
Supreme Ocean Lord

In a world where magic is real, people have been using mana for a century. At age 16, each child undergoes an awakening and gains a mana heart, granting them the power of magic. Levi, an orphan who lost his family during a beast tide, is accepted into a prestigious academy despite his background. With his intelligence and hard work, he's determined to excel and show the world his magical abilities. As Levi approaches his awakening, he feels a growing anticipation to unleash his powers and make a name for himself in a world full of magic and wonder.

HaozDancer · Fantasy
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238 Chs

The Day of The Duel

The day had finally arrived. It had been a week since the students' awakening, and today was the day that Levi would fight Jameson. The air was thick with tension as the students gathered in the school's training grounds.

Levi and Jameson stood facing each other, both with their wands at the ready. They had been training for this moment for the past week, honing their magical skills and preparing for the duel.

As Levi and Jameson stood there, sizing each other up, they began to taunt and mock one another. There was no sense of camaraderie or friendship between them; this was a battle, and they were both determined to win.

"You really came, huh?" Jameson sneered at Levi, a mocking smile on his face. "I thought you'd be too scared to show up."

Levi's eyes narrowed at the insult, but he didn't let it show on his face. "Scared? Please, I've been looking forward to this. I can't wait to see the look on your face when I beat you."

Jameson laughed, a cruel sound that echoed through the training grounds. "Beat me? You? Don't make me laugh. I was already a Beginner Mage when you were still stumbling over your words in class. There is no way you can beat me."

Levi bristled at the insult, feeling his anger start to rise. "Who said that I am a Novice Mage?" he shot back, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I am also a Beginner Mage like you, Jameson. Or maybe you're just too afraid to admit that I'm on your level."

Jameson's face twisted into a scowl, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "You really think you can beat me, don't you?" he sneered. "Well, let me tell you something, Levi. You may have the same level as me, but that doesn't mean you have the same skill. You're still a novice compared to me."

Levi didn't back down, his own scowl matching Jameson's. "Skill? You're the one who's all talk, Jameson. I've seen you in class, and you're not as good as you think you are. You rely too much on your power and not enough on your technique."

Jameson snorted derisively. "Technique? What a load of crap. You can have all the techniques in the world, but if you don't have the power to back them up, you're nothing. And trust me, Levi, you don't have the power."

Levi clenched his jaw, feeling his anger start to boil over. "We'll see about that," he spat, his wand hand shaking with fury. "I'll show you what real power looks like."

Jameson just laughed, a mocking sound that grated on Levi's nerves. "Good luck with that, Levi. You're going to need it."

As the two opponents continued to mock and insult each other, the audience of students with the same level of magical ability watched on, their voices rising in conversation.

"Both of them are nuts," one student commented to their friend, shaking their head. "They're already Beginner Mages, and here I am still struggling as a Novice."

"I know, right?" the other student replied with a wry grin. "It's like they were born with magical powers or something. Meanwhile, we're here studying our butts off just to keep up."

Another student chimed in, a note of admiration in their voice. "But you have to admit, it's pretty impressive. They're both so skilled already. I can't even imagine how powerful they'll be when they advanced."

A group of students nearby scoffed at the comment. "Who cares? It's not like they're doing anything useful with their powers. They're just showing off and trying to prove who's better."

The first student shrugged, conceding the point. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But still, it's kind of exciting to watch, isn't it?"

The second student nodded in agreement, their eyes glued to the duel unfolding before them. "Yeah, it is. I just hope they don't end up hurting each other too badly."

As the conversation among the students continued, Levi and Jameson continued their intense verbal battle, their insults growing more cutting and vicious by the minute.

The referee stood between the two opponents, his face contorted in confusion and concern as he tried to make sense of the argument.

He had been tasked with overseeing the duel, but he had never expected it to turn into a verbal fight. However, the referee didn't stop them. This kind of attitude was needed for one to be a great mage.

To the referee, the verbal sparring between Levi and Jameson was just as important as their magical skills. It was a test of their mental fortitude, their ability to think on their feet, and their willingness to push themselves to their limits.

In his mind, a great mage needed more than just raw power; they needed the strength of character to stand up for themselves and their beliefs.

As the referee watched Levi and Jameson trade insults, he could see that they were both skilled in their own way.

Levi had a quick wit and a sharp tongue, while Jameson had a cold, calculating mind that allowed him to stay one step ahead of his opponent. But the referee knew that there was more to being a great mage than just being good with words.

The referee decided to let the verbal sparring continue, knowing that it would only serve to make the eventual duel more intense.

As the two opponents continued to hurl insults at each other, the tension in the air grew thicker, and the audience of students became more and more invested in the outcome of the fight.

Levi and Jameson circled each other, their eyes locked in a fierce stare-down, as they prepared to take their positions.

Finally, the moment arrived. The referee stepped back, his hand held up in a signal for the two mages to get ready. Levi and Jameson both took deep breaths, their eyes never leaving each other as they prepared to unleash their magic.

The referee began to speak, his voice booming across the arena. "Are you ready?" he asked, his eyes moving from one mage to the other.

Levi and Jameson both nodded, their faces set in grim determination. They were ready to give everything they had to win this duel, to prove once and for all who was the stronger mage.

The referee paused for a moment, his eyes scanning the arena as he took in the crowd of students watching the duel. He could feel the tension in the air, the excitement, and anticipation of the audience.

And then, with a nod, the referee signaled the start of the duel. Levi and Jameson sprang into action, their magic crackling around them as they began to battle.