
Supreme Harem System

Normally, death will be the end, but it's just the beginning for Ryan Maxwell. With the privileges he acquired as the host of a System that evolved into the Supreme Harem System due to his wish, can he stay true to his desire? Or will his obligations become the hindrance in his attempt to be the Harem Supreme? Let's find out, shall we? ——— Release: Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday at 00.00 AM GMT+8 ——— Image Copyright: myhilary (Deviantart) ——— If you like this story, consider supporting me at: - P*treon.com/crazysnail ——— Author's Thought: I'm Indonesian, so English isn't my main language. Sorry if you find out some mistakes in grammar structures and punctuations and typos. I write this story to exercise my writing skills before I'm confident enough to release my original story. Thank you.

CrazySnail05 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

0008 [NSFW]

"Yes," Kochou replied shyly as she nodded her assent.

After receiving her permission, Ryan claims Kochou's soft lips and starts a heated kiss with the gray-haired Sekirei. At the same time, he has his hands on her soft, springy boobs, kneading and deforming their round shape before they return back to their initial shape.

Their tongues are wrestling passionately; their bodies are as though attempting to meld into one; their thighs entwine together like a pair of snakes in a mating ritual. They deeply immersed in the heat of the moment, seeking the affection and love of the other; they are losing themselves in the passion.

Ryan broke the kiss after a while, earning another disappointed mewl from Kochou. He pulls back his body before positioning it between her legs; he spreads her legs apart until he can see her wet, secret spot clearly.

"Ryan-sama! Stop staring, please! I'm so embarrassed!" Kochou protested bashfully, hiding her red face behind her hands.

However, Ryan ignores her protest and watches her beautiful secret place a little longer, engraving its appearance in his mind. She has smoothly shaved groin. Whether it's natural or she shaved it, Ryan doesn't know and he doesn't care.

"I'm going to put my dick in," Ryan bluntly informed Kochou who peeked through the gap between her fingers.

Kochou nods silently, giving her permission.

Ryan grabs his fully erect cock and brings the helm close to her drooling entrance. He rubs the tip on her wet, meaty slit, making her leak a surprised yelp. He disregards her reaction and rubs his cock on her entrance more, lubricating it with her warm nectar.

After estimating his cock was wet enough, Ryan slowly pushes his helm into Kochou's pussy.

"Hngh! Hauuuh!" Kochou groaned from the unfamiliar sensation of something hot and thick digging into her unsullied pussy.

Kochou grabs the bedcover tightly with her hands before twisting strongly, almost ripping it off. She closes her eyes tightly as she frowns from the intrusive sensation. However, she doesn't demand Ryan to stop, silently accepting his little brother.

After the tip of his cock drilled into Kochou's tight pussy, Ryan has his hands on her inner tights, grabbing those meaty limbs for support. He pushes his cock deeper into Kochou's tight cunt slowly while groaning in bliss. Kochou's pussy is hot and tight; her folded, velvety walls are squirming as if they are giving his shaft a massage. The feeling it gives him is superb; he almost comes just from that alone. However, Ryan endures his urge to ejaculate quickly. He doesn't want to be seen as pathetic because of cumming from putting it in. It's a matter of manly pride, and he has quite a big ego, surprisingly.

"I'm all in!" After a few moments, Ryan sheathed his whole shaft inside Kochou's vagina.

Ryan allows his body to fall on top of her soft form with his head resting in her cleavage.

"Yes...We're connected, Ryan-sama. My body is yours now and forever," Kochou whispered into his ear sweetly while combing his hair; her face is full of sweat, similar to her body.

As Ryan hears that, his body shudders strongly. Kochou's sweet voice is like an aphrodisiac that is shafting off his remaining self-restraint. And so, Ryan pulls himself back from Kochou's loving embrace and looms over her form while supporting his body with his hands. He stares into her upturned eyes behind her half-moon, red glasses, glazed with love and bliss.

It's enough to snap the last chain that restrained his primal, feral nature as a man.

'Fuck this! I'm going to ruin her for any other man!' Ryan thought even though it's unnecessary.

It's in Sekirei's nature to have only one Ashikabi after being winged. Cheating their Ashikabi is the unimaginable thing for them unless their Ashikabi tells them to cheat. Of course, only abnormal people with fetish being cuckolded will do something so stupid like that.

Ryan is clearly not one of those abnormal people!

Ryan starts moving his hips, thrusting his cock in and out of Kochou's slippery but tight as vice pussy. He groans and grunts in bliss as he does it. The feeling is sublime; he really misses this feeling after breaking up with his two girlfriends in his previous life.

Kochou is squirming under him and moaning sweetly. Because of her tightness, his dick that has been enlarged gets to touch the folded surface of her entire walls, rubbing her sweet spot. His tip even kisses her cervix. He focused on the spot that made her leak out that sweet, alluring voice. It's an instinctive urge because of his Love-Making skill.

"Hmmm...ahn, ah, ah, hyauuuuh! Ryan-sama, Ryan-sama, Ryan-samaaaaah~❤"

After moving his cock like a piston, back and forth into Kochou's pussy, Ryan allows his body to drop on hers and rests his head in her deep valley; he rubs and kneads one of her tits as he uses his mouth to bite and suck the other. As he sucks one of her stiff nipples with his mouth, he pinches and twists the other with his fingers.

Kochou grabs a fistful of his hair on the back of his head and pushes his face deeper into her ample breasts. She is feeling bliss as her sweet spot and erogenous zone are repeatedly stimulated by Ryan's hot, hard rod and her breasts and nipples are toyed by him.

Before long, Ryan can feel the telltale sign of his climax. The pressure in his balls becomes stronger by each thrust he is delivering into Kochou's convulsing, wet snatch. He speeds up his movement, eliciting surprised gasps from Kochou. Soon, her gasps revert back into sweet, alluring moans. She becomes incoherent in rapture.

"Kochou! Cumming! I'm gonna cum!" Ryan informed his first Sekirei while speeding up his thrust further.

He releases all his boosted physical prowess as he drills his cock inside her. At the same time, Kochou pulls him deeper into her embrace; her thighs clamp his waist strongly as her legs are locked behind him.

"Inside, hyaahn! Inside! Pour your semen inside me, Ryan-samaaah! Impregnate me! Makes me yours forever!" Kochou shouted aloud as she clutched on his body desperately.

The lewd, wet sound of their love-making and the boisterous sound from flesh hitting flesh is echoing in the room, mixing with their frantic grunts, groans, moans, and gasps. The musk permeate the air they breathe in, but it increased the stimulation that pushed them up towards the edge of their climax.

"Hangh!" Ryan suddenly grunted as he sheathed himself deep into Kochou. The tip of his cock kissed her cervix.

The next moment, Ryan pours his hot, thick seed into Kochou's womb.

"Coming! Ryan-sama's sperm is coming out! It fills me! It fills me to the brim! Hyaaaah!" Kochou shudders strongly as she feels Ryan's semen filled her womb. Ryan's ejaculation has triggered her orgasm; she reaches her orgasm right after her Ashikabi.

They stay in that position as their bodies tremble and spasm from their intense orgasm. At this moment, cyan light burst out from Kochou's back, signifying the activation of her Norito.

It's said that Sekirei needs her Ashikabi's Gene to unlock their Norito—the true power of a Sekirei. Normally, it's through the exchange of saliva, or to be precise, the Sekirei takes her Ashikabi's Gene in his saliva. A man's sperm also contains his DNA. Therefore, it's enough to trigger off Sekirei's Norito.

After recovering from their respective orgasmic trances, they exchange a deep, passionate kiss. Afterward, they stay in that position for a while; Ryan is resting on Kochou's soft body as Kochou hug him tightly in her arms. They savor the afterglow of their orgasm till the last drop.

After a few minutes, they shift their positions, resting their side on the bed without separating themselves. They stare into each other's eyes, engraving the appearance of their partner on their memory.

"By the wisdom of my pledge, I'm yours forever and ever, Ryan-sama," Kochou pledged with a sweet tone and lovely expression even though the sweat drenches it. She seems very tired yet her face is glowing with happiness and satisfaction.

When Ryan sees and hears that, he feels as though his heart skipped a couple of beats before drumming frantically. He isn't dense to be unaware of his falling in love with the grey-haired alien in his arms.

"Yeah, you're now mine now and forever."

Right after he responding Kochou's pledge with that cringe-inducing cheesy line, Ryan sees the familiar notification of the system in his field of vision.

Chapter's Word Count: 1431

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