
Smokescreen (Part 1)

As Kalla talked, her body constantly shifted from a normal appearance to a skeletal figure enveloped in living shadows, very similar to what happened in her Wraith form.

"I didn't choose this form to be pleasant to the eye, nor to make friends." She explained once she noticed Lith's surprise. "It's just that being a giant bear makes it really hard to work with little things and I can't use spirit magic in front of humans."

"Have you discovered anything with Invigoration that we can use to develop a cure?" Lith asked.

"Yes and no. You'll understand once you see one of the infected. Is Solus with you?"

Lith showed her his right hand, where a stone ring was wrapped around the cloaking device Solus had forgemastered to hide her existence.

"Excellent move. I couldn't even perceive her even from this close. Nice to meet you Solus. I hope one day you'll show your human form to me as well." Kalla said.

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