
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · Fantasy
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28 Chs


As JD walked to the stream to check his reflection, the question as to what he was now kept running through his mind. When he finally reached the stream, he looked down and what he saw almost gave him a heart attack. He saw that his long brown hair was now replaced with short white hair, "that's actually not that bad. I still miss my long hair, but at least I don't have to spend a shit load of time and money on dying my hair now!" The other thing that he noticed, which was pretty disappointing to say the least, was that he was still the shrimp that he was in the real world. Leaning his head down in disappointment, he thought to himself "damn, this must really be a nightmare if I'm still short even in my dreams."

That was when he started to feel his stomach start to growl. "Am I really hungry while dreaming? That's a new one." Suddenly, another message similar to earlier popped up in his mind.

[Hunger is starting to affect your health, find food soon. HP will start to decrease by 1 every three hours until you are satisfied.]

"What the shit is this?" he said out loud in shock. "A message pops up in my head and tells me to eat or lose HP? Is this some kind of twisted game? Did I eat something weird last night before going to sleep? That has to be why this dream is so crazy." Afterwards, he decided to try something out. "If this is just a dream, then perhaps I should try to figure out this system, while having a little fun" JD thought to himself. "Maybe if I try to call it up, it should tell me about my stats and maybe answer what the hell I am now. System, show me my stats."

[Name: Rokene

Race: lower class demon

HP: 19/20

MP: 19/20

Exp: 10/100

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Stamina: 10

Intelligence: 10

Will Power: 10

Charisma: 5

Magic affinity: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Shadow

Skills: Fireball level 1, Water bullet level 1, Earth shield level 1, Wind blade level 1, Shadow movement level 1

Main objective: Become the supreme ruler of this world

Sub objective: Find food]

After feeling as if he had been slapped in the face by all of this new information, JD was speechless. This had to be the strangest dream he had ever experienced. When he finally regained his thoughts, he was both excited and confused. "What in the actual fuck is going on? First off, why is my name different, and why am I a damn demon!" he said outwardly. All of these things were too much for him to handle at the moment, and he also glossed over the Main objective that this weird ass system was showing him.

When Rokene finally calmed down and started to think about all of the information that he just received, he was actually a little curious about his skills and being able to actually use magic. "Having this many magic affinities kind of feels overpowered honestly. Unless you think about the fact that I'm supposed to be a weak lower class demon." he thought to himself. He then realized that maybe he should try all of his new skills out just in case he comes before another wolf or something scarier.

He also noticed that his mind felt different as well. He felt as if the chains holding who he really was, had been broken. He felt confidence, for the first time in his life at the new possibilities that were opened up to him. "part of me hopes this is a dream, while the rest of me hopes this never ends".

Having been weak his whole life, had caused him to see the world differently than most. People never treated him the same as they did others, because they always looked down on him. So he saw just how cruel people could be, hence his disdain towards humanity. Nobody ever cared to try and be friends with him. Nobody ever asked how he was doing, or showed any interest in his wellbeing. He was an outcast for most of his life, and he had become used to that. It had allowed him to have realistic expectations with regards to how the world operated. It made him become more mature than his peers, and helped him to not be bogged down by such foolish notions as hope. The world sucked, and he accepted that. He never let it get the best of him, and instead, made himself stronger mentally because of it.

Now that he was in a different reality, the whole world was his oyster. With the addition of a system, guiding him, he felt as if the world really was his. For the first time in his life, things were beginning to look up for him. The man who was pathetically weak and average, was no more. His potential was limitless, and he could run towards that future in full force.

Little did he know, the reason that he was brought to this world, was so that a being unlike that world had ever seen would bring untold change.

"Things can be different now. I should have the power to make sure that nobody ever looks down on me again. If this really is a dream, then if there is a god out there, he must really hate me. However, if it isn't, then I can become my own god!"

A smile came across his face at the thought of all the possibilities. "Actually, I will not only become my own god, but the god of this world. I will be the one at the top of the food chain, and ensure that I will never be considered weak again. Not to mention, now that I am a demon, I can go out and try to actually have some fun for once. Nobody will ever be able to stop me either."

Is this really all a dream? I think we all know that it's not anymore, but Rokene doesn't have to know that just yet. Don't worry, he will realize that he's not dreaming anymore real soon!

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