
Old Neighbors (Part 2)

Valia was embarrassed to death from discussing her personal life with her parents, but they just didn't care.

They were happy to have her back and the fact that thanks to her body she looked perfectly human without the need for Light Mastery gave them hope.

Hope that maybe Lith could truly resurrect her or that at least their daughter might have a child and leave behind a part of herself even after her soul decided it was time to move on.

Lith cast a quick Hush spell to not be heard as they walked in front of the house and protect what little privacy Valia had left.

"Hey, I was listening to that!" Solus said.

"I know. That's why I did it. If Valia wants us to know, she'll tell us. Otherwise I'm not getting involved in her mess." Lith rebuked her.

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