
Supreme harem of milf

__________________________________ Alex who was suffering from gerontophilia (where a teen only loves older ladies), just wanted to propose to his college professor Merlin and wanted to live a happy life with her. But fate has other plans, Merlin already has a boyfriend and she will marry him soon when Alex knows about this, his heart breaks apart and he loses his hope for life. On that day he got an attack and died in front of an Overspeed car. When his soul reached heaven, a god gave him a chance to become what he wished for all the time. He got another life and he got something he didn't accept that god and his life turned into something different from Earth. We'll see the journey of Alex(yuan) where he made a harem full of milfs and do a lot of things. _____________________________________ This novel isn't only about adult scenes and se*, this novel has a very intriguing story too. You will see it after when you read. _____________________________________ if you are below eighteen, you should not read this novel, no NTR Yuri MC's lover will not go for another man when she loves him. He'll steal another man's women. ___________________________________ sword fight:- yes, without a sword how will you beat enemies? powerful villain:- yes Dual cultivation:- yes slave - yes _____________________________________ This is my first novel so I need your support..at least give this novel one chance. At least read a few chapters and then if you don't like u can do what you want. _____________________________________ if you guys have any suggestions or any issue with chapters, you can connect me on discord:- https://discord.gg/QfD9SptvBC _____________________________________ cover image is not owned by me. i downloaded it from other resources. if owner wants to remove it I'll remove immediately

cultured_dude · Eastern
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9 Chs

yuan's past life

Yuan doesn't know too much about the queen, but he can give it a try after this matter. He can't leave a beauty doesn't matter if she's a queen or empress.

In the meantime, the chef of the queen's palace was evaluating Rui's food and he was shocked by every second. The lady behind the Queen also looked at him and waited for his answers.

The chef finally evaluated the food and he angrily saw Rui and said "You are a doctor and you don't know that this food contains a deadly poison and you want to give this food to the queen" his facial structure looked like a monster.

As the head chef of the Queen's palace, he knows a lot about poison because a lot of people want to assassinate the queen through food and he must check her food. That fat man instantly found poison in Rui's food. He was just taking his time for proper evidence.

The lady behind the queen also became an angry goddess and told to Rui "You wanted to give this food to the queen and want to kill her, you did a heinous crime, this is unacceptable "That lady looks like a paid actor but no one noticed it because her emotionless face.

Rui became nervous and he said "Her Majesty I don't know about this poison, how can I kill you, It's all that restaurant's fault, they gave me poisonous food and they didn't even check it" he just wanted a clean chit and go away from this house and then he'll stay away from everyone.

Queen didn't say anything and kept her silence like she was telling him that I was only a guest, and the lady behind me would give you punishment.

The lady behind her also understood everything and said " I'll handle this matter and check that hotel too if you are innocent, then we'll give you bail and you will get compensation too"

That lady looked outside from the door and shouted "Soldiers arrest this man and detain him and also go for that restaurant, from where he brought this food "

Everything that's happening here is pre-planned and everyone doing their job properly except Rui. He's still thinking that everything is a coincidence and he can be safe again. He has to do some planning but if he gets arrested, he can't do anything and he's sure that his facade will exposed. He was thinking about a person, who could save him, and he turned around her and all the cards vanished instantly.

He was thinking about Xuner, who could save him now but when he saw her, he found that she was looking at him angrily. He said to her " sister, I'm innocent, believe me, I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't even know this food was poisoned "

Xuner said angrily "Shut up, you piece of shit, you tried to kill my baby and you are not allowed to call me sister and we don't have any relation with you from now on" She was angry with him from the moment she knew that Rui tried to kill Yuan.

Xuner wants to kill him with her own hands but for the queen's respect, she has to refrain her hands.

Xiao and Xylin were also angry but like Xuner they also kept their silence. Queen Xia already knew their feelings but she gave all the authority over this matter to the lady behind her.

She knew that 'Rui' held a great position in a doctor group and society. She can only arrest him for now and has to keep a background check properly.

The lady behind the queen is a personal bodyguard of the queen and she also holds the position of general in the military. No one has authority above her except the queen herself. She can even arrest monsters and princes if they are found guilty.

A few soldiers came instantly and captured Rui and his pleas were unheard, no one wanted to even listen to his sorrow and beg for mercy.

Queen then turned to Xuner and said "Your son has great potential in verbal arguments, did you teach him? "

Xuner were also shocked by the yuan's counterattack on Rui's words, but she kept quiet. Xuner said to the queen "No I didn't teach him, he learnt all the things from himself and he also read a lot of books in his bed so maybe he learnt from there"

Queen wasn't satisfied by Xuner's answer, but she didn't pursue this matter more.

Xuner then removed all poisonous food and replaced it with good food. They all eat together and enjoy their food.

A few hours later queen and her companions went on their way but the queen also told them "If they want, they can send yuan to the national martial academy"

Xuner just shook her head and said nothing. How can she send her baby to another place when he just today got up from his bed and she shared some sweet moments? She wants to spend more time with him and if Yuan wants to go there, she'll not stop him.

Yuan also sends the queen off from his house. Now Yuan, Xuner and her two aunts sat in the hall and they wanted to talk about a few things with Yuan.

Xiao asked her first question "Yuan you said, you got your past life memories, can you tell me what were you in your past life and how you died? What type of world that was? "

When Yuan told them about his death, he also mentioned that he had his past life memories, so he had to explain everything.

Yuan saw that all three ladies had the same type of expression and they all wanted to know about this question immediately.

Yuan took a deep breath and said "I was living in a place named Earth and there were no powers or something like that, I was just a normal 18 years old boy and I was good in my studies, that world has lots of gadgets like tv, refrigerator, washing machine and many more things "

Yuan then stopped and saw their face and he could see that they never heard about these things, so Yuan explained all the things and their usages.

Yuan then said again " I have a father and he was a politician and my mother was a doctor and they both live separately from me and how I died" Yuan became silent on this matter, how can he say he just died due to rejection, doesn't he looks like a pathetic looser.

When Yuan kept his silence, xiao said "How did you die there? "

Yuan doesn't want to hide anything from them because they are his new family now so he says "I love my teacher and the day when I went to propose to her, there I found she's already dating someone and will get married in few days, I can't accept that things and my heart got numb and a car hit me and I died "

Yuan looks at their face and he's expecting a mocking laugh, but he got nothing. He can see three emotions in their eyes and those emotions are anger, sympathy and hate.

hello everyone, now you can also give my novel power stones and that will motivate me to upload more chapters please add my novel to the collection and your library.

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