

A little wolf born on a desolate continent in a forest where the weak are prey and the strong are still prey struggles to rise to the top of the food chain in its pursuit of perfection, but how can one be perfect without achieving eternity?

Dagan · Fantasy
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449 Chs

48. Huang Sisters

  Yulong Empire , Central Continent

"Elder sis Shengyi,elder sis Shengyi." shouted a soft melodic voice. A beautiful woman in a blue dress that fluttered behind her as she ran.

She passed servants and other people in the hallway filled with spectacular opulence. Everyone she passed was mesmerized by her stunning beauty leaving them with red faces and erratic heartbeats. Her beauty did not spare even the women who felt their minds deviate from their normal thinking processes. The running girl or better yet woman, was in her mid-twenties but she appeared to be no older than eighteen. Her voice was the most enchanting of all her qualities. Whoever heard this voice would never want to hear any other sound in their life.