclaimed, "What? But I thought you had reached the end! Everyone told me so." I glanced at my sister, who seemed calm as if she already knew about all of this.

My grandpa continued his explanation, acknowledging that there were not many sovereigns. He emphasized the immense power that he held as sovereign but also admitted that there was one who could defeat all of them—His Majesty.

I always thought that His Majesty was also a sovereign but more powerful and respected, and the reason he was made an emperor was because of his achievements in the past. Now, to think that he might have surpassed the sovereign is surprising.

The realization that a man who could make even sovereigns show fear sent a chill down my spine. I couldn't help but wonder about the true power of His Majesty.

My grandpa acknowledged that he had deviated from the original topic and returned to his previous point. He explained that while sovereigns possessed great power, we were powerless in the face of His Majesty. He mentioned that His Majesty has confirmed surpassing the realm of chaos lord the realm of chaos lord, but how he did so remained unknown. Some speculated that His Majesty chose not to disclose the truth to maintain his authority, but the truth remained unknown.

My sister asked our grandpa for his opinion on whether His Majesty had lied to protect his authority. My grandpa replied that he didn't believe so. He stated his personal experience with His Majesty, saying that when they were in the same realm, His Majesty had helped people reach higher realms and never suppressed them—at least, to his knowledge.

As my grandpa unveiled these secrets to me, I found myself even more curious about His Majesty. He had ruled over countless realms for an unknown number of years, and even heaven bowed before him. Who was this man?

ridhi's POV:

I already knew all of this long before my brother did. Grandpa had shared these stories with me. To say the least, I was fascinated by His Majesty. As Grandpa relayed the same information to my brother, my mind wandered into memories of my mother telling me unreal yet beautiful stories about His Majesty. Lost in these thoughts, I suddenly heard a voice—a voice unknown yet which somehow still felt familiar say, "I never forget."

I tried to locate the source of the voice, but everything around me grew dark, and a sense of unease settled in. I quickly opened my eyes, finding my grandpa and brother still engrossed in their conversation. I scanned my surroundings, but everything seemed normal. Shrugging off those thoughts, I refocused on the conversation.

I noticed that the people around us didn't seem to notice our presence. I concluded that they couldn't see us. If they had known, I was certain a high-ranking elder from the royal clan would have come to greet my grandpa. It seemed my grandpa didn't want to cause a commotion, which would only make things more complicated. Sighing, I hoped everything would go smoothly.

Looking back at my grandpa, I overheard their conversation and asked him a question. "What do you think, Grandpa? Do you believe His Majesty lied to protect his authority?" His response reminded me of something my mother had once said. She had told me that there was no man greater than His Majesty. I had asked if His Majesty was even greater than my father or grandpa, to which my mom replied that he was the greatest man to ever live and would continue to be so. When I questioned why she hadn't married His Majesty, she responded that she wasn't worthy and had fallen for my dad. His Majesty was someone she believed she didn't deserve. I remember our conversation vividly as I looked at my mom and said, "Okay, Mommy, I will become worthy of His Majesty." My mom laughed and said, "Yeah, sure, go ahead."

My thoughts were interrupted by my grandpa's voice, signaling that it was time to enter the palace and attend to the purpose of our visit. Little did we know that my brother's and my life were about to change in ways we couldn't have imagined.

Somewhere in the royal palace, a man could be seen seated on his worn-out armchair, staring blankly at the wall. But if you looked into Aryan's eyes, he wasn't staring at the wall; his gaze was fixed on the star of chaos. The room was filled with the sound of nothingness as he watched the star, but it failed to register in his consciousness. He let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of boredom settle upon him like a suffocating blanket.

It had been years since Aryan had experienced any semblance of excitement or adventure in his life. Each year blurred into the next, an endless cycle of monotonous routine that offered no respite from the tedium. He yearned for something to shake him out of this mind-numbing trance, to ignite a spark of passion or curiosity within him.

His mind wandered, grasping at memories of days long gone when life was vibrant and filled with possibilities. He remembered the adventures he had embarked upon in his youth, the thrill of exploring new places and meeting fascinating people. But now that he had everything, he felt trapped in a mundane existence devoid of excitement.

With a renewed sense of determination, Aryan closed his eyes and, for the first time in millions of years a being above sovereign moved, and shifted his gaze from the star of chaos to the immortal and godly beings below his palace. The world shall give him the answer to his call or else there was no meaning for this world to exist anymore, and he was ready to find the answer if there was any what was the mean for all of it? It was time to embrace change and go outside, to rediscover the passions that had lain dormant for far too long. As he rose from his armchair, it suddenly transformed into a throne, the throne of a man above all and below none.