
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Level up

When Rokene woke up, he was disappointed that he didn't have any dreams. "That's a first. I was kinda hoping to have another dream where I could be a badass with magic." he thought.

After opening his eyes, he was expecting to be back in his room, but to his surprise, he was still next to the stream in the field that he had fell asleep in. "What the hell? Is this really not a dream after all?"

Hearing a rumbling in his stomach again, he knew that he should probably find some breakfast soon. "Well, if I'm stuck here for now, I may as well try to find some more fish I suppose."

He decided to check his stats before moving on, and a smile appeared on his face when he saw that his MP and health were fully recovered. Now he was able to practice a little more and also potentially level up today.

When Rokene looked in the stream for his breakfast, he noticed that the stream had the darkest blue water, almost as if he was looking in the ocean. "After I'm done catching my next meal, I think that I'll explore a bit. Maybe I can get more information about this new world"

After a 20 minutes of not being able to see a fish, Rokene became a little annoyed and decided to use a few wind blades at random in the water, in the hope of getting lucky, as he did yesterday. After 5 wind blades, he finally received that sweet notification that he was looking for.

[large salmon defeated, 10 exp gained]

With saliva beginning to drip from the corners of his mouth, it was time to have breakfast. Of course, having fish for every meal was not something that Rokene was interested in, so he was hoping to find bigger animals later in the day that he would be able to really sink his teeth into.

Once breakfast was over, Rokene decided it was time to move on. He began walking through the woods, and while doing so, he realized that this world really did look completely different from the world that he was used too. Not only were the trees much larger, but so was all of the plant life as well. Every one of the flowers that he saw had almost a neon blue color to them, and they were up to his shoulders. Now Rokene knew he was short, but there was no way that he had really shrunk that much by coming here. "This place is actually pretty cool. Too bad even the plant life is making me feel more like a shrimp though." he thought out loud.

After an hour of walking around, he heard what sounded like people up ahead. As he got closer, he could make out that it was two men speaking. "Perhaps I should see if these guys can give me information as to where I'm at." Rokene decided to creep through the woods as quietly as he could. He wasn't an idiot after all and didn't want to run into people if it was clear that they might be dangerous. When he was able to find a spot where he could look through the bushes, the sight that he saw almost made him explode with anger.

The two men who were talking, stood around 6ft and were wearing dirty clothes. One had a scraggly beard that was filled with dirt and no hair on the top of his head. Rokene though he had a face that resembled that of a rat in a way. The other man who he was talking too, had long matted hair, and looked as if he hadn't showered in months. Rokene was a little surprised he was only just now smelling the disgusting odor of these two. At the feet of the two men, laid what looked like a teenage girl who had both her hands and feet bound, while also having her mouth filled with what looked like a disgusting cloth.

"If we drop her off near that damn slave owners house, maybe he will stop trying to catch us!" the rat faced man said. "Yeah, it's better if he just finds her instead of chasing us around. I would rather her die at his hand than us being caught and tortured for running away." the long haired one replied. "Yeah, better her than us!"

After hearing all of this, Rokene couldn't handle it anymore. This was why he hated humans. They were selfish creatures who wouldn't think twice about throwing someone else's life away just to save their own. After thinking that the world would be a better place without filth like this, he decided that he needed to stop this from playing out.

Before the two men could react, two wind blades appeared from the bushes behind them. In the blink of an eye, the heads of both the guys fell to the ground, right next to where their bodies dropped. Blood flowed out of their lifeless bodies, but Rokene didn't mind. His display of power was enough to take his full attention. After the two men were killed, notifications popped up in his mind, that made a huge smile come across his face.

[pawn-1 leveled slave defeated, 50 exp gained]

[pawn-1 leveled slave defeated, 50 exp gained]

[level up]

[all stat points increased by 1]

[1 free stat point]

"Hell yeah! That felt amazing!" Rokene said loud enough for the girl to hear. When she saw him come out of the bushes behind where her two captors body lay, she began to scream and cry. Thankfully her screams were muffled due to the cloth in her mouth, Rokene thought to himself.

Looking down at her, he said "Don't take this the wrong way, but you smell like piss."

Hey guys, please give a review on the story and power stones if you feel like it deserves it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and will help me to continue writing and to grow as a writer also. Thank you for those who are already supporting the story!

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