
Supreme Descent: Conquering Worlds For Fun(Hiatus)

In the vastness of totality, there are many worlds referred to as verses, and standing at the top of it all, there is a being known as the Omni-Sovereign Of Totality, the Monarch Of Reality, and many other names, in other words the True Omnipotent Being standing above all. But you see… that got boring… So he decided to change things and began his own journey and not just any journey, he decided to create an Avatar, and a system then send it down to this fictional world, and the goal was. Have fun and conquer them all! And so the journey of a supreme being turned into a nobody of his own volition, just because he was bored began.

Ky_Scriptio · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Stoppable

"I guess 16 years of wait is nothing, but I'm glad I got to start the real fun now. Which pack should I choose? Hm... I want the..." He began to actually think about this, before selecting the one he believed to be the best.

"The Growth pack! While everything else is achievable later, this is the best for my current level, and isn't that easy to come by at least compared to the other options." He calmly selected.

[You have selected the growth pack. You have acquired the 20x exp, and 1/20 exp requirement skills.]

[You have acquired the Energy compendium skill.]

[20x exp: You get 20x to all experience gained.]

[1/20 exp requirement: All experience requirements are reduced to 1/20 of their original value.]

[Energy compendium: A log of all forms of energy, which will register every new type of energy type you came into contact with and balance them as well as, make it possible to combine them easily to create something new.]

"... Not bad, show me my status screen." Airik ordered.

[Will do!] The system responded with a feminine voice adjusted to Airik's preferences.

[Name: Airik Stoppable

True name: Airik Ciar Melvendi

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Species: Human | Sub-Species: Human

Affinity: Neutral,

Bloodline: None

Physique: None

Soul stage: Mortal

Soul grade: 1st

Level: 0

Exp: 0/1.5

Titles: Reincarnated Individual; Otherworlder; Reincarnation Apostle(Link: Elaina);

Job: Student,

Class: None


Strength: 7

Dexterity: 8

Vitality: 10

Magic: 7

Willpower: 10

Agility: 8

Charisma: 69

Luck: 99

Undistributed Stat points: 0

Unique ability/s: [Prodigious Mind(Absolute)], [Eternal Soul(Absolute)], [Evolutionary Body(Absolute)], [20x exp], [1/20 exp requirement], [Energy compendium],

Innate ability/s(Racial skills): [Average],

Active skills: None

Passive skills: [Mortal Core(2).Lv I],

Resistances: None

Magic: None

Unique Magic: None

Extras: Endless Journey System(Owner); Blessing Of The Reincarnation Goddess(Link: Elaina);

Inventory: Empty ]

[Prodigious Mind(Absolute): All skills, abilities, techniques, and superpowers can be learned by you with at most some training. Your comprehension ability in matters related to this is unfathomable. Once you understand a power of any kind, you will see through what it took to make it real and experience it yourself.]

[Eternal Soul(Absolute): Nothing is eternal is what most beings believe, but your existence proves them wrong for you are eternal! Similar to energy itself your soul cannot be destroyed or recreated. You are now a universal constant, one that can not be killed for you are immortal.]

[Evolutionary Body(Absolute): Limitations, everything has its limits? Not you. So long as there is a stimulus your limitless potential will shine and you will be able to grow. Not only that your body is not one to be defeated by any environment or change, you may suffer but in the end, you will overcome it. After all, you are the one, who will one day adapt to everything.]

"Pretty good, those wishes came in clutch now the other skills." Airik smiled in satisfaction seeing the abilities he has.

[Average: Humans are adaptable beings, so they are very flexible in terms of paths they can take, not learning more toward one thing or the other for the most part.]

[Mortal Core(2).Lv I: Humanied like humans have two cores, which they call mana cores, these cores are the storage of mana and dictate the output they can afford in terms of magic or the usage of other types of energy.]

"As I thought, this will do. Now I wonder what I should train first. I'm not a typical human or mortal who needs to specialize in something to be good at it, I'm someone who can master it all, but where do I start? That's the big decision... I guess I can start physically, especially considering this world doesn't seem to have too much in supernatural terms... Then again, I could also practice energy conversion and manipulation... But only after I've got a solid body that can properly handle that." Airik decided after completing it for a bit.

Before he could do anything else, however, someone called out to him.

"Dude! Kim wants us to go and visit someone in the Amazon forest, something about robots and insets. Though that is for later, right now we're going to Bueno Nacho! It feels like forever since we last went there, right Rufus?" A blond young man with brown eyes and fair skin possessing freckles came in with a smile and a rodent on his shoulder, this was Ron Stoppable, Airik's younger brother.

While the rodent on his shoulder was Rufus, his hairless rat pet... Though it would be more accurate to call him a friend rather than a pet.

(Image here)

"Hmm-hmm" Rufus responded while nodding his head with a smile.

"Don't you say? I was just about to order some quesachangas(chimichanga and burrito), but I guess going in person won't hurt me." Airik closed the floating screen before looking at Ron and responding.

"While I respect your choice, I will never forgive you for joining the quesachanga side! Right, Rufus?" Ron immediately made a serious expression and Rufus too as they confronted Airik.

"... Ron... You're too young to understand the true beauty of this world, quesachangas hold the truth, and your nacos(nachos and taco) are a lie! Join me on the right side before I have to do something we'll both regret." Airik too became serious and took an imposing posture eliminating Darth Vader.

"No! I refuse to believe it! We're supposed to be brothers! You can- pfff-Hahaha!" Ron was responding but lost composure and burst out laughing midway through, alongside Rufus.

"Pfff..." Airik chuckles in response while shaking his head.

"No matter the case, you're still objectively wrong in terms of taste, I'm sure Wade can scientifically prove it. Nacos are just superior!" Ron who had stopped laughing shrugged his shoulders as he declared. While Rufus was nodding his head in agreement.

"Hell nah, and even if that was somehow true, that would only mean that this reality is objectively wrong, nothing more. Quesachangas are clearly better, but I'll let you live in your dreams, no need to wake up to reality." Airik retorted not one bit convinced.

"Oh, my dear brother... If only you knew how wrong you are, it's almost sad." Ron had real pity in his eyes as he said so.

"Says the guy who picked Rei over Asuka, there's no way you make any sensible life decisions." Airik replied with a calm expression.

"Don't start this again... I still have headaches from the last time we had this discussion. Let's just agree to disagree, dude." Ron began rubbing his temple while Rufus pretended to faint when Airik finished speaking.

"Fair enough. Let's get going before Kim gets mad at us for making her wait... is Monique coming?" Airik asked.

"... I don't know, Kim said she's been busy with her part-time job lately, so she probably won't come." Ron thought about it for a bit before answering.

"Kay, do you want to tell mom and dad, we're leaving, or should I go?" Airik questioned.

"You go, they always make it a while interrogation, they seem to be way laxer on you." Ron expressed with a sigh at the end.

"They are just worried, especially with all the mission stuff with Kim." Airik retorted.

"You also go on missions." Ron narrowed his eyes as he replied.

"Good point, I'll talk to them." Airik said as he left his room in the attic, and walked to the living room where he found their parents.

"Mom, Dad. Me and Ron are going out with Kim, just hanging out at Bueno Nacho." Airik calmly spoke to them.

"Ok, sweetie, just be careful and don't eat too much junk or you won't have space for dinner, oh and say hi to Kim for us." His mother responded with a smile.

She was a blond woman wearing glasses, who looked fairly young for her age.

(Images here)

"Wait a moment, did you ask your sister if she wants to go?" His father stopped him before he could leave.

He was a middle-aged man with blond hair, who also wore glasses.

(Images here)

"... No... I thought she wasn't home..." Airik tried to cover the fact he didn't think of her at all.

"Well, go ask her, it'll be good for her to go with people closer to her age more often." Mr. Stoppable added.

"Your father is right, our little angel spends too much time on all those big projects. She needs to just go out and relax more." Mrs. Stoppable insisted.

"Ok, I'll ask her." Airik not wanting to argue over this just decided to go to her room, before knocking on the door. "Hey, Hana... Are you in here?"

"Wait a bit! I'm coming." She responded then a few moments after she opened the door. "What do you want? Do you need something?"

She was a young woman with black hair, wearing a long-sleeved dark blue shirt and underwear with no pants.

(Images Here)

"I guess... I just came here to ask if you wanted to go to Bueno Nacho, Ron, and Kim will be there... Monique might be there as well." Airik said.

"Oh... I mean... I don't think I have anything to do right now, so if you don't mind, I would be happy to go." Hana smiled upon hearing his words.

"Yeah, just don't take too long to get ready..." Airik commented.