
Supreme Invocation System [Sokudo] - «A1T»

Our young MC has been reborn in a world where people have awakened their own system. There were systems of various types, from the most common to the rarest. [This whole story was translated by (Google Translate), so there might be errors, after all I don't speak English.] *WARNING!!* IN THIS STORY THERE WILL BE THE CREATION OF A HUGE HAREM, SO AND YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T READ IT. ONE MORE THING, WELL CONSTRUCTED REVIEWS WILL BE ACCEPTED, BUT THE ONE THAT ARE MADE, FOR THE REASON YOU DON'T LIKE THE COURSE FOLLOWED... THESE REVIEWS WILL BE DELETED, WITHOUT PLEASE.

GODShura · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Transformation ⁶

Chapter -› 6: Transformation

I grab a new set of clean clothes from my bedroom and head to the bathroom.

After getting under the shower I notice that the water running off my body has a dark color.

As if my body was covered in coal dust.

"Another beauty refinement?"

My hands roam my body and I notice he's more defined. No bigger, my muscle mass didn't grow.

The lines on my body became more visible.

"Damn that way I'll become someone else."

After a good shower, I went to the mirror to see the new changes.

My face got thinner, my nose underwent some changes but not much.

What changed the most was my hair, it was silkier and shinier...



I was repairing my new changes when I really noticed what was going on.

My appearance wasn't just being refined, it was changing.

"A-Amasuka Shi-Shirou!!!"

Amasuka Shirou, a character from the Fate/Apocrypha anime. He was the class ruler (Servant) of Master Einzbern in the Third Holy Grail War.

My black hair turned white, and very pure... My eyes went from brown to a blinding golden.

"These eyes remind me of Solo Leveling..."

"No! No, this is not the time."

I touch my hair and my face.

"How am I going to explain this..."

I dry my hair and dress in my clothes, a black T-shirt and shorts.

Leaving the bathroom, I head to the kitchen. It was already 6 pm, and my mother must be making dinner by now.

"How will they react..."

Entering the kitchen I see my mother in front of the stove stirring a pot.

Mom:"How was your day son?"

"Well I went out for a little run and exercise."

Mother:"You exercised a lot then, you only came back in the afternoon..."


Father:"Honey what are you going to make for dinner?"

Sister: "I hope it's not noodles..."

What I feared happened, after seeing the expressions of my father and sister as they looked at me.

Mother:"What did you say daughter?"

My mother hadn't noticed their expressions, but she noticed the silence.

Mother:"You will be silent..."

My mom turned to my dad and sister, but seeing their wide eyes she realized something was wrong.

Mother:"What is it?"

My dad pointed at me.

'Ready the shit is done...'

My mine looked at me.

Mother son?"




My mom came over, started feeling my cheeks, chest and waist.

Mother:"Where did you get money for plastic surgery?"

My sister put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing, and my dad had the corners of his mouth turned up.

"There is?"

I realized that as much as my appearance had changed, my parents still recognized me.

"Do you recognize me?"

Both my father, mother and sister shook their heads.

'But how?'

As if reading my thoughts, my mom said.

Mother:"How could I not recognize my son? Besides, his voice hasn't changed at all."

Now I understand, even though my changes are big, it's still recognizable.

Mother:"Go sit down, the food is ready."


Me, my father and my sister went to the table.

Sister: "Bro, how did this change happen? Did you really get plastic?"

'Fuck the plastic, this is all natural.'

"Of course not!"

Sister:"Then how?"

I knew I couldn't hide my awakening, but I wasn't going to say it all either.

"I woke up..."

Those simple words of mine silenced everyone at the table.

My dad was wide-eyed, my mom had her hands shaking. My sister was the only one who jumped out of her chair.

Sister:"Yeeee~ at last!"

I just smiled at her happiness.

My mom reacted after my sister's outburst.

Mother:"Congratulations my son!"

She got up and hugged me through her tears.

My father, too, if she sang from her chair and patted me lightly on the shoulder.

Father:"Congratulations son!"

Seeing my family happy with my awakening, I felt warm inside.


My sister who was quiet spoke again.

Sister:"Bro, what system have you awakened?"


My parents who returned to their seats looked at me.

"Well, by the way. I have to say something."

"You have to keep my awakening a secret for now..."

My mother looked at me worriedly.


"I awakened two systems."

Sister:"But two systems, aren't they normal?"

"Yes, to many dual systems in the world. But my two systems are not simple."

Father:"What do you mean my son."

"The first system is called [Divine Body], making my body super adaptive."

"I can learn anything I want just by seeing, reading and "touching" something."

"I can also get stronger by defeating an opponent."

Sister: "Amazing... But that's still not enough for so much secrecy."

"Yes, you're right, but my second system is the problem..."

"My second system is called [Dungeon Creator]..."

No one at the dinner table was dumb, just by name everyone knew the meaning.

My dad frowned, along with my sister and mom.

"As the name says, I can create Dungeons with monsters, XP and all."

The air in the room was tense.

"That's why I asked for secrecy about my awakening... I don't want the government knocking on the door, oh a very powerful Guild yet."

Everyone agreed.

"This is temporary, until I'm strong enough."

Sister:"With your [Perfect Body] and [Dungeon Maker] system in symbiosis you will have unlimited potential..."

"Good eyes."




My mom looked at me.

Mother:"What do you want to do son?"

I stopped and thought.

"I'm going to start training daily, like running and etc... I'm also going to see martial arts training, to learn some fights."

Father: "Good idea my son."

Sister:"Bro, can I call you Amasuka Shirou?"

"Of course not."


I knew what my sister was talking about, after all she watched a lot of anime with me, so it was normal for her to notice.

Mom:"At least my son is a pretty boy now, I can't wait to have grandchildren."




We spent the rest of the night talking about the future.

It was already 11:00 at night, my parents have already gone to their room, my sister was until a few moments ago in my room.

As good as the conversation was, she had a course tomorrow morning.

"We will see..."

At the moment I was watching some fight videos on Youtube.

In the meantime I had learned more than 5 martial arts.

I finished watching the video and heard a notification.

[Martial Skill (Kendo • NV:0) has been Learned.]


I closed the Chrome tab and looked at the moon through my bedroom window.

"What day was today..."



Name: Diego Catio Miles

Nickname: Diego Uranus


Systems: [Divine Body], [Dungeon Maker], [Concealment], [Waifus Summoner (A)], [Multivesal Items & Skills (A)]

Battle Power: 50

Money: 100 Reais.

Skills: Parkour(NV:5), Agile Movements(NV:5), Danger Sensor(NV:3), Concealment(NV:4), Dishwasher(NV:2), Muay Thay(NV:1), Karate (NV:1), Kung Fu(NV:1), Boxing(NV:1), Fencing(NV:1), Kendo(NV:1)

System Abilities: [CD] - Divine Adaptation, Divine Regeneration, Body Reconstruction.

[CD] - Dungeon Creation and Destruction, Drops, Dungeon Concealment.

[OC] - Status Concealment, Clairvoyance Concealment, Visual Illusion, Investigative Illusion.

[IW] - Summoning of Waifu, Card Shop, Inventory, Spirit Link.

[I&SM] - Item Summons, Skill Summons, Market, Inventory.

Waifus: None.

Items: None.
