
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Back to Kyoto

When I opened my eyes I looked around and was surprised because we weren't back in my house but In a forest. Maki and Yamato were equally confused as me. Yamato because we were suddenly transported somewhere else.

* Congratulates host for completing three main quests in the One Piece world-

The first quest is to Recruit someone to your peerage- It depends on the person

The second quest beat a vice admiral-hard

3rd Quest learn Haki-hard

Distributing rewards

first Reward- Moon Cat spiritual egg- takes 5 months to hatch

second reward- Senzu beans x15

third reward- True fire dragon blood x2

Heavenly Dog manual has been given for the individual name Yamato*

I looked around me, the familiar atmosphere, the beautiful moon in the air, everything about this felt comforting. Yamato was looking around interested, I went up to her and gave her The heavenly dog manual, it should match up well with her devil fruit. We all sat down and like we did in the one-piece world we gathered energy into our bodies. This world has both Magic and Qi so it didn't take long. Yamato's strength dropped to the beginning and in a few hours rose to the 9th level of The Foundation establishment realm.

"Then now that we are done shall we go home," I asked stretching my bones, but before Maki and Yamato answered he felt a few magic sources from the distance, using our observation Haki and we saw 10 people attack a group of 4 people one of them was a little girl.

I wasn't a saint or hero who would go out my way to save everyone but I won't ignore someone who needs help if I'm near plus there was a kid there.

We ran there quickly and there we saw a group of demons and human magicians attacking a group of Youkai. The Youkai had 1 Oni, 1 Monkey Youkai, and one crow Youkai guarding a little fox Youkai. Kunou The daughter of the Kyoto Youkai leader Yasaka, I remember there was an arc where the hero faction attacked the Kyoto Youkai because they wanted Yasaka to summon great red or something. I appeared next to one of the demons and snapped his neck. Yamato went to the right and targeted the human Magicians, she used her clubs and she quickly got rid of the human Magicians. Maki used twin daggers and cleaned up the demons on the left. The guy who was leading the attack looked dumbfounded, in just a quick second all of his men have been taken out. Before he could say anything I froze his body with Ice magic and smashed the ice block.

"Um, Excuse me, thank you for the help whoever you guys are." Kunou walked up and spoke shyly and gave a bow while she was thanking us, the others also bowed.

"No problem Little girl. what are you doing out here and why did they attack you." I asked her curious why she was there.

" My name is Kunou, I'm the daughter of the Kyoto Youkai leader Yasaka. The demons that attacked us were a part of the old satan faction. They attacked because my mother and the underworld have been in talks about having an alliance with each other. According to what the leader said they wanted to kill me to cause a war between the demon faction and the Youkai faction." She had a dejected look on her face, I patted her head and introduced ourselves.

"Well Konou, My name is Ren Valefor Although I'm a demon I'm not a bad guy. These are Maki my knight and Yamato my rook." I talked to Kunou for a bit, but while speaking I sensed a few people coming our way with my Observation Haki, 5 people were heading this direction, 4 humans and one 9-tailed fox Youkai. Suddenly one of the humans disappeared from the group.

" Cursed Technique Reversal Red" Suddenly a man with white hair and a blindfold appeared in front of me and launched a red ball of energy at me. I ducked the attack and swung a punch at the person that appeared. My fist was stopped, wait no that's correct. It feels more like My punch has slowed down to a large extent. He smiled and sent out a punch of his own. I blocked his attack with my forearm.

" Hey, your not bad demon, Lady Kunou we're here to save you." He grabbed her and jump backward. Suddenly a few more people appeared. In front was a 9-tailed fox youkai, she looked like a young woman with a voluptuous figure and very long blonde hair with matching eyes. She is a woman with delicate facial features and her eyebrows are cut very short and round a symbol of nobility, that was Yasaka. Another was a girl that looked like Maki, She had mid-length black hair (green in the anime) that reached just to her neck, dark brown eyes, and thin eyebrows, she held a gun in her hand, that was Mai Maki's twin sister. The third person was a relatively tall, slim young man with fair skin and dark blue eyes. He has uniquely styled black hair with long spikes that jut out in every direction around his head, that was Megumi Fushiguro. The last person was a tall young man with a scar on his head, he was shirtless. He has a very defined, heavy muscular build and relatively tan skin. He has small black eyes and shoulder-length black hair that is almost always tied into a top-knot bun, this last man was Aoi Todo.

" You cursed demons how dare you target my daughter!" Yasaka Yelled at us, she gathered some fox fire and prepared to shoot it at us.

" Wait Mother, they weren't the ones that attacked us. They saved us from the attackers." Kunou imminently cleared the situation. The other Youkai backed her statement.

" I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, and I want to thank you for saving my daughter. Would you like to come and eat at Urakyoto?" After the Misunderstanding ended Yasaka Invited us to Urakyoto. We agreed and they lead us to Urakyoto. On the way there I noticed a few things, the first thing there was an awkward silence between Maki and Mai. Todo was staring at Yamato and tried to fight with her. He was rejected immediately. The last thing was Kunou asked me many questions about myself and my peerage. We arrived at Urakyoto and then we entered the main hall. We sat down around a table, Yasaka and Kunou sat at the front, I sat on the left and across from sat Gojo. He was looking in my direction, I'm sure he was looking at me even though he had his blindfold on.

" I Know I'm good looking but you shouldn't stare too much, plus I don't swing that way." Gojo had a small smirk on his face and grabbed some beef and took a bite.

" Well your good looking but not as much as me. Also I don't swing that way either." Gojo replied with a stupid grin on his face.

"You look like an idiot with a blindfold on and eating at the table."

Me and Gojo had a back-and-forth argument while we were eating. Others at the table were having their conversations and the dinner was relatively peaceful.

Gojo stood up suddenly and looked at me and said, " Now that dinner is over shall we get some exercise?"

I put down the chopsticks and got up, " Sure, but we should leave this area so we don't destroy anything." Everyone at the table had a confused look on their faces. I and Gojo walked outside and asked Yasaka if there was a private spot where we can let loose. She understood what we meant and lead us to a place near the Mountain, there was a lake nearby as well as a small forest.

We started to stretch our bodies and looked at each other. Gojo took off his blindfold and took off his jacket. He was wearing a black shirt underneath his jacket. I summoned my sword and looked at him. We said nothing, nearby Yasaka and the rest were standing there ready to watch this fight.

" So, Fushiguro who do you think will win this fight?" Todo asked causally just to start a conversation.

"Obviously Gojo Sensei will win?" Megumi replied blandly and looked at the fight like the answer was obvious.

" Are you sure about that Megumi, Ren will be the one who wins," Maki replied with a confident tone.

" Maki, you shouldn't let your feelings blind your judgment," Mai replied to her, her voice filled with mockery and anger.

Before Maki could reply a sudden boom caught the attention of everyone. Ren was the first one to attack, he sent out a large fireball and a lighting bolt at Gojo. Once again the attack was blocked by his infinity technique.

"It's useless, none of your attacks will be able to go past my infinity technique."

I said nothing, I coated My sword with armament haki and swung at Gojo. Gojo looked at my sword with went from black and purple to fully black. He raised his guard and prepared for what was next. The sword swung at Gojo and at Gojo and the rest who were watching surprised my sword kept getting closer Gojo. Gojo dodged the attack and before he could regain his footing, Ren charged at him.

Cursed Technique Lapse Blue, suddenly the space around Ren changed and sent him a few meters away.

'That attack he did with his sword what was it, was it an ability of the sword or a technique he has? Anyways it's strange. That attack didn't cut through my Infinity but negated it.' Gojo was trying to think about Rens's attack, he had a smile on his face, ever since he first clashed with Ren he could feel how strong he was and he wanted to fight Him, he knew that Ren felt the same way.

'So that was Infinity and his cursed technique blue. Feeling the space around me being attracted into a different direction is weird but this is exciting.' Ren had a smile thinking about the fight he was about to have.

End of chapter.

A.N. Sorry for the late update, I just started my new job and I'm soon going to be starting a new semester at my university, I don't know when ill be able to post new chapters but I won't drop the fic and I'll try to update as frequently as I can.

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