

With the emergence of genetic engineering, the time required for the evolution of new species has literally collapsed. Giving us the ability to bypass natural selection and evolve into true supreme beings. And it heralds the start of an era of unending upheaval. Will human evolution reign supreme? Or it will lead to the annihilation of humanity... ————— There will be at least 5 chapter per week ————— contact: oceansmith.tech@gmail.com Disclaimer: There is no copyright infringement intended for cover. I give credits to the real owner and I am not the real owner of the cover. If the owner wants to take down the cover, just let me know. Note to self: No matter what happens, even if this novel gets no readers, you have to complete the novel.

oceansmith · Fantasy
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15 Chs

August 25, 5102

Elva's POV

It was a rainy day. A wet and humid one, just like any other rainy day, nothing out of the ordinary.

Just like every other day, technology incorporated into humanity's life did most of the heavy lifting. With each passing second, AI that has already long surpassed human intelligence continues to strive forward, breaking additional barriers and expanding its territories vigorously.

And just like artificial intelligence, humans are breaking barriers and expanding their horizons with each generation. They are evolving into something completely new, disregarding any constraints imposed by mother nature.

With modern artificial evolution techniques and the incredible prediction ability of an AI, with each day, humanity is evolving by altering DNA characteristics and creating new genes.

And just like any other day, humanity has taken another stride forward, nothing special at all.

But for me and my husband, Adrian, today is extremely special.

No! No!

I should say that today is the most special day of my life.

Today, on August 25, 5102, I'm going to be a mother. Not only a mother, but a mother of two lovely twin babies.

Though I was very nervous at first, my lovely hubby, Adrian, was with me every second, supporting me and attending to my every smallest need. If I had known that Adrian would take this much care of me during my pregnancy, then I would have gotten pregnant in my 20s instead of in my early 30s with his child. No worries, I'll seize one more opportunity again after my two twin babies grow a little.

I hope my two twins will get strong genes from both of us, especially from their father.


And the time went by.

When rain washed the earth and the breeze dispersed, the enticing fragrance of moist soil spread everywhere. At that time, I gave birth to twins. I have become a mother. A mother of two lovely twins,

Even in this modern world, childbirth is quite taxing on the body, especially when carrying twins. But with my husband, Adrian, supporting me from the side, I easily endured it. Artificial intelligence-powered robotic arms carried out the whole procedure. Nowadays, for any operation, they are much more reliable than any doctors.

For the first time, I took a glance at my two little children as the robotic arms placed them at my side, one on each.

My heart felt a myriad of emotions overwhelming it. There was slight nervousness, unimaginable happiness, and excitement toward a bright future with my children and my lovely hubby, and there was satisfaction... the satisfaction of achieving something in life by giving birth to precious twins.

With a delicate movement and with extreme care, I took both of my babies into my embrace. My heartbeat was rising faster and faster, and my emotions were running wild all over my mind.

My babies, as soon as I took them into my embrace, they became my universe. With them, it feels like I have gotten two wings, wings that represent the happiness given by my two baby twins.

With extreme happiness and controlling my emotions, I whispered, almost in an inaudible voice, "Thank you, sweethearts. Thank you for being born, giving me a double gift, and giving me a chance to become your mother."

With overwhelming emotions, a single drop of tears rolled down from my eyes to my cheek, a tear of happiness… this has to be the first time I got overwhelmed by happiness so much that I shed a tear.

Soon after, followed by a second and then a third one...

I wanted to wipe the tears off, but before I do… my hubby, standing beside me, bends down towards me. And before I could say or react to him, he came close to me and, with a slurping sound, he licked my cheek, covered with my tears.

Seeing him flirt before our children, I got flustered, and with warmed cheeks of shame, I looked towards my husband, Adrian, who just laughed at my countenance.

I ignored him and looked toward my baby boy. As he matched my gaze by looking back at me, a sound of moan came out of his tiny mouth, as if he was laughing.

Laughing? Laughing at me?

A sudden suspicion popped up in my head. I glanced at my hubby and, with an authoritative tone, I ordered, "Adrian, from now on you are not allowed to flirt in front of our children."

I again glanced down at our little one. He was like a restless kid, looking here and there with his intelligent eyes. Even though he was just born, he did not cry a bit. Instead, he was trying to observe the surroundings like a curious child. Well, it's nothing abnormal. As humanity evolved with each generation, few children could even speak within a month. My son must be like them, a genius.

He has small silky snow-white hairs just like me, with a shade of light blue mixed in. It looks really alluring. Even his sky-blue eyes were like blue sapphires: pure, radiant, and sparkling with intelligence. With his hair and eyes, he is a perfect projection of mine.

"Thank you, Elva, for giving me two precious gifts. They are very adorable, just like you. Let me hold them." As the voice of my hubby, Adrian, containing full of joy and eagerness, fell into my ears, he lifted my son.

I glanced toward our other baby. She is a baby girl and the most adorable baby I have ever seen. She cried after her birth, and it took me quite a while to soothe her.

I reached for her and patted her tiny head. She snuggled into my embrace as she got comfortable.

She has black hair, just like my hubby, with dark crimson red and light blue streaks running through it. But her eyes are like a universe within herself. Anyone will get mesmerized by seeing just those. One is just like a ruby, a crimson red, and the other one is like a blue sapphire.

She got one eye from me and one from the hubby. With two different sparkling eyes, she looks like a treasure.

My both babies were devoid of horns, but there is a high likelihood that at least one of them may sprout horns as they grow up. Let's hope they will develop horns, since they'd look lovely with them. Fingers crossed.

Adrian put our son down beside me and lifted our baby girl. "Elva, look how much the baby girl resembles me, and her eyes are mesmerizing. She, with my features, looks more marvelous, won't you agree?"

"You keep dreaming. She looks amazing because her one eye resembles mine, and take a look at our son. He looks so adorable because he is a perfect copy of me," I replied, but he is right with her contrasting eyes, and with her black hair with red and blue shades, she looks more breathtaking.

"What should we name them?" Adrian asked me while playing with our baby girl.

"We will decide once we go home. Now let me take my medicine and rest, and put down our baby. She is just born, you can play with her after a few days." I replied.

I took my medicine and, with my two twins on each side of me in my embrace, I closed my eyes.


Even though I'm extremely exhausted, I can't even fall asleep. Maybe because of excitement towards my new life waiting for me.

Finally, after trying numerous times, I gave up on sleeping and began to think of two suitable names for my babies.

Sigh. For names, I have to rely on myself. I can't take Adrian's help if I want to select a pleasant name for them.