

With the emergence of genetic engineering, the time required for the evolution of new species has literally collapsed. Giving us the ability to bypass natural selection and evolve into true supreme beings. And it heralds the start of an era of unending upheaval. Will human evolution reign supreme? Or it will lead to the annihilation of humanity... ————— There will be at least 5 chapter per week ————— contact: oceansmith.tech@gmail.com Disclaimer: There is no copyright infringement intended for cover. I give credits to the real owner and I am not the real owner of the cover. If the owner wants to take down the cover, just let me know. Note to self: No matter what happens, even if this novel gets no readers, you have to complete the novel.

oceansmith · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Windslay Island

Alongside humans, other species have also been exposed to the embryos of artificial evolution. From fungi to plants, from birds to animals, from viruses to microbes, everything around humanity has evolved, as a result of humanity's curiosity to venture and give birth to the unknown.

And with artificial evolution and modern technology, the line between domestic and non-domestic animals has gradually eroded with time. Humanity has discovered various ways to tame organisms using artificial evolution and advanced technology.

And this signifies the start of the era, where individuals start to domesticate evolved life forms.

Exotic and fierce pets have become symbols of status, and with that, humanity has competed to evolve their pets into supreme. Some revived species of dinosaurs to tame, and some evolved their pets with different genotypes. Some give life to mythical creatures resembling hydras and dragons, and some imparted human intelligence to animals.

And world leaders encouraged others to domesticate artificially evolved life forms, because they are always hunting for new genotypes of animals that might sprout during evolution. With advanced technology, they are monitoring every action.

That is what I recently read on the internet. I'm not sure how much of that is true. But after meeting Blacky, I realized that people had been treating this ferocious, evolved animal the same way they treat dogs and cats.

Contemplating the information I had read just a few days prior, I opened my eyes and, seeing the reflection of my current experience of riding this enormous bird, fear engulfed me.

As I opened my eyes, I saw our house getting smaller with time, followed by the view of an immense city with tall buildings and swooping aircraft of different sizes and speeds.

With a swishing sound, a strong wind force distorted my facial experience, and Blacky dived deep into the sky. A view of the endless horizon appeared in front of my eyes, and, seeing clouds floating below, I truly felt the meaning of flying in the skies.

The fear in my heart was slowly being transformed into pure ecstasy. With the help of humanity, the earth has turned into a legitimate fantasy.

I cast a sideways glance towards my family.

My sister seemed to be shouting something, but due to the rustling sound of the wind, I couldn't hear a word. But according to her expression, she is really enjoying this ride.

My mother has a relaxed posture, yet her ear-to-ear wide smile conveys her enthusiasm. And my father is calm, but the strange thing is that the powerful wind doesn't even disturb his single hair. Perhaps this is due to his wind genotype.

We covered a vast distance in a short period of time while encountering diverse bird species along the route. Soon after, a blue, never-ending ocean blanketed the horizons.

After traveling across the ocean, we finally reached our location. It was an island fully covered with a forest of different plants, almost 10 square miles (~26 square km.).

As Blacky flipped his winds and landed on the shore, a few robots emerged from the forest, sensing our arrival.

"Good Morning, Mr. Adrian and Mrs. Elva Welcome to 'Windslay Island'" Robot spoke as he approached us, his voice mechanical yet with a sense of intelligence easing out of his tone.

Windslay Island? Are we the owners of this entire island? What exactly do my parents do for a living?

My thoughts were interrupted by my sister's loud shout as she hopped towards the sea, ecstatic about the prospect of exploring the unknown.

"Go, Hubby, take care of Freya." Mom said to Dad, who was about to take a seat and relax. She extended her hands as she grabbed me up, and with excitement and hurried steps, she sprinted towards the blue ocean, following my sister, Freya.

Mom, please let me down. This is too much embarrassing. With a slight struggle, I managed to get on my own feet, followed by the sense of cold seawater wetting my feet.


With a splash, salty water covered my body; my clothes were drenched. As I looked at the culprit, she laughed, ignoring my gaze.

This little devil... Today, I'll teach her to respect her wise brother.

With a determination eminent in my eyes, I took a step forward and, collecting water in my small palms, slashed at her with all the force my body can muster.

Due to her laughter, her mouth tasted the salty water and an expression of discomfort covered her countenance.

She activated her genotype with a fit of anger. With a swishing sound, the wind accumulated around her, creating a squall-like structure. With a blast, the wind expands, followed by the splashing of seawater, dyeing my entire body with salty water.

With a gasp, I somehow manage to breathe oxygen...

Hell, that's unfair. The little devil is using her wind genotype. When will I awake mine?

"Don't do that, Freya," Mom scolds her as she gives a light smack to her head.

She nodded as she cutely held on to her head as if it was bleeding like hell.

My Dad, watching this scene, took a stride forward, looking towards a deep sea, raising his right hand, a sharp wind enveloped his posture. With a single motion like a blade, he swings down his right hand, guiding the sharp wind, cutting the waves in half. With a thud, the breached waves again combined, followed by the splashing of water into the sky. The water poured down like rain, draining our clothes and making us stink wet.

Looking at the rain, I whispered, "Freaking cool" a sense of awe on my face and mouth wide open. Seeing my dad always getting beaten by my mom, I sometimes forget how strong he is.

Seeing dad's performance with extreme annoyance, mom strived forward and, with heavy hands, smacks dad's head, "Hubby, I just scolded Freya for using her genotype, and now you are influencing our kids in the wrong way." Her tone was one of anger and displeasure on her face.

My dad, matching my mom's fierce gaze, extends his hands, holding her and pulling her into his embrace. Like a magician, his hands begin to wonder, producing sounds of wonder.

Followed by a scene that was not appropriate for my sister.

With intense concentration, I tried to shift my attention...

They did not linger for long, as they soon separated, followed by faint whispers.

With a burning face, mom looked at us as she said, "Let's go, my little ones. We have another home here. We'll rest for a while and come back again to play."

"Noo no, play play now," my sister yelled, hopping with reluctance, and throwing a tantrum.

Looking at my sister's tantrum, I thought internally, "Sister, let's go. They want to play a different type of game. Give them the vacation they deserve. "

Observing my sister's playing spirit, my dad said to Blacky, who was resting on the beach, "Look towards them and keep them safe." With a glance towards us, he pointed at the robot and continued, "Follow him after playing is done."

And once I gave my nod, he holds my mother's hands and, with a swish, vanishes from our eyesight.

They sure seem to be in quite a hurry.

Is there any evolution method to grow faster? I also want to find my life partner as soon as possible...