
Supreme Immortal (Reverend Insanity FF)

Man Tian is reincarnated into reverend insanity with a peerless body. Reverend Insanity fanfiction. No romance, no harems, no heroine, no face slapping, evil protagonist

Heartless_Qi_ · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Chapter 1 Reincarnated.

"Hmmm Man Tian... Man Tian Man Tian, hmm you are not supposed to be dead at least not yet."

Man Tian a young man who looked jacked with shoulder length hanging hair looked at the old scholarly man wearing low hanging glasses in doubt.

Man Tian did not dare look down on this man not because he is a genius or something but because this man brought him here without his knowledge which means he is a good kidnapper or the person in charge of death, either way he did not want to incur his wrath.

"Sir I do not understand what you mean?"

The scholarly old man looked up at Man Tian and gently smiled it means exactly what I said you... are... dead."

Man Tian frowned for a moment before smiling "Hahaha senior sure is funny but can the younger generation know your name?"

"Hahaha good good good you are calm and composed even in an unknown situation. Okay I go by many names but you can call me Mors."

Man Tian frowned at the strange name but smiled anyways "Hahaha good name senior worthy of you it truly sounds majestic."

Mors smiled curiously asked "You do know my name means death right so what is so majestic about it?"

Man Tian racked his brains while answering "Senior I know it means death that is why admire you. You are so bold as to accept death and even take it as name while I am a coward who dares not even think about it. The name death also shows you are a Person who is above life and death this shows your wisdom."

Mors chuckled before saying "Hahaha kid you are far too young to try to flatter death itself but you know what I admire your wisdom and bravery even in this situation.

That aside you are already dead you have three options. One you drink the water of the river of forgetfulness and I reincarnate you into a random world with good talents and amazing prospects.

Second I decimate you to the last speck of your soul.

And third you get to choose a world from the worlds available, you reincarnate into them but you get three wishes if you want more you can exchange with it with something you have or own be it knowledge apart of your soul or emotions. Now come here."

Man Tian's mind offline for a moment. Seeing this Mors gently motioned his hand before Man Tian was levitated towards him.

Seeing this Man Tian believed what Mors said ninety percent.

Man Tian quickly put himself together before answering "I want to choose the world that I am going to reincarnate in."

Mors smiled "If you say so and since I like let me tell you this if you reincarnate like this the world you are going to reincarnate into will try to kill you in every way possible and it will not stop until it kills you. And for your information it might be possible for the Water of the river of forgetfulness not to work on you."

Man Tian smiled and answered "Thank you for your advice senior but I am sticking to my choice."

Mors smiled knowingly and said "Your loss so I have three worlds available at the moment so take a look at them."

Man Tian looked at the worlds before frowning the first one was the world of carefree path of dreams.

Man Tian would not dare to reincarnate into that world considering its insane power levels and considering the world will be destroyed in less 20 years after the protagonist is introduced but most importantly he did not really remember everything in that world and if the world spirit of that world or universe wanted to kill him he would be dead in no time.

The second world was I am the Fated Villain. Man Tian automatically refused this option since the protagonist can easily know if there is someone from another world is in his world then he would steal all their golden fingers and at best use them as leaches and at worst kill them and Man Tian did not want to be cuckolded.

The Third world was Reverend Insanity Man Tian also wanted to refuse this world simply because of fate and Fang yuan.

Man Tian looked at Mors and asked "Senior are there more worlds like you know Avatar the last Airbender or pokemon or even DC."

Mors sneered "Do you think this is a shopping mall. You cannot go to Avatar because it already has reincarnator same goes to the rest."

Hearing this Man Tian sighed in resignation and started going through the pros and cons of reverend insanity and carefree path of dreams.

Reverend cons no easy to be immortal but if I keep mortals in my blessed land I can generate longevity gu but then again if I raise millions of mortals or even billions I can almost be immortal and if I am about to die I can seal myself and get longevity gu later with other blessed lands.

Carefree path of dreams cons is it has too many worlds and the odds are stacked against and if Fang yuan comes to your world through his dreams you can simply kill yourself but again I can achieve immortality.

Man Tian finally made up his mind before saying "Sigh senior I choose Reverend insanity."

Mors smiled and said "Alright what is your first wish?"

Man Tian answered "I want to be supreme grandmaster in every path that will ever exist in the gu world."

Mors sneered "impossible the best I can do is quasi supreme grandmaster in every path that exists."

Man Tian shook his head in denial "alright how about quasi supreme grandmaster in every path that exists but great grandmaster in every path that will be founded at that time."

Mors frowned and said "That will be too showy and heavenly will definitely notice how about grand master in every path that will ever be founded."

Man Tian nodded "Alright I agree but quasi supreme grandmaster in dream path."

Mors nodded "That is fine. What is your second wish?"

Man Tian smiled and said "Immortal lifespan."

Mors sneered "impossible the best I can do is longevity gu of nine hundred and ninety nine million nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and nine years (999,999,999) more than that the heavenly dao will definitely notice."

Man Tian was excited beyond measure 'He thought this guy would definitely reduce his lifespan to at most a thousand years.'

Man Tian smiled "Okay I wish for the ten extreme physiques together with the physique and talent of Ren Zu and of course without the negative side of the ten extreme physiques which includes dying every time you try to cultivate to high level needing immortal gu to break my aperture etcetera and I do not want to lose my current body of an otherworldly demon."

Mors nodded "That is fine by me what else do you want and what will exchange for it?"

Man Tian smiled and asked "How many wishes can 50 percent of my love buy me?"

Mors smiled kindly and answered "one high grade wish."

Man Tian smiled and said "absolutely not three high grade wishes."

Mors frowned displeased and said "two middle grade at best."

Man Tian smiled and said "Alright but I choose exactly the location and time you are going to send me to."

Mors nodded "fine."

Man Tian smiled and said "I wish to be hidden from the heavenly dao until I am rank 9."

Mors sneered and said "absolutely not even rank eight would be a high grade wish the best I can do is rank seven and two heavenly tribulations."

Man Tian nodded "that is fine. I want a copy of all the secluded domains of heaven and earth and a grotto heaven."

Mors refused immediately"Absolutely not you can get the grotto heaven but the secluded domains of heaven and earth you can only choose five and that is because I like you hmph."

Man Tian nodded "I choose Dang Hun Mountain, Luo Po valley, the river of time, qian Kun crystal wall of course containing everything it did before Ren Zu (primordial domain, book mountain, Hu and Xi), and The Blue Sea of Life."

Mors frowned but nodded "Alright so where do you want the grotto heaven to be placed in?"

Man Tian smiled and answered "In the Western desert and the time should be around ninety years before the time fang yuan returned to the past."

Mors smiled and nodded "Alright I wish you all the best and I hope we do not meet again."

Mors waved his hand as if he was telling Man Tian to get lost and before Man Tian opened his mouth again he found himself in a lush and open forest with clear and beautiful sky.


New novel please give some power stones rate the novel.

There will not be any romance or harems or family and friends.

The protagonist will be evil 100%.

To be honest if I had a choice between the three novels I would go with carefree path of dreams personally it is kinder to outsiders and I would be born with a system and the potential to cultivate dreams and within a thousand years of indoors cultivation I would most likely be immortal.

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