
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Fresh start

"So what do you think we should do with her?" Jupiter whispered. "I'm going to be honest with you. I have no fucking clue. If I wasn't so impressed with the balls of steel this chick has, I would say let's kill her and be done with it. I'm just not sure if she really is screwing with us, or if she seriously doesn't remember anything." Rokene whispered back.

Clementine was passed out on the ground next to the fire. She was so hungry and tired when she got to their camp, that she helped herself to Jupiter's fish and told them about her waking up with no memory about her life at all. Rokene and Jupiter weren't fully buying into her story, but the more questions they asked, the more upset Clementine became at not knowing the answer. This eventually led them the think she may be telling the truth.

They were both taken aback by the strange turn of events, but eventually decided to play it by ear and see how everything unfolded.

"Perhaps one of us should stay up and keep an eye to make sure she doesn't try to kill us in our sleep."

"I agree. Thanks for volunteering Jupiter. You're a real champ." Rokene said while stretching his arms out and doing a fake yawn.

"Hold the hell up! I never volunteered to do a damn thing! I just made a suggestion, and assumed that we would discuss it in further detail before coming to a decision as to who would stay up!" She whispered in a much louder voice.

"Appreciate it Tabletop! Rokene ignored the curses and death threats that were being thrown at him, and laid his head down. Within seconds, snores could be heard coming from him and Clementine.

"I swear I'm going to curb stomp this motherfucker one day!" She cursed to herself.

Jupiter sat crossed legged on the ground close to the fire and started meditating to calm herself and to deepen her understanding of what lightning magic meant to her.

Thoughts of what the lightning element truly meant, began to flood her mind. "Power, speed, destruction" the three words that repeated over and over in her head. "Lightning can be one of the most powerful elements in nature. It's speed is unmatched. The destruction that it can bring is second to none."

As she continued to meditate, small sparks of lightning began to for around her. They continued to spark with more ferocity as her understanding continued to grow, all while she was unaware of the power coursing around her.


Next morning.

Rokene jumped up from his deep slumber when he was able to feel a threatening power emanating close to him. He looked around while preparing his strongest spells, in case there was an enemy nearby.

When he finally was able to pinpoint where the extreme power source was coming from, he calmed down and stopped casting his spells. "Jupiter! Knock it off. The amount of power that you're letting off will alert others to our location."

Jupiter opened her eyes and was able to see the sparks around her calming down until they disappeared completely. "I'm slowly catching up to you." She said with a large grin.

"Yeah, I can see that. You've come a long ways in such a short amount of time. You honestly might be a monster like me." He said while giving a hearty laugh.

"If I'm a monster too, then I just hope I don't get cursed to be as ugly as you some day."

They were both interrupted by the sound of her stomach growling, followed by a big yawn.

"Since you were nice enough to stay up all night, I'll catch us some breakfast and then you can take a nap. I'll look over the girl while you're passed out."

After making breakfast, the delicious smell of fish woke Clementine up. Drool began to form at the corners of her mouth at the smell. "That smells pretty good. Can I have some?"

Rokene handed her a cooked fish on a stick and sat down to eat his meal. "So, have any of your memories come back yet?" Clementine shook her head while swallowing a large bite.

"Not yet. I'm honestly not sure if I will ever remember who I was. I certainly feel much better now though since I had a good nights rest and some pretty good food."

They continued eating their breakfast in silence at that point. Rokene and Jupiter were used to the silence when they ate, but it started to be too much for Clementine. Not having a conversation with others, left her to just her thoughts. The painful idea of never being able to recall her life before the night before was almost too unbearable.

"Can we get up and go do something after breakfast? If I can get into a routine, maybe something will jog my memory."

Rokene finished eating and threw the stick onto the ground before standing up and dusting the crumbs off. "I was actually about to go train, if you want to join me."

"That would be fantastic. I would love to join you." She stood up and cleaned herself as well. They then began to walk off into a secluded part of the woods.

Jupiter ignored their entire conversation and laid down on her own makeshift bed before falling into a deep sleep.

When they arrived in the area that they had designated for training, Rokene allowed his power to start to flow through him mildly. Flashes of his different elements began to form around him, but they were calm. He was finally getting to where he had a solid grasp on how to control his power properly. "What are those?" Clem asked when she saw them.

Rokene's eyebrows shot up in shock. "Do you not remember anything about magic either?" "uh not really. I mean I know what magic is, but I don't know if I have ever seen it."

Rokene dropped his head in a feeling of defeat. "Damn, I guess this really is like a fresh start for you." he lifted his head and gave her a very serious look. "You are very gifted. In fact, you have a type of magic that from what I understand, is extremely rare. Since you obviously cannot remember, then I will be the one to teach you, I guess." He motioned with his hand for her to sit next to him.

She was shocked, but also excited at the idea of her being unique. "So what type of magic do I have, and can I make mine appear around me like you?"

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