
Supreme Sovereign.

Aaryn, having reached the pinnacle of power and becoming the strongest, found himself in a paradoxical state. The once insurmountable challenges that fueled his cultivation journey were conquered, leaving him with a sense of accomplishment but also an overwhelming sense of boredom. As he looked upon the world, time passing by without presenting any new challenges, Aaryn pondered the purpose of his newfound strength. What now? A single question turn the entire chaos upside down! Author warning!!!!!! Don't expect the novel to get good immediately; at least read until around chapter 50. Only after that will the story be able to develop. If you don't like overpowered characters, this might not be your cup of tea. There will be mystery, challenges, and things won't just be given to the protagonist. And yes, he will be the strongest from the start, but read the story to understand more. There will be romance and a harem, but don't worry, female characters won't be portrayed as headless fools, nor will every girl join the harem. This is my first novel, so I hope people can be understanding.

Unknown_man11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


In the personal chamber of the supreme sovereign, four figures could be seen seated there on the couch in silence. The silence was broken by one, causing the other two to look at him. The voice was none other than Rahul's, who looked at Aryan and said, "So, why are we waiting? Weren't you in a hurry?"

Without opening his eyes, Aryan said, "Before we go, you and your mortal friend will need to take a bath, which will cleanse your bodies, so that you do not have much problem in the adaptation of qi. If not for me covering your friend's body, he would have exploded to death." Hearing that, one of the two spectators visibly shook, drawing close to Rahul.

Rahul sighed and said, "Fine. By the way, what is your real objective in this whole drama of creating me for the low realm?" Rahul had asked this question many times to Aryan, but every time the question was avoided. He had spent a hundred years with Aryan, yet for some reason, he still wasn't able to understand anything about his other self. Whenever he talked, he only felt as if he was talking to a wall.

For the first time, after sitting in this room, Aryan opened his eyes and looked at Rahul. "My only purpose is to seek entertainment," he said with a clear, powerful resounding voice in the room, making the other two spectators understand that whatever is being discussed will, more or less, decide the future of the low realm.

Continuing, Aryan said, "You, as an earthly being who hasn't even left his country, can't imagine the wonders this universe holds—things that are beyond the comprehension of even celestial beings." With a determined voice, Aryan continued, "You can go into the low realm as a member of a royal family if you wish, or you can go as a small person from the eternal land. You can ask for any identity; you can burn the entire low realm if you want to. You can do whatever you want with it. I, the Supreme Sovereign, give you the authority. Just entertain me; that's all I care for. Other than that, I don't care."

Rishi and Amaan, hearing all this, were alarmed. His Majesty's words made goosebumps cover their bodies. Rishi was already shocked to hear that the mortal with a foundation realm was His Majesty's second body; he wasn't even sure how he should talk to the other. Now, hearing what he heard, he felt an even bigger trouble looming ahead. Amaan, who had heard all the things being discussed, felt as if crying. Why were things going like this? Wasn't starting supposed to be small like the village and start getting bigger? He felt all the novels that he had read were fake. What was he even supposed to do now? If the Immortal Sir truly meant what he said, then it was disastrous news for all low realms. The only comfort he felt right now was that the decision power was given to Rahul, which made him relieved that Rahul wouldn't do such a thing as burning countless beings, who knows how many trillions.

Hearing what Aryan said, Rahul truly felt at a loss for words. He had just asked a simple question, didn't he? Why was destroying the entire low realm coming into conversation? He made a mental note not to talk with Aryan; a depressed person would only make him feel depressed too. It's better to talk to the new guy who had come with Aryan. Turning his head, he looked at him and raised his hand for a handshake.

Rishi looked at the hand for a moment, shook it, and bowed slightly, saying, "It's a pleasure to meet His Majesty's second body." Hearing Rishi refer to him as such, Rahul said in a grumpy voice, "Rahul, just Rahul will do, and I am not His Majesty." He then glanced at Aryan.

Rishi replied, "Well, whether you accept it or not, you are His Majesty. The soul is like an identity for us cultivators; we take soul matter very seriously, and you have His Majesty's soul, which indirectly indicates your identity."

Rahul looked straight into Rishi's eyes and said, "Rishi, I don't mind if you join us. I don't mind if you want to be friends. But if you refer to me as 'Majesty' one more time, I promise you will regret it." Rishi, looking at Rahul, nodded without saying a word. The tension in the room was palpable, as everything had started to go from a neutral situation to a now tense situation. Having sighed, Rahul took a step back, not wanting to interact anymore.

Aryan's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, "The bath is ready for both of you." Hearing that, Amaan raised his hand and sheepishly asked, "Mr. Immortal, will that bath hurt us? I mean, in the novels that I had read, whenever the protagonist took a bath to aid in cultivation, it was always mentioned that the bathwater would be like lava, the veins would heat up as if burning, and the skin would peel and grow new skin."

Hearing what the other mortal said, Rishi replied, "Damn, what kind of backward star are you from? Of course, we cultivators are not afraid of pain, but it doesn't mean we're masochists. We've had thousands of years to understand the processes of those elixirs and spirit medicines. Do you think we haven't found a way to mitigate the pain? I'm not saying there's no pain, but it isn't like what you've read." Smiling, he reassured Amaan.

Aryan nodded, hearing what Rishi said, and continued after Rishi, "I will teleport you two there. Both of you have different bathrooms, and there will be attendants to take care of everything."

Hearing what both of them said, Amaan finally felt reassured and looked at Rahul, who seemed bored out of his mind.