

Seeing the balls floating towards Hale, Arte quickly acted to try and stop it, but he was a little to late as the balls of light had already entered Hale's body

After the balls had disappeared into Hale, Arte had a horrified expression on his face. {WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOUR BODY CAN NOT HANDLE MORE THAN THREE DIVINITIES AND NOW YOU HAVE TAKEN FIVE INSIDE YOUR BODY}.

Although Arte didn't say it directly, his words meant that Hale didn't have much long to live for.

Arte cursed inwardly. It was his mistake to give him the divine book. How could he be so careless,if Hale dies here and the word reached out to his supervisors than he would be fired from his job.

Hale who had now absorbed the balls of light suddenly started breaking down in sweat and not long after he fell to his knees and started panting.

Watching Hale suffering from the backlash. Arte quickly acted and came near Hale's side and started to heal him with light magic.

Even though Arte was giving it his all and he could even bring the dead back to life, messing with divinities was way above his level.

{Only a Superior God or an archangel can deal with divinities. I'm afraid he will die at this rate}. Arte now had a saddened expression on his face, He knew he was at fault here but there was nothing he could do about it.

Watching Hale suffering from the backlash of the divinities pained him greatly, for the first time since becoming a God he felt helpless. But he was not the kind to let the death of a single human sway him.

Arte swung his hand out and a Scythe appeared in front of him. The scythe was floating in air and was made entirely out of wood with a pitch black curved blade at the end of it. It was so beautiful that if a normal human looked at it, they would be mesmerized by it's beauty on the spot.

It had a holy aura around it as if it was a divine weapon made for a divine being. Because that's what it was. A divine weapon which specifically belonged to Arte himself.

The wood handle was carved out of the branch of Yggdrasil, the tree of universe. And the blade was made by compressing the core of a planet into a Scythe blade.

{Even though I can't help you, I can end your suffering. It's the least I could do} Arte said as he grabbed the handle of his divine weapon and readied it to kill Hale.

As soon as he was about to swing the scythe something had changed inside Hale which made Arte stop the attack dead in it's tracks.

<What is that?, What's that black energy which is devouring the divinities> Arte was left flabbergasted seeing what exactly was happening.

It looked like a black aura or divinity to be exact was actively devouring the existing divinities inside Hale's body.

Arte was so shocked that he couldn't think or speak at the moment, in all his years he had never seen such thing.

Arte lowered his weapon and decided that it was best to observe for now. He would make his decision after the process was finished.

The divinities inside Hale's body started to merge together. Even though it was impossible for divinities to merge together given their different nature's, for example if a divinity had a light effect couldn't merge together with a dark effect divinity. Trying to forcefully merge them together would result in a horrendous backlash.

<This keeps getting more and more interesting, even though such things shouldn't be possible, What is that energy which is devouring the divinities and merging them>.

Arte couldn't do anything except wait and see if Hale's condition improves or not. His plan was simple. If Hale's condition improves than he will handle it based on the situation and if it looked like his body was about to break down he would instantly kill him and ending his suffering.

Arte waited and waited. After what felt like hours Hale's body had started to calm down. Seeing that Hale was getting better Arte wanted to help him.



Cracking sounds were Heard and huge ripples started to appear in the air and sealing.

{Crap!, I forgot that the time limit of the divine artifact is up, and the neutral space is about to collapse}.

Hale's body had just calmed down, the mass of divinities had taken a toll on his body he was covered in sweat, it looked like someone had thrown him into a pool of water.

Seeing that Hale was out of danger Arte quickly snapped his fingers and Hale's condition improves drastically. His face now regained colour and his clothes were changed into a simple brown shirt and leather pants with brown leather boots.

Even though it looked simple, it was much better than being covered in sweat from head to toe.

{Quickly, the neutral space is about to collapse and I have to send you quickly,if I don't than you will be turned into fine powder}. Arte spoke and Hale started floating in the air started moving towards the portal.

{Although I don't how you will manage in your new world I wish you the best of luck and even though I know you don't intend to keep your promise at least try and help him out}.

Hale was able to hear what Arte was saying but he was too tired to even speak. He had to give his best to just stay awake and keep his consciousness and listen to Arte had to say.

{Although our meeting was short, your are the most interesting human I have ever seen so I'm looking forward to what you do in the world of Dradevows, just try and keep it down a bit}.

These were the last words which reached Hale's ear as his body was enveloped in a bright light

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