
Supreme harem of milf

__________________________________ Alex who was suffering from gerontophilia (where a teen only loves older ladies), just wanted to propose to his college professor Merlin and wanted to live a happy life with her. But fate has other plans, Merlin already has a boyfriend and she will marry him soon when Alex knows about this, his heart breaks apart and he loses his hope for life. On that day he got an attack and died in front of an Overspeed car. When his soul reached heaven, a god gave him a chance to become what he wished for all the time. He got another life and he got something he didn't accept that god and his life turned into something different from Earth. We'll see the journey of Alex(yuan) where he made a harem full of milfs and do a lot of things. _____________________________________ This novel isn't only about adult scenes and se*, this novel has a very intriguing story too. You will see it after when you read. _____________________________________ if you are below eighteen, you should not read this novel, no NTR Yuri MC's lover will not go for another man when she loves him. He'll steal another man's women. ___________________________________ sword fight:- yes, without a sword how will you beat enemies? powerful villain:- yes Dual cultivation:- yes slave - yes _____________________________________ This is my first novel so I need your support..at least give this novel one chance. At least read a few chapters and then if you don't like u can do what you want. _____________________________________ if you guys have any suggestions or any issue with chapters, you can connect me on discord:- https://discord.gg/QfD9SptvBC _____________________________________ cover image is not owned by me. i downloaded it from other resources. if owner wants to remove it I'll remove immediately

cultured_dude · Eastern
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10 Chs

yuan's fragile body

Yuan felt relieved after telling his story. He just doesn't want to keep them in the dark and he also must keep them safe. He still lied to them, but he's now Yuan, not Alex and the people in front of him are his new family members.

When Yuan didn't see any mocking expression on their faces, he said to them "What happened? "

Xuner said angrily "Who is that disgusting teacher, who can't see my baby's innocence, she chose another person rather than you if I have any chance to go there in future, I'll beat her mercilessly " She just can't accept that to someone refuse her baby proposal.

Xiao also said "Yes, big sis you're right, that lady choose a shit, when there was a gem in front of her"

Xylin also shook her head and said nothing and Yuan could see there was also sympathy in her eyes, Yuan just didn't know what was that sympathy for and for whom.

Yuan just wants to hug them tightly, because the affection he gets from them is something he wants from his past life.

Yuan stood up and went in front of Xuner hugged her tightly and said "Thanks Mom for everything, you did for me"

He then leaves her and goes in between his aunts and hugs them too. His emotions were just overflowing and he got his emotions in control after those hugs.

Yuan said to them "Mom and aunts I'll talk to you tomorrow, today I have no energy now and you guys should also rest for now" Yuan is still weak in their body and he knows nothing about cultivation and anything from this world, he also has to know about system functioning.

All the ladies agreed with him said good night and went to their rooms.

Yuan also went to his room and asked a few questions about his system. Yuan said to the system "System, can you tell me, what is these love points and how can I get this more frequently? " Yuan wants to keep his body in fit condition at least because his body looks like a drained river With no life system.

[ Host, love points are like a salary for your work but here you have to do work with opposite genders and especially older ladies, you can earn points by kissing, groping, intercourse or even you can earn through some sensual touches, you will get few missions and after completion you will get rewards like love points]

Yuan asked another question " Why is this body too weak? Is there any way to improve this body condition?"

[ Host, this body contains lots of poison and you have a welcome gift, you can learn more after using the welcome gift]

Yuan was too curious, so he said instantly "ok, then why don't you tell me this earlier, leave that, now I want to use my welcome gift "

[Host, are you sure? You will have to go through a little bit of pain]

Yuan said "Yes do it, I just want to get rid of this fragile body" Yuan was much better in his past life body but he looked like a dried chicken. He will do anything to improve his body condition, a little bit of pain is nothing.

[ Yes host, the process will be starting in 3 seconds]




[Welcome gift initiating]

[ Bone reconstruction]

After this notification, Yuan felt that kind of pain, like a roller past through his body. He's feeling that his whole body is cracking from here and there. He only can feel that pain, he can't even cry and shout.

Yuan couldn't bear that pain and he fell unconscious. His body is going through lots of processes that he'll know about after getting his consciousness.

His system is working smoothly, the system reconstructed his bones and threw dust from his body. No one can see but his bones become golden rather than white.

[ Muscles reconstruction process start]

Yuan all muscles and his skin fell off from his body and his muscles and his skin repeated all processes like bone reconstruction. His face now looks more handsome and he got a glow like a prince and Yuan's aura became like an emperor's.

Yuan's body has now become rock solid, but if anyone sees him, that person will think of Yuan as a teen child.

[ A soul trace found, merging souls with host]

[Soul level - rank 3]

[Soul changed into human soul to master soul]

[New mission]

Add a milf into your harem and give her a mark

Time:- 15 days

Reward - 150 love points

[Host, cultivation reaches to 'Energy rank' to 'major foundation building' rank]

[Host, all stats have been updated]

[System shop opened]

[System inventory opened]

[Host, private space opened (only 1 member access, which hasn't any harem mark)(harem mark 2 members can enter)]

[Host will get a basic knowledge about every profession]

The system did everything when Yuan was unconscious. The system kept silent after doing all of that and maybe went into sleep mode.

Yuan got his senses back after 3 or more hours later. When Yuan woke up, his nose felt a disgusting smell of something. When Yuan looked around him, he found that his all body was covered with a black thick layer of dust.

Yuan directly ran into his bathroom and cleaned himself properly. Yuan can't see his face now, but when he sees his body, he becomes dumbfounded because his body looks too fragile and soft. Yuan can feel that his body has become too strong and he can also feel a different type of power in his body.

Yuan then touched his face and he could feel that his facial structure had changed and became like a soft toy. Yuan then saw the downside of his body and he saw his "little brother" Now he became shocked and his whole body trembled like a vibrating mobile.

{ I'll upload about cultivation levels and system features in auxiliary volumes and that will contain a few spoilers, but I'll upload that after chapter 10 so don't worry about cultivation level or other stuff, and please drop your comments about grammatical error, I'll clear it ASAP}

I need a cover image for my novel, if any of you have any ideas please contact me through discord and add my novel in your collection and you can also support me through power stoneCreation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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