
Supreme Conquerer

DISCLAIMER: I dont own any of the anime, manga or novels that may be mentioned in this fanfic. I'm just writing this for fun. [ALSO!! I DO NOT AND I MEAN I DO NOT OWN THAT MFing IMAGE FOR MY STORY'S COVER! I found it on Google and if anyone is gonna bi- *ahem* complain about it please inform me about it.] [Description] Crimson, a dragon slayer basically travels the multiverse and fights with higher beings maybe build an empire for dragons eh.. idk.. enjoy though. Oh and I'll make a chapter whenever I got free time. NOTE: OK. I changed the title because it seems that it kinda caused a misunderstanding and I to agree with that. So this will be it's new name since its what the mc would be doing and yeah.. that's all.

LemonDrops · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Innate Abilities

In the chaotic area of the now ruined guild Phantom Lord, the small figure of a fiercely looking animal laid there with multiple injuries adorning its body. 

Flare was surrounded by four people who were all oozing blood from several parts of their body. 

Among the group of four the tall figure of a man with broad shoulders stood out most certainly as his gaze filled with a mixture of both sadness and rage plastered itself onto Flare's barely breathing body. 

"Flare…" The faint whisper of an old and pained voice sounded. 

Looking into the distance a short and old man remained pinned to the crumbling floor. 

Above his struggling body was a slender foot which looked rather disturbing.

As we traced up the foot of the unknown person, the face of the person came into sight. 

A nasty smile lingered onto the person's pale face. His crazed eyes complimented his entire attire as well. 

Makarov squirmed underneath the foot of the person, hate emitting off of his venomous glare. 

"Jose..! I-Ive allowed you to torture me long enough..!! *cough* *cough* R-release Flare, now!"

Jose raised an eyebrow in utter amusement. He chuckled wickedly, with his evilness shrouding his mind. 

Playfully sighing while he nastily swirled his finger atop the head of Makarov he responded.

"Did you actually think I'd let him go? Hahah! HAHAHA! You've the mind of a mere child Makarov! You are unfit to be a leader on the field!!!"

Makarov's malice bore no longer any shackles. His bolstered up rage bubbled out with an explosiveness as his face steadily grew red. 



Three hours ago, at the site of the fierce battle between the Four Elements and Flare. 

Flare's indistinguishable figure flickered about endlessly. He kicked off the earth with enough power to crumble a small hill.

He left massive craters within the earth, his body smashing against the heavy wind.


Flare's claws adorned a negative ray of voidless emotions. 

His eyes gleamed with fierceness as his heat loomed over like the aura of Satan. "Die!" 

Gusts of heated wind were birthed into existence as his heavy armored figure pierced forward. 

Bright orangish flames spread out with a mind of its own. The world felt as though it would melt just by being in its presence. 

Flare's flaming body had suddenly appeared between the four of them. 

Their hearts dropped. An iciness never felt before swallowed their very souls. 

"ARIA!! USE IT!" Totomaru once again the quickest to react with his mind hurriedly called out to Aria with dependency accompanying his rushed voice.

With what little time left that felt like an eternity Aria ripped his blindfold off. 

His quivering eyes widened and the moment it did the world seemed to have clashed with the sheer authority it radiated. 





Flare's gut wrenching scream rumbled within the air. What had happened was unimaginable. 

Flare's very own flames were rebounded by an invisible force. He felt as though a billion fire ants had suddenly started eating away at his own body. 

Flare's crazed eyes had blood lines running through them, his body on the verge of melting as the armor failed to achieve its purpose. 

Sol looked back as the situation played out. He saw a weakened Gajeel who was still embedded into the ground. 

However his current state didn't stop him from releasing his sheer wickedness as he glanced at Flare's horrifying situation. 

Sol turned back to his group who all nodded at him. 

His figure then vanished as he appeared behind Gajeel with his shadow looming over eerily. 

He grabbed the dragon slayer earning him a gasp in shock and ran back towards his master's room.

Juvia and Totomaru focused on Flare who was still shrieking in pain. It was as if he had unlimited air within his lungs. 

They smiled evilly but frowned a few seconds after. What they saw was Flare's flames undergoing some sort of change.

Feeling a sense of bad premonition rising within their hearts, both decided to use a combined move to cancel out Aria's attack and knock Flare unconscious. 

Focusing their elements Juvia gathered water particles at her fingertips whereas Totomaru firmly gripped the handle of his sword, unsheathing it's blade with his thumb pushing off from it's guard. 

Flames unfolded as the heat within the area started increasing. 

Both concentrated towards Flare's disregarded, open spaces. 

With a swipe of his sword and a flick of her wrist, both elements kicked off like a category 5 tornado. 

Chaotic and unbothered.



The attacks met with each other upon contact with Flare's burning body, instantly exploding as both elements had a negative impact when meeting their polar opposites. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Flare gave one final scream in sheer agony before his consciousness fell into the welcoming arms of darkness.


Jose continued to torture Makarov with his face bearing an unimaginable smile of pleasure. 

Forced to watch from the side were the many members of Fairy Tail. Cana, Grey and the rest of Fairy Tail had tears within their eyes. 

Yet those tears held the burning rage of hell's gate. 

Their teeth were clenched with their jaws quivering. They were frustrated knowing that their master was suffering but couldn't do anything about it. 

They were placed in a bad position, a situation some would even call disastorable.

If they attempted to come to Makarov's rescue Jose wouldn't hesitate to reap his life. With a situation like this how could they not feel frustrated and enraged?

Cana dug her nails into her palms and roared. "Just you wait you fucking freak! Wait until Crimson returns!!! HE'LL KILL YOU!!"

"Oh?" Jose smiled in amusement. He looked forward to meeting this Crimson as it was the third time now this woman named Cana had mentioned him. 

Makarov shot his gaze towards Cana which told her to back down. 

Cana reluctantly zipped it but still venomously glared at Jose. 

Jose sneered and straightened his fingers. He stiffened them before piercing a hole in Makarov's hand.


"MASTER!!" Makarov's pained cry drew out all of the concern Fairy Tail held for him. 

Their bodies shook with rage, regret and hatred. Their murderous intent to kill thickened endlessly as it suffused within the atmosphere.

'Crimson… please.. where are you..?!' A weeping Cana asked within her shuddering mind.


Within the void-like world, Crimson who was still in his dragon form held a contemplative look as he chewed the mushy raw meat of the Cyclops' head.

"I feel like…. I've just eaten a Cyclops' head."

"..." The ancient voice didn't even bother to respond but Crimson still felt his annoyance. 

He cackled in amusement but quickly followed back up on the topic.

"I'm serious. I don't feel anything that's new."

*sighs* "Okay… let's see here..."

The voice sunk into deep contemplation while Crimson continued to munch on the deceased body of the Cyclops.

"Damn! I'm an idiot!"

"You've just realised that? Hahaha!"

"Shut it brat! *sighs* Here, try again, this time you'll have to put in a bit more effort, okay?"

"Okay! I just want more meat!"

"Disgusting... A-anyways..! Let's begin!"


The world of darkness started to contort, bending to the sheer force which had suddenly spawned into existence. 

A figure with a height of 230 meters came into sight within mere moments. It was yet again another Cyclops. 

However this time Crimson felt something different from it. It was as if the Cyclops held more than just brute strength. 

It was as if its power had expanded! Crimson narrowed his eyes as he tried to peer through the very being of the Cyclops. 

As he was doing that the Cyclops suddenly launched itself towards him.

"What the hell?!" 

Gazing at the incoming figure of the Cyclops he noticed something beyond bizarre. 

Giant and ancient looking trees had shot out from the pitch black ground and started swirling around the Cyclops' fists. 

Just by noticing this a good amount of time had been taken up.

Before Crimson could even blink a thick, wooden cladded, giant fist came smashing towards his dragon face. 

Crimson ducked swiffer than he had ever and thrusted his long neck towards the Cyclops' humongous abdomen. 

In the process of doing so his spikes which trailed along his massive spine sunk into the skin of the Cyclops' free hand and ripped apart the pink flesh hidden underneath. 

"GRAAAAA!!" The Cyclops screamed in sheer agony. Crimson's eyes illuminated a murderous intent. 

His giant jaw wrapped around the Cyclops' abdomen before he chomped down with his humongous teeth easily breaking through it's bodily defences.


He didn't stop at a mere bite, no! Scarlet red flames circled within his mouth before seeping into the open wound of the Cyclops.

"AhhHHHHHHH!!!!" Its thunderous scream echoed out with a wave of bone chilliness daring to wash over any mortal man who was so daring to witness this murderous battle!


His lower body suddenly blew to bits, the scenery looking almost like it was reminiscent of a massive volcanic explosion. 

It was about to scream once again when a black crimson blur flashed with two garnet red streaks trailing behind it. 

Crimson's head appeared above the Cyclops and ruthlessly bit down, nastily ripping it's giant head off of its body.



Crimson chewed and swallowed the giant head of the Cyclops with his eyes still glued to the body of the now headless Cyclops. 

His gaze radiated an anger unquenchable. The ancient voice at this moment interjected seeing Crimson's enraged state.

"Woah, woah! Calm down big guy!"

Crimson gave a low grunt before speaking, "The bastard almost took my head off!! Fucking hell!"

"Yeah, Yeah!! Well..?!"

"*sighs* Alright, what do I do now?"

"W-well try and see if you feel anything different inside of your body!"

"Ugh! We've been over this! There's nothing changing within my bo-.."




Crimson started to quiver madly while his body released a series of thunderous rumbling. 

A sudden warmth coursed through his body. He started to feel an added amount of vitality brimming through him with excitement! 

As this was all happening giant wood, leaves, vines, trees and man eating plants started to spawn all around him.

The ancient voice couldn't hide it's joy as it soon released a hearty laugh.

"Hahahaha!! Blessing!! Blessing!! You're a blessed giant lizard!! Hahaha!!"

"W-what the hell?!" 

"I knew it!! Hahah!"

Crimson was spooked by the sudden unnatural outburst of nature. 

He jumped in fright as he looked at everything which was being played out.


Crimson transformed back into his human form and immediately got dressed. 

He stared towards the direction of the voice and continued to signal to it that he needed an explanation.

"Old man! The hell's wrong with you?!"

"Relax, brat! Can't you see the more riled up you are the more chaotic this wood element is going to get?!" 

He responded in annoyance. Crimson finally caught wind of the situation. 

These odd occurrences of nature belonged to him.. it was his own.. his- wait.. wood element?

"I have a new element?!" Crimson asked in pure jubilance finally having some realization dawned upon his being.


"THIS IS AWESOME!!!!" Crimson jumped up and down with his joy dancing freely around his heart.

As he did so the wood which had previously remained stagnant turned chaotic. 

It thickened greatly and surged with a growing speed never before seen!

"Calm down brat! Let me guide you first!" The ancient voice hurriedly called out to Crimson and in doing so was able to have Crimson calm down. 

He then started guiding Crimson on how to peacefully and orderly control his new element. 

Time flew as an hour passed within the real world whereas a thousand years passed within here.

By now the odd occurrences of nature had reverted back to absolute nothingness. 

Crimson stood with his feet seperated and implanted into the abyssal earth of this void-like world. 

His hands trailed through the air and almost looked like it was brushed through water as the darkness which covered the world looked as though it was being parted with every movement made. 

Breathing out a cloud of tensed up air he opened his eyes, revealing two beautiful garnet red irises. 

His vertical slit-like pupils only enhanced the beauty and fierceness they had previously held. 


Crimson heard a loud whistle above him. 

Turning to the right side of him he looked up high into the sky and saw nothing but an endless darkness which stretched to the ends of this earth. 

Yet, even though there was an endless darkness, Crimson still felt the presence of the ancient voice. 

"Well done! I am truly blessed to have such a talented person as the bearer of REBIRTH!"

"Heheh! I'm just that awesome! Now, tell me how and why I received the Cyclops' element and does it have anything to do with my innate ability?"

"Ah, I almost forgot you're sometimes clever. Yes, actually, it does have something to do with your innate ability. As for how and why? Well once again it's because your innate ability kicked in."

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!!" Crimson's joy peaked! 

His excitement soared and his interest only grew. 

The ancient voice spoke, "Sure, but before I get into it allow me to break down the types of innate abilities belonging to monsters."

"Wait, do each and every other race aside from humans have their own section of innate abilities?"

"Ding! Ding! Ding! You're correct! Now, onto the explanation."

"Innate abilities. What are they? Well firstly, an innate ability is an ability monsters naturally awaken either through unstable emotions, rush of adrenaline, training or by just waiting until the time is ripe."

"It is completely impossible to artificially create a new innate ability and is also impossible to pass one down to a human. If a human is to say, get their hands on an innate ability, their minds would soon succumb to the beastly nature that the innate ability carries and would be turned into a mindless monster of a human who disregards the safety of themselves and the safety of others as well."

"There are specifically two genres of innate abilities. ADS innate abilites and Gluttonous innate abilites."

He paused briefly before continuing, "An ADS innate ability is composed of three types of innate abilities whereas a Gluttonous innate ability is only composed of one, obviously."

"An ADS innate ability stands for Attack, Defense or Support innate ability which are the three basic type of innate abilities. The Attack type of innate ability is as its name implies, an innate ability made for attack purposes only. A Defense type of innate ability is an innate ability which solely focuses on defending the monster who uses it."

"And now finally, the last one of the ADS innate abilities, the Support type of innate ability. This specific type of innate ability is rarer than both previous innate abilities combined. Even though it is still common among innate abilities it is considered rare when compared to both Attack and Defense type innate abilities because of its advantages."

"A Support innate ability is an innate ability which can either both attack and defend or temporarily add buffs to you and your allies!"

Crimson raised his eyebrows up and down as his interest was fully absorbed into the current topic. Amazement flashed within his eyes as realization of those benefits dawned upon him.

"That's so cool!!" 

The ancient voice chuckled and gave a light 'mn' in agreement. Crimson thought about something before he once again spoke. "Wait, weren't there another genre of innate abilities?"

"Excellent attentive skills!"

"Dude you sound like a miserable teacher.."

"Shut up! Anyways, back to the final genre of innate abilities. The Gluttonous type! These types of innate abilities are what's truly rare!"

"And you may be asking yourself currently, "What is a Gluttonous innate ability?" Well it is an innate ability which enables the user to devour a monster, human or any other living being that it comes across and gain one of their abilities or elements."

"You, Crimson, own a Gluttonous innate ability called 'Devour'. With Gluttonous innate abilities, yours included, it is simply impossible to gain two abilities or elements from the same person!"

"But that's not all, there's another restriction which is only entitled to Gluttonous innate ability users. You mustn't overuse a Gluttonous innate ability more than three times a day. Otherwise, the 'Curse Of Greed' will mark you and when that happens.." *sighs*

For some reason as Crimson heard the words 'Curse Of Greed' he felt his heart tighten with fear. 

He had opened his mouth to question even further but it looked as though the ancient voice was too much in a hurry to stay idle any longer to chat.

"Well, Crimson, I must take my leave. My scheduled time had been up 30 minutes ago and by delaying you here I would be placing your friends in even greater danger."

Crimson felt a wave of confusion and dread wash over his heart. "Danger? What-" Yet, as he was about to ask a question once again he was cut off by the warping effect of the world. 

He knew that it was finally time to go. Sighing in exasperation he gave up trying to ask the ancient voice any type of question and just awaited his arrival in the outside world.

The ancient voice released a light sigh and chuckled before he went on to say, "Good luck on your journeys Crimson. I hope to see you soon once again, goodbye."

And as he said his salutations, Crimson faded out of the abyssal world with a slight smile on his face but a bad feeling within his heart.

"Goodbye old man, till next time."

Today is friday and i woke up earlier than anticipated so i had enough time to work on a chapter before I started preparing myself for school. Thank you all for having patience to bear my shit and I wanna wish y'all a blessed day. Love ya'll man, stay safe and be humble!

LemonDropscreators' thoughts