

With the emergence of genetic engineering, the time required for the evolution of new species has literally collapsed. Giving us the ability to bypass natural selection and evolve into true supreme beings. And it heralds the start of an era of unending upheaval. Will human evolution reign supreme? Or it will lead to the annihilation of humanity... ————— There will be at least 5 chapter per week ————— contact: oceansmith.tech@gmail.com Disclaimer: There is no copyright infringement intended for cover. I give credits to the real owner and I am not the real owner of the cover. If the owner wants to take down the cover, just let me know. Note to self: No matter what happens, even if this novel gets no readers, you have to complete the novel.

oceansmith · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Fish Attack-3

Crack~ Crack~ Crack~

A sound of crackling bones whispered from my body as fierce fish continued to nibble on my thigh while grinding my thigh bones.

A severe pain inundates my mind, causing me to lose hope, and as always, I am powerless to take any action.

But thanks to an ice barrier that was created by my sister, Blacky almost caught up with us, right on our tail, just a second late.

My sister will live through this ordeal as long as my body buys her two or three seconds. Finally, I have a chance to be useful for once!

As I imagined my sister fleeing this predicament safely, my lips curled upward, creating an enchanting smile. Dopamine flooded my brain, making me happy and helping to relieve my worry. In order to capture these two or three seconds with my body, I held my hands, spreading them out as if I were inviting a bunch of fish to a delicious feast.

I smirked and let go of all resistance and hope of my survival.

But my foolish sister, trembling with fear, comes forth, jumping right towards a bunch of fish. Using her genotype, she futilely endeavored to rescue me from impending danger.

As if sensing resistance from her, a shoal of fish dashed towards her, ignoring my existence.

And with a broken leg, I was unable to obstruct her actions.

You foolish sister, what are you doing? Why can you not stay still just for two seconds?

In my former life, I could not safeguard my loved ones. Why was everything repeating itself this time? Just let me be useful for once.

When I saw her encircled by a fish attack, her life in jeopardy, instinct took over and a wave of rage washed over my entire being.

I apparently assumed that my anger was focused on her for disobeying me and endangering herself, but I knew in my heart that it was really directed at myself for not adequately safeguarding my loved ones in both my previous life and this one.


How can I protect others... if I don't even have the power to protect myself?

I need the power to protect myself first...

As a swarm of fish with wide-open mouths and razor-sharp teeth neared her...


Something inside of me suddenly snapped with burning anger.

My heartbeat spurred as all the blood in my body raged, ready to go on a rampage. With increased blood current, I felt warmth, like being soaked in hot water, followed by a burst of irritation, as if the feeling of electrification.

But apart from irritation, something else was present, like a force or a power, making me lighter and more robust. With a sense of power, my thought process quickened, and I was finally able to analyze my current situation.

What's happening to me?

As I searched for the cause, I discovered something inside of me that resembled an organ, always present there, just like any other organ, but lying dormant till today. But today, it awoke, throbbing rapidly, creating an electric vibration, making my senses sharp and giving me unimaginable power.

With sharp senses, everything around me moved as if the world was slowing down, and then came the feeling of dominance, as if I was the predator, and they were my prey — nothing more than a part of the bottom feeder in the food chain.

My organs can generate electric current... Is this my genotype?

With power and enhanced senses, my instinct screamed to take action.

With a thump, using a single leg, I leaped forward, gripping the hand of my sister.

As I held her hand, lightning from my body coursed through her, stunning her thought process, and nullifying any resistance she might possess.

My immature mussel gathered all the strength I could muster, and with a swooshing sound, I hurled my sister up in the air as high as possible.

I saw Blacky drive towards my sister, trying to catch her in midair when the rest of the fish targeting my sister caught up to me, followed by the excruciating pain as they used fangs to tear apart my flesh and fracture many bones.

Splash~ Crack~

Blood splashed, many bones cracked, and organs were injured as a bunch of fish enjoyed the warm feast.


A meter-long swarm of fish chewed me all over the place. However, I'm still intact. Indeed, human evolution has advanced significantly.

As I watched Blacky catch my sister in midair, delight washed over my entire being. Upon seeing my sister safe and far away, I let loose, forcing my recently discovered organ to function above and beyond expectation, summoning all the power within, creating an electric current, and getting ready to rampage my way to survival.

As I let loose with a crackling sound, my hands sparked with electricity flowing through my veins, bursting out of my body in the form of lightning waves. With each second, the lightning surrounding my hands enlarged exponentially, eventually enveloping my entire body.

With each electric pulse that followed through my body, I felt slight torment and irritation.

Fish that were biting my flesh and bone got startled; some backed away in fear, and some passed out from the shock of a high-voltage electric current.

When I saw my powers and their grand exhibition, I felt a surge of emotion like I'd never felt before. I burst out laughing wildly as everything around me ignited with lightning, forming a death zone.

My body craved this sense of power more and more, and as my cravings grew stronger, my body responded by releasing more lightning.

With a booming sound, lightning exploded from my body, followed by a searing feeling. Stunning red burn scars in the form of blazing webs, known as Lichtenberg figures, emerged all over my body as lightning burned the flesh.

Everything around me was electrified as some fish burned to death and gave off a vile charcoal smell, others were startled to death because their hearts stopped beating.

My lovely white hairs burnt with each lightning strike, the wounds on my body spread, and more blood spilled out, my fractured bones stung like hell, and I lost my balance.

But, just as I was about to drown in the sea, Blacky seized me with his big beak and soared inside Windslay Island, carrying me within his beak and my sister on his back.

Everything around me appears to be red owing to the blood in my eyes; the sky is crimson, and the trees are scarlet red. I tried my hardest to suppress my anguish and barely managed to preserve awareness as I peered around through the little aperture in Blacky's beak.

We came upon a little house shrouded in woods as Blacky drove towards the depths of Windslay Island. Blacky fluttered his wings, creating a wind current as he landed quickly in front of the house, followed by a shrill screech that sent the alarm to alert my parents.

Thumb! Thumb! Thumb!

As I imagined facing my parents in my wretched situation, my heart rate soared. I hope they aren't too afraid after witnessing my current state.

As we landed, Blacky slowly put me on the ground using his beak. I was sprawled on my back without a single ounce of strength, howling in agony. Even wind pressure causes suffering. And my bleeding body is barely clinging to life.

My sister, who was screaming uncontrollably, sprang from Blacky's back, hurting herself in the process as she leaped toward me and hugged my bloody body.

She cried out loud, her body quivering, her clothes becoming more crimson as they sucked blood on my injury. She hugged me with a stringent grip, inflicting further pain on me.

I was laying down, unable to move an inch. My bones were broken, the flesh torn apart; the skin burned because of my own lightning.

More blood drained from my wound with each passing second, and simply maintaining consciousness demanded the focus of a lifetime. I pushed my body to the limit, suffering pain as I lifted my hands gradually and gently patted my sobbing sister.

The entrance to the home squeaked open as my parents dashed out, rushing in my way, accompanied by a wind current.

I saw my parents looking at me...

I saw their fear, panic, and terror evident on their faces. Tears rolled down my mother's face like an uncontrolled waterfall. She held me in her embrace, checking my injuries with horror on her face.

With the last bit of energy, I looked towards them and forced a smile in order to lessen their worry, and with an uncertainty of survival, darkness overtook me, my hands fell, my mind stopped processing, and my body experienced comatose.


Author's Note:

@Ninej sorry if the story is going off track from what you wanted.

I urge readers to comment if they have any opinions. I'll always keep them in mind while writing the plot.