
Supreme Immortal Monarch

He has reincarnated after millions of years , unfamiliar to his own birthplace. Once he used to be an Immortal God looking down on world but even Immortals are not True Immortals despite being capable of suppressing myriad era and Nine Heaven . Now , after Reincarnation , he will journey through Nine Heaven and Myriad World with the solo purpose of transcending Mortality and achieving Immortality . Can he achive what he fail to achive in his first life ? Or will he experience his downfall once more ?

Monarch_Rai · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Young Master Qi

Dragon And Phoenix Era

Holy Dan World , Daolong Continent , Trigod Kingdom

Spirit Arc City , Casket Sword Sect

"It has been three years but young master Qi has not returned back to how he used to be ?"

With a weak voice , Medicine Master Jiang shook his head . He is sitting on a sedan chair , admiring the azure from the balcony with Sect Master Qi.

" His mother has been yearning to hear him call her mother again . "

" But unfortunately he has not call her even a single time in all this three years "

Sect Master Qi heaves a sigh with his exhausted heart .

"It is hard for a mother to not be able to talk with her own son like a pair of mother and son "

Medicine Master Jiang also feels pity for Sect Matriarch Gu . But what can they do about it ?

Young master Qi seems to be creating more and more distance between them and himself .

A very uneasy Estrangement is getting born from their distance .

If this keeps on going , it is inevitable for them to become estrangers or strangers.

"I just wish this two mother and son to get close soon "

Sect Master Qi is now tired and helpless , he doesn't even have Strength to talk . Let alone do any activities.


Inside an independent Dimension , there is nothing but emptiness . But if a master were to be here , they would feel the Time Fluctuation moving faster compared to the real world .

And in such bizarre Void , there is a 9 year old boy cultivating in Chaos and Void .

That's right , inside Timespace Pagoda , Young master Qi can now cultivate in Chaos and Void .

Before , he only was able to cultivate in Spiritual Qi .

But after refining True Origin of Timespace Pagoda into Natal Treasure , Young master Qi can now successfully cultivate with Chaos and Void .

Similar to Yin Yang fish , the world above his head materialize from Chaos and Void , sparks with Mysterious Primordial Light .

It seems everything is growing old and ancient , becoming part of Primordial.

"Zzz "

The buzzing sound and crisping noises takes place when crimson and colorless Liquid begins to fall down from the Mysterious World created from Chaos and Void .

Bathing Young master Qi completely with the Primordial Liquid , refining his body into Indestructible Weapon .

[ Primordial Dual Physique Refining Art ]

Once someone cultivates in Primordial Dual Physique Refining Art , they need to cultivate with only Chaos and Void .

While Chaos holds the power of all things , Void is an emptiness that accepts anything and everything .

So Void will become Vessel while Chaos will turn into Energy for Primordial Dual Physique.

Although Young Master Qi has not even achieve Minor Achievement in Primordial Dual Physique , he has the purest Spiritual Energy inside his Dantians .

"Huff "

Breathing out foul breath , Young master Qi opens his eyes .

Clenching his fist tightly , he can feel the immense power and strength running rampant in every cell , muscle , bone and skin of his hand .

It feels like he can devastate a mountain with just a single blow .

But of course , it is just his imagination .

"Somehow I feel my Bloodline has Sealed Power hidden "

"Does the Qi Family Bloodline have some hidden Bloodline Dao ?"

Young master Qi frowns deeply when he thinks carefully .

"It seem I need to have a certain amount of power to unseal the Bloodline Dao so to take advantage of my Bloodline Dao "

It has already been three years but he has only taken one stage advancement.

In this new life , he wants to go steady . Slowly but with a stable foundation , he will cultivate his Dao and Dao Heart .

In his previous life , he was in a rush so he cultivated Black Heaven Legacy in a disordered manner .

Black Heaven Legacy holds Secret Arts for each Cultivation Base , for example Nine Revolution resonates with Nine Treasure Realm .

Just like that , Black Heaven Platform Technique resonates with the most Basic Realm of Cultivation — Divine Tree Realm .

Inorder to Cultivate in Black Heaven Platform Technique , Young master Qi needs to cultivate in Five Elements — Fire , Wood , Metal , Earth and Water . And other than Five Elements , he also needs to Cultivate in Yin and Yang .

Only after cultivating in those Seven Elements , he can forge Black Heaven Platform where he can imprison his target .

It is like he will have his personal Domain where he is the Sologod ruling over everything .

That is also why , after Cultivating in Five Elements he has condense Five Elemental Dao Seed and has stepped into the Dao Plant Stage .

In the Dao Plant Stage , he needs to cultivate his Dao Plant and make it bloom the Yin Yang Dao Flower along with the Five Elemental Dao Flower .

It means he has successfully cultivated Seven Different Dao — Fire , Wood , Metal , Earth , Water and Yin Yang .

This is also the reason he is cultivating his Dao Plant with Chaos and Void , in hope for these two Primordial Energy to give birth to the Yin Yang Dao Flower when he comprehends Yin and Yang .

To birth Yin and Yang Dao Flower , comprehension alone is not enough , you will need nourishment and fertilizer too .

This is also why many Geniuses since Ancient Times have failed to bloom Yin or Yang Dao Flower .

"Hopefully , I will get lucky "

After that he left his Timespace Pagoda , returning back to his room .

His room is much grand and luxurious even compared to his own father . It is all due to his mother's immense love for him .

There are everything , from Spiritual Treasure to even Terrestrial Treasures .

But nothing can compare to his Paragon Emperor Artifact . After all, the Paragon Emperor Artifact is even above the Imperial Emperor Artifact .

If there is God , even a God will rarely have one Paragon Emperor Artifact .

"Let's take a bath , my body is full of impurities of my body "

He takes his clothes off , and reveals his muscular and healthy body .

He has inherited his mother's beauty , making him unparalleled handsome . Snow white skin with black and dark eyes . Long dark hairs that seem to have coloured in Darkness .

Around 4 feet tall, making him very attractive.

After taking shower , he changed into a luxurious dark sleeveless cloak . Behind his cloak is the emblem of a sword resembling a coffin .

"The mother of this body truly loves him "

With a light smile , Young master Qi said to himself .

"But sadly ,she is not my mother "

"That is why it makes me uncomfortable whenever I see her "

That warm smile and affectionate love for him does not belongs to [ True Emperor Yang ] because that feelings only belongs to [ Qi Daoyuan ]

This is also why he does not interact with Sect Matriarch Gu and only does once or twice .

"Maybe in future , everything will be alright "

He comforted himself , but deep in his heart he was unsure of his own statement.

"— or maybe not "

After a while , he opens his door and sees a few beautiful maids waiting for him outside .

"Greeting young master "

They all bow in greeting . Each and everyone is young and beautiful , similar to those different types of beautiful flowers in a flower garden .

Seeing them , Young master Qi nods slightly . His true expression is hidden by his poker face , an expression of expressionlessness is revealed .

No expression can be seen on his face displaying any hint of emotions .

It seems , he has worn a mask that fails to display any type of emotions from him .

"Let's leave "

It was time for dinner , and the family members would always gather together to enjoy their dinner .

Since his elder siblings are all far from home , he , his father and only his mother eat together in the dining hall .

When he enters the dining hall , he soon finds a familiar face waiting for him .

Unlike other family's dining halls , their family's dining hall is short and small .

The floor is carpeted with a round mat , and a tea-table can be seen there .

The materials are decorated outside the room , on the open area courtyard.

Surrounded by flowers and adorned with a calm artificial pond on the side , the environment was something special .

"My son , come sit next to your mother "

With a motherly smile on her , Sect Matriarch Gu calls her son to sit next to her .

"Greeting everyone "

Young master Qi greets everyone but he does not call anyone father nor mother . Signaling them he is not that close to them.

It is not that he does not wish to call them father or mother , but it is just that there is a thin thread of line making him feel very difficult to call them parents .

Sect Master Qi and Sect Matriarch Gu notices him avoiding calling them father and mother .

While the heart of a father must be strict and strong , Sect Master Qi accepts his son's difficulty.

But as a mother , how can Sect Matriarch Gu accept so easily ? She felt pain in her heart but still forced a smile to shine on her beautiful face .

"Son , what do you want to do today ?"

After Young master Qi sits next to Sect Matriarch Gu , he was asked a question by his mother .

"Nothing much , just gonna tour around the city like usual "

In these three years , Young master Qi has been either touring around the city or just cultivating in seclusion.

This has always been his repeating habit.

"Here eat this rice cakes , I have specially cooked it for you "

Picking up a rice cake , Sect Matriarch Gu tries to feed it to her son .

But Young master Qi avoids getting fed by his mother , he quickly picks up another rice cake and eats it .

"This rice cake is good , very delicious "

To avoid creating any awkward atmosphere , Young master Qi hurriedly comments on his mother's food .

Sect Matriarch Gu was momentarily frozen , it seems she has fallen into a deep coma . But soon she smiles and tells her son with deep affection .

"Of course , your mother's food is the best after all "

"I bet you , there won't be any delicious food in the world that will make you remember for your whole life ?"

Sect Matriarch Gu arches her chest forward , her bouncy mountain peaks jiggles .

""I don't know about that , but I do know if you cook for other than your son , it will be the most terrible food in the whole wide world "

Sect Master Qi jokes with his wife , in return he gets a big egg on his head .

It is a warning for everyone that if you try to joke with your wife , you will have to pay the hospital bill .

"What were you saying , dear ?"

With a very scary smile , Sect Matriarch Gu asks Sect Master Qi. In return , the Sect Master just sits quietly .

In such a harmonious family , Young master Qi feels the warm and true love of a parent .

During his life as Yang Bao , he was born with Black Heaven Legacy .

Everyone mistook his Black Heaven Legacy as a curse from Heaven , which was why just after his birth , he was abandoned .

He became an orphan , adopted by Evil Powerhouse .

He was trained to become a Killing Machine , since his childhood he has only learned how to kill .

Because of that , his heart has always been sealed . Not ready to accept anyone . And that is also why he never fell in love and never had any Descendants of his own .

His Black Heaven Legacy also helped him in his Dao Journey . Because he was in a rush , he never practiced in Secret Arts of Black Heaven , always rushing things .

He was always surrounded by dangerous and threats , he nearly died not once but countless times .

He has always been alone during his Dao Journey . And eventually he successfully became a True Emperor , looking down on everyone.

An Immortal God who stands above billions of lives , the one who has power to control over everyone's Fate and Destiny .

This is also why he has never overcome the Mentality he has created during his time as True Emperor Yang .

True Emperor Yang was someone who always liked to live in solitude and run like a Lonewolf .

As for [ Young Master Qi ] he has a family who loves him . He has clansmen who cares for him . He has everything which True Emperor Yang didnt have in his life .

They are two different alternative versions of each other .

While one has always lived in solitude , the other one was destined to be loved and cared for by thousands of people .

While one was hated and cursed , the other was loved and protected.

This is also why , subconsciously, True Emperor Yang has been rejecting the identity of Young Master Qi .

Subconsciously he has been asking himself .

What gives him the right to be loved when I am hated by everyone , even my own parents abandon me just because of misunderstanding ?

What gives him the right to be blessed by such Loving father and mother when I , who was innocent , never got to experience this love from my own birth parents ?

I hate it all .

I hate everything about this body !!

But why do I hate it ?

Shouldn't I be happy and grateful that I got to live my life in this body who got everything which I never deserved in my life as True Emperor Yang ?

After family dinner , Young Master Qi fakes a smile and asks for leave . He leaves the dining hall .

"Dear "

Just after he left , his mother finally broke down . Her willpower finally collapsed .

Plastering her two soft palms with her beautiful face , Sect Matriarch Gu bends her back forward .

Finally her tears wash away her emotions , revealing to the world how painful it was for her to talk with her own son as if they are a stranger , and not a pair of mother and son .

"Don't cry wife , just steel your heart for few more years "

With a very helpless heart , Sect Master Qi shook his head .

During their youth , they were called True Dragon and Divine Phoenix who stand on the peak of Geniuses .

But because they didn't participate in Immortal Battlefield for True Emperor Ascension , they never got the chance to become a True Emperor .

Even so , they never regretted it . Because , instead of becoming the True Emperor , they chose to live a simple life .

Sect Master Qi decided to return back to his hometown and succeed the position of Sect Master from his father . After that , he never tried to develop his Sect .

He married his wife after becoming Sect Master , as for his father , he went to Seclusion with the hope of breaking through in his Dao Attainment .

If Sect Master Qi and Sect Matriarch Gu wanted , they could have developed the sect into Quasi - Imperial Sect . Just below the Imperial Sect that has the Legacy of the True Emperor .

But they didn't , they just wanted their children to live a simple life . They wanted their old age to be full of beautiful memories and not that full of Official Affairs and Restless Night .

But they never thought that they would have to see this day where their own son would make them feel the distance of Strangers in their relationship.

Sect Matriarch Gu has loved the children born from the First Wife of Sect Master Qi even though she would sometimes show much more favor for her own son . But she has always loved them and never wished anything wrong or evil for them .

So why was it that her own son has turned into a stranger ?

She has been crying for the last three years , and her sadness was not ignored by Young Master Qi .

Young Master Qi closes his eyes and steel his heart .

He stands outside the dining room , clenching his fist tightly , he murmurs .

"I am sorry mother "

"I truly am sorry "

" Please , please , I am sorry "