
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Everyone was shocked to see the demon sitting on a tree limb fourth feet above them. "He really can teleport then. This is bad." Vincent thought to himself.

Rokene looked at the group and spotted Clementine. "Hey, I know you. You're the one who was spying on me a little while ago. That's pretty rude. I tried punishing you, but you miraculously vanished. Is that some type of dimensional magic or something?"

Clem became furious when she heard him speak so casually about almost killing her. She clenched her fists as tight as she could, until her fingernails started to make her palms bleed a little. "I'm not tell you anything, you ugly shit!" She yelled.

Suddenly, a small giggle could be heard coming from behind a tree that stood ten feet in front of the group.

Everyone turned their head in that direction immediately. They had forgotten about the presence of the other person with the demon for a moment. The thing that frightened them slightly though, was that if they hadn't of made that sound, then there was no telling what kind of damage they could have caused to the group.

Jupiter stepped out from behind the tree while trying to hold her giggling back. "Hah! Someone else thinks you're a shit also!" She managed to say in between laughs.

They could immediately tell that she was just a normal human. This made them all the more confused. "Why is a human working with a demon?" Was the thought that they all shared.

The leaders had never heard of a demon or human working together. Demons typically saw people and other beings as below them. So working with a human would be unheard of for them.

Nothing made any kind of sense to the leaders. "What's going on here? Who are you two?" Vincent finally spoke up.

Rokene gave a hearty laugh before jumping down from the tree limb. The leaders were shocked to see him drop from that high up and land on the ground as if he had just made a small hop.

In Rokene's mind, he started cursing at himself for not dropping into his shadow and popping back up on the ground instead of jumping. Even though it looked like a flawless landing to the others, shockwaves flew from his feet all the way to his head. "Motherfucker! People in movies make that seem so easy!" He screamed in his head.

Thanks to his incredible healing though, any damage suffered from the drop went away after a few seconds.

Rokene managed to keep a smooth confident expression on his face after he landed, until the damage was healed.

"Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll tell you. I'm Rokene. I'm just your friendly neighborhood demon, and my partner here is a feisty little thing named Jupiter. But you can call her tabletop. Everyone does."

As soon as Rokene finished saying that last part, a rock flew through the group faster than any of them could see, before it hit Rokene right in the gut.

Jupiter could be seen in the open, holding a couple more rocks in her hands that she was already charging with her lightning. Her face was red with anger, and was getting ready to throw another.

It all happened so fast, that none of the leaders even knew what had happened. One second the demon was speaking, and then out of nowhere, he was immediately bending over while holding his stomach with both hands. Then they looked back at the girl and was able to make out that she had hit him with one of the rocks she was carrying.

"I told you to stop calling me that! Little shit!" She yelled out.

Rokene stood back up a moment later. He wanted to have a little fun while also getting Jupiter riled up enough to forget about being nervous of the upcoming fight.

He was a little shocked at just how much that rock hurt though. "Well damn, she's gotten much stronger recently. I guess our training sessions and her meditation has really helped her to push her limits. She might be able to do more in this fight than I had initially thought."

The leaders were still trying to wrap their minds around what was going on. The demon was clearly the most dangerous one of the two, but the girl was nothing to scoff at either. The fact that they couldn't see it when she threw the rock, was a testament to her power.

"Now, to answer your question from earlier before I was so rudely interrupted. I'm a demon, she's a human, and we are both here to fuck your shit up."

"Yeah, you guys should have worn your brown pants today!" Jupiter shouted.

None of the leaders understood what she meant by that, but they could hear a loud burst of laughter coming from Rokene.

That statement she had just made was something he had taught her a few weeks back. She didn't know what it meant at first, but once he explained, she knew that it would be perfect to say before showing the world her new strength.

Instead of waiting to see what would happen next between the strange duo, Vincent immediately shot his strongest fireball directly at Rokene. "Take this asshole!" He shouted.

The blast was absolutely massive, and Rokene knew that even with his power up, it would still be dangerous. As soon as it got close, he dropped into his shadow and reappeared next to Jupiter.

The blast hit the tree that Rokene was originally sitting on, and completely decimated it. Nothing was left but ash, and patches of grass with flames beginning to eat at them.

"Fuck me. That's way more powerful than what I did when I cut off the escape route for those other guys back then. That could have really hurt. I guess we really do need to be more careful with these guys." Rokene thought to himself.

"Fine, but just let it be known that you fired the first shot!" He said to them while grinning ear to ear.

He looked at Jupiter before saying "let's see what you got."