

After committing suicide, Ye is chosen to be reincarnated in a new world, however, halfway through, Ye gets away with it after groping the goddess Aqua and is sent to a prison in the new world... Sent to a prison, Ye will have to survive his tragic fate...

TGThegood · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

New world?

At that moment, there was a slight noise, Ye couldn't stand it, even sleeping Aqua looked beautiful and perfect.

Little by little, Ye's hands moved towards Aqua's breasts.

When Ye's fingers lightly touched a bit of Aqua's breasts, sleeping Aqua let out a slight moan before continuing in her sleep.

The touch was soft, incredible, like touching two spheres that were completely soft and for some reason, slippery, just the light touch of the skin of Ye's hands against Aqua's breasts was enough to make Ye let out a sigh and his eyes dilate.

Ye's eyes filled with a great exhilaration that was quickly suppressed, and then, Ye found a sheet.

Ye wasted no more time on Aqua's breasts and quickly pulled out the sheet that was hidden between Aqua's breasts and then read it.

"Family system," it read, a faint description of the family system came next and.... nothing else, just a stamp on the right corner of the sheet, the stamp read "Forbidden."

-Why would this family system be forbidden?, Why would this sheet with the family system be folded and kept between Aqua's two breasts?-

Ye had many questions back then, and even, he still didn't fully accept his stay in that place, everything seemed so... surreal and still seems so in some sense.

Ye had a strange idea, to give this sheet to Aqua and tell him that it was that ability that he, Ye, chose to go to the other world.

Anyway, Ye doesn't think there is too much to lose if Aqua finds out that the family system paper sheet was stolen by him.

At that moment, a sudden desire invaded Ye's heart like a bandit breaking into someone else's house.

A desire for revolution and supremacy, Ye's eyes filled with mild greed as he watched Aqua asleep in that chair, and a thought flashed through his mind.


"Why he should follow the orders of this goddess?, Why is he a mere human who committed suicide and this girl is a goddess?, the difference between Aqua and Ye is basically nothing, to Ye there is no difference between him and Aqua besides gender, maybe, perhaps, and surely, it was because of simple luck."

Ye gritted his teeth, his eyes became bright to the degree that he almost let out tears. He had worked hard, he had worked harder than anyone in his previous life, he had sought out the most modern methods so that his hard work would not be the simple hard work of an idiot, but, that his hard work, would be the most intelligently applied hard work.

He was not someone who expected the world to thank him for simply working hard, Ye expected that, at least, his hard work would give him a somewhat decent life in a chaotic world, however, meritocracy is a lie, and for Ye, this was no secret, he knew the outcome, he knew that so much hard work, so many ways to learn, so much study, and so much intelligently applied effort, in the end, would be nothing in front of the great powers of his former world.

Since then, Ye harbors a deep resentment towards authority figures, and seeing this goddess so.... "Stupid?", somehow makes Ye can't help but start breathing heavily, a perfect cocktail of remorse, hatred and rage taking over his body.

But, and as was customary throughout his life, Ye repressed those feelings back then, and did his act, he handed the paper sheet to Aqua when she woke up, and now, Ye can't help but smile mischievously as he watches Aqua blushing and lowering her head while Aqua herself shouts expletives directed at him.

-Hmph, hahaha, Goddess, let me tell you, I, Ye, have enjoyed every second that you have been sleeping to touch those soft, perfect, smooth and delicious breasts....

Ye bites his lips as he smiles and his pupils rise to almost hide in his eyelids.

Aqua clenches her teeth as she quickly uses one hand to conjure a spell.

-I must hurry, this idiot is about to be sent to the other world...".

Aqua cheers up inside her mind as a sort of glowing pentagram appears like a hologram above her right palm.

-Ye, Don't forget!, today you have offended this noble goddess, and tomorrow you will be eating garbage in the sewers, Hahaha!

Before Ye who was floating in the sky while being surrounded by a blue light disappeared, Aqua used a spell that can only be used in the realm of gods to alter the coordinates of the place where Ye should be transported in the other world.

Aqua has a bright smile as she laughs out loud and points a finger at Ye.

Ye doesn't hear Aqua's words well, only sensing a slight change in the environment as gravity seems to increase and decrease in an endless cycle.

A few moments later...

There was darkness in Ye's eyes as Ye himself falls unconscious due to a sudden pain in his head and his weak body.


Some time later.

-Rise up you scum!, Today is the day when you sing the hymn of our great Axel people and receive your duties!

A loud shout resounds in a large building.

This is a single building a couple of meters high, at least a hundred meters long and about ten meters wide, there are no partitions or stairs in this house, only two rows of what appear to be metal cells.

Each metal cell is at least twelve meters square, made of metal plates joined together to form a cube at the end.

They are neatly arranged metal cubes, one on top of the other forming two rows and in the center a corridor of earth, the metal cubes are formed by metal plates that are similar to walls, without any holes to see, the only thing different is that, the side of the cube facing the corridor was cut, and several grids with thick metal rods seem to have been melted and attached to the giant metal cubes.

Surrounded by five metal plates as walls and ceilings, and a grating similar to the one used in prisons at the front made Ye squint for a moment.

There was a loud noise of metal being hit by another metal and Ye opens his eyes with some surprise, quickly Ye gets up from the cold metal that seems to have been his bed and stands up.

The pain in his back along with the bone chilling cold makes Ye grit his teeth, however, Ye does not hesitate and walks a few steps towards the metal grate.

Outside, several men and women in gray one-piece uniforms, there are also numbers written with black paint on the chests of the gray uniform.

The various men and women come out of their prisons quickly, almost running, they all form rows according to size and gender, four rows in total.