
Supreme Immortal (Reverend Insanity FF)

Man Tian is reincarnated into reverend insanity with a peerless body. Reverend Insanity fanfiction. No romance, no harems, no heroine, no face slapping, evil protagonist

Heartless_Qi_ · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Chapter 6 Fate gu

Meaning Gu was one of the best enslavement path gu but it was nothing compared to fate gu.

Although it is commonly understood that Fate gu is a heaven path gu which is correct but it is also a human path gu and even an enslavement path gu. If Man Tian were asked what is the ultimate enslavement path gu? he would undoubtedly say fate gu.

Fate gu controls the lives of all beings it even went so far as to control life and death. One cannot be born without fate's permission and one cannot die without the permission of fate. Fate controls the lives of all beings not at certain times but every step of the way. The more you run from fate the more you are stepping in your Fated road. Man Tian does not believe that enslavement path exists if fate gu is not an enslavement path gu.

Man Tian took the legends of Ren Zu book and tried to understand and build upon Ren Zu's understanding. This past few months he had this feeling of almost having a breakthrough in human path and enslavement path. Although human path is not as steady as heaven path it still potential to tap into to become as everlasting as heaven path.

To support gaining human path comprehension, one can bring in many human or variant human subordinates. But Enslavement Path methods cannot be used; such subordinates must retain their own wills, hopes, and dreams.

Throwing out the distracting thoughts out of his mind and focusing on the link between fate gu and enslavement path and maybe take his enslavement path to supreme grandmaster attainment he started reading the legends of Ren Zu.

We can see traces of this in the Legends of Ren Zu - Part 32.

<<The Legends of Ren Zu>> stated that Ren Zu had spent enormous energy and effort to gather Gu materials, even sacrificing his own two hands to finally refine wealth Gu.

Man Tian was even thinking of raising many humans and variant humans in his blessed land after he ascended to immortality.

He brought his son, Blazing Glory Lightning Brilliance, and daughter, Myriad Gold Wondrous Essence, to the feathermen's residence.

But strangely, all the feathermen had disappeared with no traces left.

"What's going on?" Ren Zu was puzzled.

"That is because I arrived here, those feathermen are afraid of me, all of them ran away." A black and white spider walked towards Ren Zu leisurely.

"Who are you?" Ren Zu asked.

The spider smiled: "Human, you have walked through the road I created in the Door of Life and Death, you still don't know who I am? I am fate Gu."

Myriad Gold Wondrous Essence added: "Fate Gu, you are not even the size of my palm, why would those feathermen fear you?"

Fate Gu chuckled: "Because they pursue freedom, but I, Fate, bind and restrict them."

Blazing Glory Lightning Brilliance grumbled: "So your intention was the same as us. You are really a failure, not capturing even one featherman, while hindering us as well."

Fate Gu laughed loudly: "Who said I failed? The feathermen are pursuing freedom, but what do they know? Their escape is only on the superficial level, I have already bound them. The road towards their freedom was all arranged by me, but they think they succeeded, not knowing anything. You are also the same, look at yourselves."

Ren Zu, Blazing Glory Lightning Brilliance, and Myriad Gold Wondrous Essence looked at their bodies.

They discovered that white spider silk had stuck to their limbs and body for some unknown time.

They also discovered that not just themselves, even the surrounding flowers, grass, trees, rocks, water, everything was bound by the spider silk.

These spider silk gathered together to form into a spider web which spread out endlessly in the sight of Ren Zu and his children.

"This is the web that I weaved, it is called all-encompassing web. Everything in the world is bound by this web, to be arranged and controlled by me, Fate. Everyone you encountered and all the things that have happened are all controlled by me." Fate Gu said.

Ren Zu and his children felt a chill in their hearts and began to struggle fiercely.

Fate Gu smiled: "It is useless, you cannot escape. Fate cannot be altered."

Ren Zu glared at fate Gu furiously: "Oh Fate, why do you have to manipulate and toy with us? From what you said, all the hardships and misfortunes I encountered were all your doings. The loss of my children was also due to you!"

Fate Gu said calmly: "Human, I know you want to save your eldest son Verdant Great Sun, but he is already dead. Death is a necessary fate of humans, you simply cannot save him. Moreover, you want to rely on wealth Gu to save your daughter Boundless Forest Samsara, that is also impossible."

As Fate willed, a thread of spider silk bound Ren Zu's wealth Gu and dragged it in front of fate Gu.

"Release it, that is our Gu worm!" Blazing Glory Lightning Brilliance shouted.

Myriad Gold Wondrous Essence's eyes reddened, sobbing: "Father sacrificed his own hands to painstakingly refine this wealth Gu. How dare you take it away?"

Ren Zu struggled fiercely, but the spider silk continued to become tighter, firmly binding them.

Fate Gu laughed loudly: "Life and death is decreed by fate, prosperity is up to heaven. Human, you are fated to be poor and menial, tormented and humiliated till you become insane, and in the end, you will also die. Although you refined wealth Gu, you don't have the fate to enjoy it. If you are fated to be poor, even if you dug out gold, it will turn to copper, if you are fated to be rich, even if you pick up paper, it will turn to silk. All these things are under my control."

Ren Zu, Blazing Glory Lightning Brilliance, and Myriad Gold Wondrous Essence started cursing fate Gu furiously.

Fate Gu was not the least bit angry, still carefree and at leisure: "Many have cursed me, but so what? Humans, no matter how you curse me, it won't change anything."

Fate Gu suddenly moved the spider silk, throwing Blazing Glory Lightning Brilliance and Myriad Gold Wondrous Essence far away, completely out of Ren Zu's sight.

"My children!" Ren Zu howled.

Fate Gu said darkly: "Human, don't blame me, this is your fate. Not just you, loneliness is the fate of every person. Even if they are your own children, they will not accompany you for life and will eventually leave you. Every encounter is temporary, separation is normality."

Ren Zu, however, kept on struggling, but the more he struggled, the tighter the spider silk bound him.

Ren Zu felt an increasingly enormous pressure pushing him down to the point of suffocation.

He panted heavily, he gradually lost the strength to struggle.

Ren Zu started crying, tears rolling down his cheeks: "Why does my fate have to be so pitiful!"

Fate Gu was silent.

But at this time, a voice emerged from the depths of Ren Zu's heart. The voice belonged to self Gu: "Human, believe in your own strength rather than blaming your fate!"

Ren Zu stopped crying as he suddenly realized: "Right, although I don't have strength Gu, self Gu has taken a bite of strength Gu, I have my own strength now. Self Gu, I can only rely on you."

Self Gu then erupted with a dazzling light as it attempted to break the spider silk.

Some spider silk was torn, but even more came to bind Ren Zu.

"My own strength is not enough?" Ren Zu was anxious: "Right, self Gu, you have also taken a bite of love Gu. If strength does not work, let us rely on love instead."

Thereupon, self Gu let out a gentle light as it attempted to break the spider silk, but this also failed.

Fate Gu said: "Oh human, why can't you understand? Love is a type of fate, I arranged it to make Verdant Great Sun fall in love with Desolate Ancient Moon, I also arranged it to make the rockman fall in love with Desolate Ancient Moon. I also arranged success and failure in their lives, so they eventually ended up dead."

"No! No——!" Ren Zu screamed and bawled.

Fate Gu listened quietly.

Ren Zu gradually lost the strength to cry, he mumbled powerlessly: "I understand now, I know why the feathermen pursue freedom."

Fate Gu smiled: "Human, you also want to pursue freedom?"

Ren Zu nodded: "Yes, if I have freedom, I will be no longer be bound by you."

Fate Gu: "But look at those feathermen, even though they pursue freedom, aren't they still under my control?"

Ren Zu shook his head: "My freedom is different from them. I will pursue absolute freedom."

Fate Gu laughed loudly: "A person's absolute freedom is insanity. Oh human, see for yourself, you are seeking freedom but you are actually moving towards insanity. I already said this earlier, you will lose your mind. That is the road I arranged for you, you cannot escape my control."

"No! I don't believe you! I will use my own strength and wisdom to obtain freedom. I don't believe your words, I will escape your control!" Ren Zu retorted.

Fate Gu's laughter became louder: "Oh human, you are truly going crazy, you are already deranged. Did you forget? Your self Gu has only taken a bite of strength Gu and love Gu, so you only have your own strength and love, but not your own wisdom. Oh human, when you think you are intelligent, it will be the sign that you are going crazy."

"Hahaha, hahaha." It was Ren Zu's turn to laugh: "I don't believe you, oh fate Gu, I don't believe you! I don't believe that this world has fate."

Fate Gu was silent for a moment before saying: "Even if you don't believe it, I will still exist."

Ren Zu rebuked: "No, that is not true. When I stop believing in you, you will stop existing. I refuse to believe in fate, fate does not exist! Hahaha!"

Fate Gu shook its head, sighing: "Truly pitiful, oh human, you have already fallen into insanity."

Ren Zu scratched his hair and skin, his tears and mucus mixed together, he struggled, he knelt on the ground as he rolled around.

It was like how Fate declared, he had become insane.

Reaching this point Man Tian sighed and put down the legends of Ren Zu. Although Ren Zu never succeeded Man Tian still admired the man.

If Ren Zu is not the pinnacle of human path nobody is. Even I do not dare claim I have a percentage of the understanding of Ren Zu towards human path.

But now that I look back at it maybe Ren Zu was correct. Fate gu never really existed it is just that our belief in it that made it but what Ren Zu was wrong about was that he was not the only being fueling fate gu.

Maybe that is what Red lotus demon venerable saw if he broadcasted the fight of Fang Yuan destroying Fate gu they would believe it was destroyed thus completely destroying it and telling everyone that they had fate dao marks so they can control their fate so that the next generation actually think they have control of their own fate thus having control of it.

It is just like the belief in my previous world that if I close my eyes maybe the universe stopped existing and no one can prove me wrong since I saw nothing hahaha.

So fate uses the method of using many weak to control the few. Hmmm my human path seems to be at the edge of supreme grandmaster but I have to innovate a little more. Hahaha maybe I can truly surpass the greatest being that has ever lived Ren Zu and unlike the idiotic spectral soul who thought that a mere sovereign immortal fetus gu.

I doubt even the rank ten version can compete with Ren Zu. If I am not wrong Ren Zu could go beyond Rank ten maybe even be heaven and earth.

Hmmm wait I see so that is it. The extreme of human path is heaven path. I see now human path imitates heaven path.

Human path cannot naturally create gu so Ren Zu created the human refinement path, he created enslavement path to imitate heaven path by trying to control the fate of others. He tried to understand rule path to understand the working heaven and earth so as to control it and wisdom path in order to gain the shrewdness and foresight of heaven.

Human path is just a small heaven path. Although it does not last long it has the potential to outshine even heaven path even though it is only a second.


Is it only me or do you think that human path and heaven are complementary and not opposites like fire and water.