
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 215×Operation Human Evolution


*DxD World*

*Human World*



Haile was now back in Japan having teleported back to save time, he just got bored of only seeing sea is all, on his way Ophis also returned having delivered his beautifully crafted message.

They were now walking through the streets of Kyoto, both in the traditional kimonos which matched while holding hands as they ate ice-cream.

.""Do you like it Ophis, wait, lick it from the otherside quickly, it's melting, ah"".


Ophis looked down at her kimono then at the empty ice-cream cone, then at the ground, then up to Haile with her monotonous version of puppy eyes.

."Hahahaha, I told you to eat it quickly, come I'll get you another one."Haile said with a smile, he shook his head at her expression.

Ophis made a low hum, then looked at Haile's ice-cream which mysterious appeared in her hand seconds later, Haile was even confused for a moment, he glanced at his hand and his eyes widened.

."What the, you greedy dragon, *hmpm* trying to bully your man now, watch."Haile said as he held her chin and kissed her as he sucked all the ice-cream out her mouth.


Several onlookers reacted to this, specifically the women unable to handle the level of cuteness unseen ever, one would think these women would be more preoccupied with worry over finding out that the supernatural exists for real.

Ophis's face was red and her eyes were glazed over as Haile pulled back with a string of saliva that made a bridge between them.

."Mmm, somehow it tastes even better, maybe I should let you steal my food more often."Haile said with a charming smile as he had his finger on her chin, then he glanced to his side.

Haile suddenly realized everyone was watching them, some with red faces and others salivating, he cleared his throat and held Ophis hand again as he led her along.

Ophis didn't react to any of it still in a daze as she touched her lips gently, then a smile appeared on her face as her grip tightened on his hand.

."Oh by the way Ophis what did Michael say anyway, I didn't feel any lingering bloodlust so I assume he's still alive, so it must be good news then."Haile asked her, their hands swung freely as they approached the shrine.

Ophis tilt her head in thought."..Dunno..saw me, froze, then oh, give this..said..one more day.."She said as she opened her palm and a glowing golden sword appeared, it had on its hilt a single wing with the sword "God King" engraved upon it.

."Hmm, I see."Haile smiled as he took it, he gazed at it for a moment before he chuckled."He sure is a crafty man, made an entire golden sword for me, filled with the energy of Gob and the holy power of 144,000 angels, not bad, I accept."

He smirked as he put it in his dimension.'That Michael, he sure has been trained well by Gob, he can beg to perfection.'He thought as he chuckled."Haha."

Haile stopped walking as he slowly raised his gazed, they have arrived, Yasaka's shrine, it was still as beautiful as he left it, it's nature energy ever present and powerful.

Both he and Ophis calmly ascended the stairs taking their sweet times, their fingers were Interlocked and Ophis just stared at his face the entire time, she embodied the essence of a young maiden still innocently in love.

But it's to be expected in a way, as Ophis is one of the few that could still confidently remain as willfully ignorant and/or innocent as she wished, after all she could just "take care" of anyone who had a problem with it.

."Now, do I just barge in uninvited all cool and glowy or maybe knock on the kingdom's doors like a proper gently gentleman."Haile asked himself as he smiled, he then rubbed his chin in thought.

Ophis gazed at the shrine then back at Haile."First one...wanna see."She said monotonously as she levitated off the ground holding his hand.

."Hoo you like that one, alright glowy and amazing it is, let's go up and crash the party with my supreme entry."Haile said with a charming smile, he burst off in a flash of speed as he turned into light.


Flying into the sky he hugged Ophis's waist tightly with one hand as she allowed herself to be dragged along by him, both of them blended into one giant golden light and peirced the clouds.

They hovered in outer space high above the planet, Ophis glanced out into deepspace seeing the stars, Haile also glanced at them.

."Soon enough, Ophis, soon this will belong to us, everything in this universe and all others, no one can block our path."Haile said as his eyes flashed golden and an immense pressure escaped his body.

Ophis looked at his confident and beautiful face, she couldn't help but stare for a moment as if taking it all in."Mn."She nodded her head in acknowledgement.

With that they once again became light and began their descent, like a golden ray falling from the kingdom of the Gods, they peirce the clouds bypassing even the wind.

All across the world various entities, supernatural and not caught notice of this strange phenomenon, like a ball of golden fire thrown out by the sun it gunned downward prepared to display untold destruction.


*Yasaka Palace*

Nalisa had some sweat on her forehead as she glanced back and forth between Hera and Clernet with some semblance of defeat.

."What did you say to me you big foreheaded bitch, do you think you can say whatever just because I let you be."Hera spoke with a cold glint in her eyes as she looked at Clernet.

Clernet smirked as a cold glare was also present within her own orbs."You let me be, funny joke, but I don't need to do anything to a whore who only knows to spread her cheeks."She said as she turned away and ignored her.

."Whore, you, *hmpm* even if that were true better than being an ugly aged fossil that no one wants, even my husband doesn't want you."Hera said lacing her tone with as much venom as she could.

Those words hit where it truly hurt, Clernet's eyes glowed red as she clenched her teeth, hearing Hera and also remembering what Haile did to her before only served to make her angrier.

."Please no fighting, *sigh* what am I going to do with you all, maybe having everlasting life is not such a good idea."Nalisa said as she rubbed her temple.

.""But she started it!"".

.""She started it!"".

Yasaka chuckled lightly at them, she currently sat on a wooden throne at the head of her dojo, her daughter Kunou sat on her lap stiffly as she warily observed all the women present.

Hera, Grafia, Serafall, Rossweisse who by the way still doesn't understand why she was there, Nalisa, Asia, Lavine, Clernet, Ciaa, Alavalanch and Crissy.

Kunou watched them all closely and not with good feelings, she blamed them partly for why her big brother doesn't like her anymore, why he threw her away because he doesn't need her.


Suddenly everyone felt a strange wavelength of energy and looked up all together in sync with Hera, Clernet and Yasaka feeling it first.



Clernet stood up stunned."My barrier, someone broke it!?."She said in shock, who could possibly do that with her current power, as far as she know she has recovered enough to surpass Haile.

."Oh really, we didn't notice."Hera said sarcastically as she summoned a sword and coated it in her red aura.

Kunou's tail twitched and her eyes widened in excitement, she quickly hopped off her confused mother's lap and gazed up at the ceiling eagerly.

Asia stood as her eyes glowed green and a ball of green magic appeared in her hand."Who would be so foolish."She said annoyed, she was already frustrated from before so this just poked at her nerves.

Soon before they knew it a vast golden light enveloped the room which brought a spirit of majesty and power, in the ceiling a small line appeared that grew bigger like a portal.

From it out came two divine beings that which are unlike anything the world had ever seen or could ever handle, Haile and Ophis hand in hand.

."Good of you to all be here, I know you missed my luscious lips but I have retur-, wait where are the other's."Navir said as he paused, he glanced at everyone, Clernet, Hera, Nalisa, Asia, Lavine, Ciaa, Rossweisse, Grafia, Serafall, Yasaka, Kunou, Alavalanch, Crissy and the Chinese Goddess Huo.

Clernet sighed."I should've known it'd be you, bastard, how are you somehow still stronger than me."She said honestly exasperated.

."Hm Clernet, oh that was your barrier, knew it felt familiar, you got back some more power, were you the one that teleported them here."Haile said with a smile, then suddenly he glanced to his side as a blur appeared, he opened his arms.

.""Waaaaa big brother!!!"".

Kunou flew into Haile arms as she started crying, Asia gasped as she appeared by Haile's side a split second later."How could you, I'm his real little sister, move."She said as she pushed Kunou out of the way and hugged Haile.

."You, who do you think you are!."Kunou bared her fangs and claws, her tails swayed in the air frantically."Get away from him you harlot."

Asia long out her tongue at Kunou."No, this is my big brother and a random little girl shouldn't be using words like harlot."She said as she rubbed her face in Haile's chest.

Haile just smiled at this as he hugged Asia's waist and also pat Kunou's head, Ophis frowned cause he released her hand."Asia, Kunou, don't fight, ok?."He said casually.



Both Asia and Kunou responded at the same time and immediately stopped their bickering, Haile kiss Kunou on the forehead."I missed you Kunou, did you miss me?."He asked as he rubbed her fox ears.

Kunou wanted with all her heart to say no in spite after what he did to her before but now that he was here she just couldn't do it."*Sniffle* Yes..."She nodded with teary eyes as she hugged him tightly.

."Don't worry, I won't be leaving again for a long time, Asia, I see you're still being a bad girl as usual, you might've killed more people than God in that flood hahaha."Haile said as he chuckled and shook his head, anime worlds sure are fun.

Asia's shoulders slumped a little."B-but I wasn't..it wasn't-I, Mmmmm I'm sorry I caused you trouble"She said as she held her head low.

."Too late for regrets now, but don't worry, you belong to me so nothing will happen to you, as I said before and I'll say it again, under me you can do whatever you wish, just don't hurt each other or betray me."Haile said as his eyes glowed golden and his presence even without an aura grabbed hold of the air.

Everyone present made no noise or rebuttals, surprisingly even Clernet who was usually so vocal about her dislike for him and her adamant intents of not wanting to be part of his harem band of sluts was silent.

Ciaa and Crissy glanced at each other with awe, Alavalanch she on the other hand was excited."Kakakaka."She chuckled ominously, this could only mean she had free reign with her experiments.

."Oh by the way, where are the others, I could feel their presence here."Haile asked with a smiled as he glanced at Huo standing behind Hera."Hm, You sure adapted quickly, you're a pretty smart girl."

The Chinese Taoist Goddess of Fire lowered her head as she tried to make her presence small out of fear, Hera frowned and grabbed her hair."Didn't you hear my husband talking to you."She said roughly.

."T-thank you your majesty God King."Huo nushen said with a pale face as she came forward and bowed deeply at the waist.

Haile smiled gently."What's wrong, are you scared of me, I remembered when we first met you had quite the few fiery words to say to me, like dog, burnt country vagabon and others."He said walking over to her calmly.

."I-I but-I."Huo nushen's face began to turn various shades of green and blue as she felt her heart drop, instantly she could feel several cold gazes on her and was filled with regret.

Hera stared holes into the back of Huo Nushen's head."You think you were forgiven for that, who do you think you are daring to speak to my husband like that, I should ripped out all your hair and leave you bald."She said with dislike.

."P-please I didn't mean to, I had no choice, I was forced, d-did you think I wanted to be one of young master Yùzi's trophies, if I refused him I would be imprisoned or worse!."Huo nushen explained with pleading and begging eyes.

Hera continued to gaze at her coldly, but she bit her lip uncomfortably as a memory resurfaced, wasn't her relationship with Zeus kinda like that, when he became king of the Gods he also forced her to become his wife.

At first she was obviously livid but after all those years of him trying to force himself on her didn't she accept him out of shame and obligation to stabilize the realm.

Then her divinity of marriage came in and further forced her to love him and be loyal to him, a man only after her body lustfully and never truly loved her, it was unfair but that's what happened.

Grafia who woke up hearing her story pitied her as she also understood where she came from, it happened to her also, where she was forced to marry Sirzechs just so she could live as a normal devil and save her life.

All the things she did to survive and be free, what she did that that family, she ruined their lives, ruined Sirzechs life and now, who was not even her real son, she didn't even get to beg for his forgiveness.

Yasaka could also relate in a way, she was almost forced to conjoin with a human to have a child for the sake of her race, if she wasn't a fox Youkai she would've died as she had to use alot of her lifespan to have Kunou by herself.

Haile glanced around seeing the girls expressions and he only had one thought.'Do all of them have problems, am I a problem collector?.'He thought amused.


A scoffed echoed throughout the dojo, everyone turned to Clernet, Hera frowned."What now you husbandless lonely bitch."She said annoyed.

Clernet gained a tic on her head as she smirked through gritted teeth."You all are so gullible, one of these days Haile will just get tired of your idiocy, she can say anything and you all will believe, is this a pity party now you stupi-."She said but froze up as she quickly turned to Haile.

Haile's expression was still the same remaining unchanged but his golden eyes held an icy undertone."..Watch your mouth and mind your tone, I need you to remember your place, don't let it happen again Clernet, I would hate to punish you."He said warmly but the words were chilling.

The room was silent for a bit and Clernet's eyes shook, she could feel an unknown stabbing pain that infiltrated her heart and it infuriated her.

."*Tsk*...Whatever.."Clernet responded as she looked away, not even noticing the sadness of her own gaze and the pit in her stomach that made her feel bad, he definitely hurt her feelings just then.

Hera smirked at this, she would've also long out her tongue at her if that wouldn't make her seem childish, but by her husband she wanted too so badly.

.""~Darling Haile, why haven't you come sweep me up and given me lots and lots of kisses yet muha muha~"".

Instantly breaking the tense atmosphere Serafall came twirling in like a mini pink magical girl tornado as she kissed Haile on his cheek.

."Ah Serafall, how have you been, still as cheerful as ever I see, I thought you'd be back in the underworld checking on your clan or something."Haile said with a gentle smile as he lift her chin softly with his index finger.

Serafall cheerily gazed up at him."~Sona Chan Chan and Rias Tan is already going so I was waiting and waiting and waiting until you come back, now hooray we will conquer the world!~."She said pumping her fist in the air and summoning her magic wand in excitement.

."Hahaha you're quite energetic for a century old-ahem I mean, don't worry the plan to conquer the world has long been underway."Haile said with a smile as he turned to the other's."Now that the most populous species in the universe, humans, now know that supernatural exists we need a grand battle all of them can see."

Grand battle, the girls were all confused at this, why would showing normal humans a war be to any benefit at all, their bewilderment was very visible.

."What I mean by that is, since they know about us now to get them to join the supernatural willingly we have to Introduce them to the threat of it all."Haile said casually."That way certain artifacts, blood and scrolls would be "accidentally" discovered by them as they desperately thrive for a way to protect themselves."

Haile's eyes glowed."I will force an evolution on this planet, only the strong survive, many of them will be good, many of them will be bad, but none of them will be weak, I'll make sure of it."He said as he placed his hands behind his back and gazed off into the distance(wall).

Now they understand what he meant by that, humans were the majority of any race, so for them to gain power like that of the supernatural world, in a sense, the word supernatural will disappear as everyone would be "super" and beyond the word natural.

That would truly change the entire world, even beings like certain Gods who absolutely relied on human worship for power and lifespan.

This could either help them immensely by revitalizing the slowly dwindling faith energy and reestablishing their divine place in the world or.

It could backfired greatly on the God/Pantheons, since the humans could realize that they no longer need any Gods, cause they now had a way to gain this very same power that their Gods possessed.

But either way, the future of the world was very very interesting, no matter how it turned out it would be an exciting spectacle.

Ciaa and Crissy who heard all this were beyond baffled and speechless, they couldn't believe that something like that was going on under their noses.

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