
Supreme Harem System

Normally, death will be the end, but it's just the beginning for Ryan Maxwell. With the privileges he acquired as the host of a System that evolved into the Supreme Harem System due to his wish, can he stay true to his desire? Or will his obligations become the hindrance in his attempt to be the Harem Supreme? Let's find out, shall we? ——— Release: Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday at 00.00 AM GMT+8 ——— Image Copyright: myhilary (Deviantart) ——— If you like this story, consider supporting me at: - P*treon.com/crazysnail ——— Author's Thought: I'm Indonesian, so English isn't my main language. Sorry if you find out some mistakes in grammar structures and punctuations and typos. I write this story to exercise my writing skills before I'm confident enough to release my original story. Thank you.

CrazySnail05 · Fantasy
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39 Chs


Ryan is browsing the spare parts of the latest cutting edge computer on the shelf. As he does that, he also has a silent monologue in his head.

'Since I can bring everything I store into System's Storage, I won't waste my money. Let's see... This motherboard is beyond the latest product from my original world. Well, this world's year is 2020, a year ahead of my original world. Moreover, MBI also influenced the development of electronic with the over-technology from Sekirei's spaceship. I shouldn't be surprised.'

As Ryan picks up everything that piqued his interest before putting it into his shopping basket, he continues to mull over the difference between this world and his original world.

'Although the system is being stuck up with its level clearance rules, at least, I've found out the multiverse is real. There are countless other worlds other than my original world. I think this world is based on the real Sekirei world. So, the technology of that world is ahead of mine because of the alien techs Minaka and Takami have discovered in Kamikura Island. I want to visit that world in the future if I can... Holy shit! 128 GB Ram with speed 25,000MHz!'

Ryan is dumbstruck when he sees the said item behind the glass case. Such a cutting edge technology hasn't been published yet back in his original world. He walks up to the counter in a hurry. There's a middle-aged male shopkeeper sitting on a stool behind the glass counter.

"Excuse me. Can I see the details of that ram?'

"Could I see the complete specs of this product?"

As Ryan calls out the shopkeeper, he isn't alone in doing so. Someone else also calls out the shopkeeper for a similar reason.

Ryan unintentionally turns around to face the person, whose sweet yet blunt voice indicated the speaker's gender is female.

Ryan is astonished when his view lands on her.

She has the appearance of a woman with short gray hair and long side bangs and is wearing red half-moon glasses. She is wearing a long light purple outfit similar to a corset, that had frills around the neck and under her large breasts, and a belt tied around the waist. A side slit runs down in her outfit from the thigh. The loose covering of her hand had a purple stripe. Her height is 165 cm, and her three sizes are B86/W54/H84.

She is also carrying her shopping basket with many spare parts of portable gadgets. She seems to be in the middle shopping the things related to her power over an electronic device.

'Sekirei No. 22... Kochou...' Ryan thinks the woman's name in his mind.

A screen suddenly pops up in his field of vision and gives him a warning.


System's Warning!

A pure-blooded Sekirei is detected within the close vicinity of the host. Ashikabi's Gene (Initial) is activated.


'Are you kidding me!'

Ryan's right brow twitches furiously as he reads the text in the screen. But, it is only the beginning.

Another one pops up the next moment.


Main Mission Alert!

"Wing" Sekirei No. 22 Kochou!

Duration: 1 Day

Rewards: 100 SP, A Skill Upgrade

Punishment: Ashikabi's Gene will disappear


When Ryan sees the Punishment, he wants to flip a nearby table. Although his low Ashikabi's Gene passive skill only allows him to wing a single Sekirei, it is very precious for him. After all, it's a ticket to get a cute girl or buxom lady easily.

Sekirei is going to be an easy pick. When a Sekirei is emerged after exchanging DNA with her/his Ashikabi, natural 'winging' or not, they are compelled to fall in love with their bonded Ashikabi, willing or not. Because of this, forceful winging is abhorred because it's considered a crime similar and even worse than rape in the perspective of Sekirei. After all, they are bonded forcefully to somebody they're not destined with forever.

That trivia aside, returning back to the topic at hand. Winging a Sekirei will allow Ryan to have an easy beginning to start his harem because Sekirei doesn't seem to mind a harem for their Ashikabi. What matter the most for these aliens is their Ashikabi's happiness.

In short, Ryan is going to take advantage of Sekirei's open-minded nature to kick start his harem plan.

Ryan forcefully calms down and glances at Kochou. He discovers that she's standing rooted in her spot; her eyes are glazed as she watches his face intently; her fair, unblemished skin that is like flawless white pearl slowly turns red; her breath turns short and rapid as if she is reaching her body's physical limit from hard exercise; she looks as if she has got very turned on, suddenly aroused without any clear reason.

Ryan is lost for words. The reaction is too much! It's very different from watching the anime or reading the manga. Moreover, this woman is truly beautiful and sexy.

"A...Ashi...ka..." As Kochou spoke haltingly, Ryan returned back to the present. He immediately recognized what's going to happen next.

'She is clearly reacting to me because of my Ashikabi's Gene's sudden activation!'

Ryan doesn't have any problem with such an exquisite woman like Kochou, but he hopes that his first Sekirei will be a fighting type. Heck, he doesn't mind to get the elemental-type Sekirei as his first Sekirei. But, Kochou's power is limited over technology, and a certain red-haired, bespectacled pervert who always wears cheongsam has the better skill than her.

However, he remembers that Kochou's power will be very useful in the modern world with high technology rate. Also, he'll cripple Izumi Higa faction if he wings Kochou since she is their main cyber-fighter and support.

'Whatever! I don't mind a hacker girl as my first harem member!'

Ryan grabs Kochou's hand and says, "Wait! You look like you're having a fever. It seems bad! I'll take you to the nearest clinic!" Ryan spoke to her in fluent Japanese. It was the effect of his passive ability; All Human's Languages Mastery.

"No! Wait! I'm not... I'm fine!" Flustered, Kochou verbally denied but didn't pull her hand from his grasp.

'Motherf*cker! This woman is going to screw up my plan to find a better place to wing her! There's no way I'm gonna wing her here!' Ryan cursed in his mind and felt as if he was going to spurt out blood in anger.

"Don't worry! I'll take you to the nearest clinic. Now be silent before you aggravating your condition, miss!" Ryan forcefully reined his temper and smiled comfortingly at her, feigning kindness. He's experienced in the matter of picking up girl since he'd successfully dated two girls at the same time in his previous life.

Luckily, Kochou follows Ryan's hasty order, shutting her mouth tightly. Ryan then places their shopping baskets on the counter and speaks to the dumbfounded shopkeeper "Old man, I'll return back for my things. Please warp them up! I promise I'll return back soon! Now, it's an emergency. This lady needs to get checked in the nearest clinic!"

"Do you need to call an ambulance?" The shopkeeper asked with an expression that mixed worry and amazement into one as he watched Kochou's exquisite appearance.

As she is blushing and panting, this human-looking alien is too alluring; her charm is very dangerous!

"No need! Waiting for the ambulance is too long! I'll go now, old man!"

Chapter's Word Count: 1238

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