
×Chapter 182×Pain


*Dxd World*

*Human World*


*Yasaka Shrines*

Yasaka's shrine, a place where the ordinary people go to receive blesses and wishes from the Gods and spiritual entities, or that is the usual situation anyway, but now it is currently being occupied by one of these very same spiritual entities the ordinary man would worship, wonder why.

Kunou was sitting on the steps hugging her feet to her chest as she looked to the ground sadly, tears fell from her eyes and onto the ground creating wet spots of art, one could feel the hurt emanating from her aura.

."Big brother *sniffle* why *sob* *hiccup* why can't I find you, big brother *sniffle* big brother.."Kunou spoke out as she cried, she had looked all over for her big brother but she can't seem to find him, she doesn't know why, he was supposed to be always close by.

What will she do now, she can't go back home, she doesn't have any friends to go by or other family, all she has is her big brother, that is all she has.

.""~I can be your big brother if you want little fox hehehe~"".

An ominous voice sounded behind Kunou sending a chill up her spine, she turned her head around slowly and her heart almost stopped beating.


Kunou screamed out as she layed eyes on two large demonic looking eyeballs looking down at her, standing over her was a big shadow figure, it held resemblance to a man.

She got up quickly trying to run away but she trips on her own feet falling to the ground getting herself dirty with some minor bruising.

.""~Oh how sad, even your own feet doesn't want to leave, guess that is a sign huh HeheheheHahahaha~!"".

."N-no leave me alone, plea-please, o-or my b-big brother will come, he will beat you up!!!."Kunou said frightened as she tried to crawl back and away from the evil scary shadow man.

The shadow paused for a moment before seemingly smiling."Then let him, he will die like the bug he is, we had plan to kidnap you a little later down but some plans have changed, come with me."He said reaching towards her as she trembled.

The shadow figure touched her forehead sending her slowly to unconsciousness, her vision became blurry.'Big...brother.'Then she was out.

The shadow man took her up and looked to the shrine."I wonder, what will you do now, this is what you get for cheating on the master all those years ago."He said as he disappeared into a dark mist like smoke.

The shrine was now silent, which by itself was in no way a good omen.


*Youkai Kingdom*

*Yasaka's Room*

Yasaka was now lying on her bed with her head buried into it, a visible depressed aura could be seen emanating from her body and if one listened closely they would be able to hear her slight sniffling.

."*Sniffled*It's just not fair, why me *sniffle*, lady Amaterasu, please tell me why, just answer me that one question!."Yasaka said with distress as she rolled over pointing her hand to the ceiling, all she wants is to be free, having her own decisions, having her own life.




.""MY LADY, MY LADY!!!!"".

A hard banging accompanied by loud shouts of anxiety and fear jumped Yasaka out of her depressed state, her mind instantly went through several hundred thoughts, after all her daughter just left, what else could be so urgent.

Before Yasaka's mind could process anything she was already on her feet and gunning to the door on pure instinct alone.

.'..No..no...please...don't let it be...not her..please..please..'That was the only thing funneling through Yasaka's mind as she finally reached the door.


Yasaka opened the door revealing one of her male attendants, attendant Mi that went to get Haile before, but this sent a chill down her spine, her male attendants would never come to her door unless it was truly grave.

Attendant Mi was trembling and his entire body was coated in sweat, he looked to Yasaka as even his eyesballs were shaking.

."....Lady...Yasaka.....Young Lady Kunou...her life-force bead is broken."Mi said opening his hand showing a small bead, even he couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.


At the utter of those words flowing into Yasaka's ear, an auditable sound of something breaking made itself known, it came right from her chest, her heart was broken.

Yasaka's world came to a stop as she froze up, the surrounding became black and white and she got dizzy, she would have been better off not knowing what that meant in this instant, but unfortunately, she knows what that meant, of course she does, how could she not, it meant her daughter was...

Attendant Mi became frightened as he looked at her, at this moment Yasaka had a calm expression, it was like one would be by themselves after having to fake having fun infront of their friends.

But that wasn't want made Mi's heart skip a beat in fear, it was her eyes, they were dead, dead as in no light or life at all, her eyes alive and in the grave would be no different.

."...Mi."Yasaka spoke as she looked him in the eyes, her voice desolate and muddled with so many different emotions it became frightening.

Attendant Mi shivered at her voice."Ye-yes y-your majesty."He said looking down.

.".....Leave me..."She said as her tone came down and balance out with serenity, she turn around and entering her room again shutting the door softly, her mind was broken.

Attendant Mi reached out his hand to her but stopped not having the balls to do it, he clenched his fist and grit his teeth."I promise, whomever is responsible for this will pay, I swear to you Lady Yasaka."He said bowing his head walking away.

In the room Yasaka was sitting on her bed looking out her balcony door in a daze, suddenly a single tear of blood started a stream down her face in silence, the effects of a broken heart.

For over half hour she sat in a blind daze, lost off in her own crumbling consciousness, then she moved, she held out her hand and a hologram appeared in front of her it wavered slightly before picking up a signal as the figure of someone formed.

.""Greetings lady Yasaka, is there something I can...Mm?"".

The person that Yasaka called was none other than Sirzechs Lucifer, devil king of the underworld.

Sirzechs frowned as he went silent, he looked down at the hologram Yasaka infront of him, she was totally off, he wondered what happened, but since she called him it must be serious.

Yasaka stared at Sirzechs."....Haile.."She said with her lifeless tone.

Sirzechs was startled by this, now he really wanted to know what was going on, this did not seem right."Are you ok Lady Yasaka?."He asked her showing a bit of concern.

."...Haile..where is...he."Yasaka asked him staring at him but not looking at him.

Sirzechs frown deepened."That bast-uh I mean Haile is not around here right now, is there something I can help you with instead?."He asked feeling it's not going to be pretty.

."..Yes..tell him something... .."Yasaka she said as her lips moved with the message.




*Lucifer Office*

Sirzechs in his office was in a state of anxious shock, he was on his feet as he looked down at Yasaka.'This..is...beyond our control.'

.".....ok, I will relay the message, my condolences lady Yasaka, as your allies we will try our best to find the culprits, this is a promise from me, Devil King Lucifer."Sirzechs said seriously as he made the promise.

With that Yasaka disappeared leaving a silent office room.

Sirzechs sat down sighing to himself.'More trouble, what are we to do, we can only hope that he has mercy for the world.'He thought to himself sweating a bit, the repercussions of this could be a disaster.


.""Your majesty, the departure of Lord Odin is on the way, would you be sending him off"".

Grafia walked into the room, she looked at him calmly, she squint slightly gazing upon a distressed devil king."Is there a change to the plans?."She asked as she stood respectful.

."Grafia, we are going to the human world, but first let's go meet with Lord Odin, we may also have to contact Azazel and Michael, some trouble might be on our hands."Sirzechs said as his hand shook a little.

Grafia was confused.


*Human world*


*Kuoh Town*

*Haile's House*

Haile and Ophis were on the couch hugged up with each other, Ophis could not describe the amount of happiness that she was currently feeling right now, everything was going right for her.

."Do you like the gift Ophis, now you are back to being stronger than even me, a level you didn't even know existed, more powerful than even the likes of great red himself."Haile said with a gentle smile as he glide his finger gently across her back as she layed her head on his chest with his eyes closed.

."Mm".Ophis nodded as she made a sound of acknowledgement snuggling deeper into his chest.

Haile's smiled widened, he could get use to this, his first lover in this world, not a bad feeling, this love, dangerous but lovely.

But obviously he is not a fool, nothing good ever lasts, some idiot will definitely come along as he travels on his journey trying to fuck shit up for him and his people so he can't get lazy, he needs more and more power but even that is not enough, he needs abilities, powerful ones to offset the differences.

There is that one girl with uncountable abilities, maybe sometime in the future he could go say hello, make a friend or two.




As Ophis and Haile were enjoying the warmth of each other's body a knock sounded from the door disturbing the peaceful atmosphere that was created.

Haile sighed shaking his head.'Just my luck, can't relaxed for a few minutes huh, guess it is my fault for not wanting peace.'He thought to him, then beside him he felt an aura flared up.

Ophis was obviously not happy about her time with Haile being interrupted, she was blazing with fiery emotions she cannot yet control.

."It's alright Ophis calm down It's probably just one of the girls, don't do anything, I'll go see."Haile said patting her head, he got up putting on his clothes instantly."Sometimes I hate the fact that I can't sense anything beyond this house, very inconvenient."

Haile calmly walked to the door before opening it up revealing a few familiar faces making him raise an eyebrow."Hm, party at my house, I didn't know."He said looking around with a serene expression.

Outside his house were numerous individuals, power radiated for miles on end, it was glorious, in the ranks were Sirzechs standing at the forefront, at his sides were Michael, Odin, Ajuka, Serafall, Grafia, Rossweisse and few others, Azazel was seated in a tree a few feet away.

Up in the sky's were a mixture of Devils, Angels and Fallen armies, this was the second time such a gathering has taken place, first being against the 2 rampant Heavenly Dragons, now here they stood at Haile door steps.

."You all better have prepared a very good and valid explanation for approaching me like this, and you."Haile said with a oppressive tone as his gaze stopped at all father Odin.

Just this alone was enough to intimidate the army in the sky, they felt a weight on their shoulders like a planet was falling on them and they had to hold it up themselves.

Odin sighed shaking his head."My son, this is explainable, just try to be calm, relax and hear us out, we are not here to hurt you, there is something you must know but there's no easy way to say it."He said pulling his beard trying to remain calm himself, who would have thought that such a day would come when he the great all father would have to resort to such uncultured means.

Haile frowned as he got a bad feeling in his gut."What happened, did something happen, spill it, stop beating around the bush or do I have to force it out."He said as he clenched his fist tightly causing an air bubble in his palm to burst with a small explosion.

The army took a slight step back, they honestly don't even know why they were afraid, they just felt fear plain and simple, it was there and it was not going away.

Sirzechs looked hesitant for a moment before pulling out a letter, personally and elegantly written by him, he threw it to Haile as it cut through the air.

Haile caught it, confusion was written on his own face."What is this, Mm please don't kill us hahahaha."He chuckled as he read the outside of it, he shook his head opening it and reading what was within.


In this moment the world was still, no one moved, no one blinked, some dare not breath hard and some even held their breath afraid the air would be disturbed.

Haile stared at the letter in his hand, his eyes resting on one particular word, an ominous word...

**I don't know how to say this so I will keep it brief and say it straight, from lady Yasaka herself, the little girl Kunou has been killed by an unknown enemy**

Haile's hand holding the letter shook for an instant before it was forced to stop, images of Kunou flashed through his mind, her smiling youthful happy face.

.'Dead?.'Haile thought as his brain became confused.'Dead, dead?.'

Sirzechs raised his hand to his devils, the other's also did the same putting everyone on guard, this would be a fight for their lives, Odin had even called in some back up who will be there soon.

."...Who killed her.."Haile spoke as his eyes shadowed and clouded up, the letter he was holding slowly faded away.

Everyone was slightly surprised that he didn't get a great out burst and go on a rampage, now they were left confused.

Ophis who was still inside frown slightly as she look at his back."Angry.."She whispered to herself, her eyes saw something different than everyone else's, what it saw was a battlefield, one overflowing with blood and corpses, he as the only survivor, The Victor.

Sirzechs kept his guard high even though he was surprised at the lack of rage expressed by Haile."We don't know yet, it is under investigation."He said with a sigh of relief.

Haile looked up to the sky and floated upwards, the army in the sky move boxing him in."Move out of my way or die."He said as his eyes glowed golden.

."Don't be rash Haile, we can figure this out together, please allow us to take care of this."Michael said with a warm tone, it was enough to calm even an enemy but unfortunately he wasn't dealing with a normal being.

Haile ignored him, he flexed his fingers and his 10 gold rings appeared.""Link""."He spoke activating ring system communication."All of you come to me now, I command it."

All across Japan, some other countries and even across dimensions, Haile's voice echoed into the ears of all his woman and servants, they felt a shift to his tone so they got serious.





In just seconds a multitude of golden magic circles was summoned above Haile's house, it brightened up the day like a second sun was in the sky, on them was, Xenovia, Guhna, Aika, Tsubaki Shinra, Rias Grimory, Sona, Koneko, Akeno, Hera, Nalisa, Melody, Muraia Minrin from an entirely different dimension and Tiamat.

Hera jumped down to him."Husband what is wrong, why are you upset, who is responsible."She asked with cold tone as she looked around at all the beings in the sky and on the ground her eyes stopping on Odin.

Muraia Minrin was very confused.'How did I get here, what's going on, I heard Creator God then here I am.'She thought as she looked around curiously.

Haile kept his head to the sky as he gazed into empty space."Something of mine is gone...I hate it...they took it away from me...now I want them and everything in the vicinity erased."He said taking a breath.

The girls expression changed, they wanted to know who was the idiot that committed such a grave sin, Aika raised an eyebrow."Darling, how come you ask us, of course I'm willing but this is something you can do easily, can't you?."She asked him.

."You girl, are you stupid, shut it please and please look at him properly."Tiamat said folding her arms casually as she glanced at Haile.

Haile's veins were pulsing and throbbing with blood, his eyes were being red and his chest heaving slightly as he forcefully controlled his breathing.

The girls eyes widened slightly in realization, Sona spoke."He is barely keeping himself calm, if he goes out in this state he might accidentally destroy the world so he decided to let us do it so that won't happen."She said, though she doesn't know the whole story.

Haile clenched his fist.'If only I had given her the ring, who ever you are, you and everything you love is done, I will destroy it all.'He thought to himself feeling the rage bubbling up as Kunou's face appeared in his mind.

Rias went over to her brother."Big brother, what is going on exactly, it is not like him to become like this."She asked curiously, as far as she saw all of Haile women were here, Asia was strong so it couldn't possibly be her.

."*Sigh* It is unfortunate but his anger is related to the death of the princess Kunou, daughter of the Youkai's leader Yasaka."Sirzechs said rubbing his throbbing temple, he really thought he was going to die."It seems like Haile has a relationship with them."

Some of the girls finally understood why he was so angry, it now makes sense, now they to were enrage also, they remembered the little girl that ran up to Haile when he went to get healed by Yasaka.

."Dead but how, who would dare to do that, the Youkai command the laws of nature and possess the power of the world, was it the Khaos Brigade."Sona said as several thousand scenarios appeared and disappeared in her mind, she was in hyperthought.

.""..No...it was not..."".

Everyone looked to Haile's house as a voice sounded from within, standing by the door was Ophis who was now fully dressed also, her dull expression gaze at Sona.

Michael, Ajuka, Sirzechs, Azazel, Odin and everyone who knew frowned slightly, Odin pulled his beard."Ophis, interesting."He said as he looked at both her "eyes", blood leaked from his nose before magical disappearing, he then turned at gave Haile a thumps up.

Haile turned to him and looked away not feeling in the mood."How are you so sure Ophis, if it is them I will kill them all."He said as he remembered something from the original, Cao Cao from the hero faction was supposed to kidnap Yasaka to use her for a dragon gate, so it could possibly be them.

Ophis looked to a direction in the distance."..Strong..already on mission...others...too weak.."She said explaining.

Haile frowned."I will go see Yasaka."He said summoning teleportation circle under him."I will be back, don't move."He disappeared.

Everyone just looked at each other awkwardly, Haile's women and servants of course didn't object, they each using their own special means created thrones, chairs and platforms for them to sit on while they waited.

Though most of everyone were throwing glances at Ophis who stood by the door now looking at them.

~~~~{Teaser}(Chapter 183)

*Dxd World*

*Human World*


*Youkai Kingdom*

*Yasaka's Room*

Yasaka remained in the exact same position as before, appearing unmoving and unfeeling like a zombie, her eyes no longer held the golden light it once had within, it was now dark and a shell of her former self.


A heavy gust of wind blew by shaking the balcony doors, it brought with it a new presence, Haile stood infront of Yasaka looking down at her.

Looking at her honestly pained Haile's heart, his own golden eyes gazed into her dull ones, he knelt on one knee infront of her."Yasaka."He said gently bring his hand to her cheeks.

Yasaka didn't respond, at least not verbally, silently tears fell down her face as she looked off into blank space.

."I am sorry Yasaka, forgive me."Haile spoke softly, he hugged her in his arms tightly."Forgive me."

More tears came from Yasaka's eyes."..you promise...you promise....you promise..."She said over and over again like a broken record, the pain in her voice could make one's heart ache.

And it did, Haile was still in a state of disbelief, he couldn't believe that such a thing could have happened, under his watch, he cannot believe it.

."...Forgive me.."Haile said as he sighed squeezing her tightly."Forgive me."

Yasaka cried out as she put her face in his chest....

Next chapter