
Picking Up the Pieces (Part 2)

Vastor, Xenagrosh, Athung, and Aalejah called him often to receive status updates on the situation of his family and to offer him their help. The Abomination in particular was worried for him and Solus, fearing that distance and Salaark would destroy their relationship forever.

Xenagrosh wanted Solus to meet Bytra again above everything else, to let the two women talk instead of fighting and set aside their differences. The Fourth Ruler of the Flames' joy after being forgiven for her crimes had lasted shortly.

After a while, she had realized that she actually had no idea how Elphyn had spent the last 700 years, of what had happened to Menadion's tower, and what the reason for her amnesia was.

Bytra suspected that everything came down to her again, more crimes and senseless cruelty that her old self had inflicted upon the heir of Menadion without even knowing it.

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