
Supreme Butterfly Monarch

This is the era of cosmic cultivation. Every cultivator absorbs and utilizes the cosmic energy of the universe to fuel their innate talents and unleash unparalleled might. Region-level cultivators can destroy regions and the even stronger Kingdom-level cultivators can destroy Kingdoms. Cultivators that can shatter entire continents that are at Continental-level also exist! This is an era where might reign supreme and the talented have a bright future yet Zaven Ethelric was always overshadowed by his cousin, causing his mind to grow twisted. Will Zaven successfully walk out of the shadow of his overly-talented cousin and become his very own protagonist or will he forever become a side character to his blessed cousin's life? Find this out by reading the journey of the Supreme Butterfly Monarch!

KenceRussel · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Insanity

"They don't love me anymore... they don't love me anymore... they don't love me anymore..." Zaven repeated to himself like a broken speaker. His tears continued to flow down as he felt like his heart was being torn multiple times in succession. It was very suffocating for him.

"Young Lord? What happened? Why are you crying?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice entered Zaven's ears. This voice is very familiar to him. It was the voice of one of the rare Town-level cultivators of the Ethelric Family. He was even one of the strongest Town-level cultivators in the City and he too was close to Zaven.

He treated Zaven as the Young Lord he was willing to sacrifice his life for. He was very loyal to the Ethelric Family, and especially Zaven.

Back when Zaven was still not swallowed by despair, many people like him. He was a bright, cheerful, and especially kind child.

It can also be said that this cultivator achieved his current level because of Zaven. When the Ethelric Family was recruiting guards, Torvan was one of the numerous people who applied.

However, at that time, he was still a very ordinary Village-level cultivator. He almost has no hope of being chosen but it was like a miracle happened and he was chosen not because he was talented or anything.

It was because Zaven, the Young Lord, saw him being bullied by the other Village-level cultivators. After seeing injustice, Zaven who was even younger back then can't take seeing it. He asked his father to disqualify those bullies and to recruit Torva.

In hopes of repaying the Young Lord's kindness, Torva strived hard in his cultivation. With his hard work and also the resources allocated to him by the Ethelric Family, he became a Town-level cultivator and a very powerful one at that.

As such, he was always filled with gratitude to the Ethelric Family, especially to the young Zaven that changed his life. From an ordinary person, Torva became one of the elites in the city!

After all, the Dragonhead City only has one cultivator at the City-level and that was the City Lord. Except for him, the Town-level cultivators reigned supreme!

The two were also close but at this time, Zaven didn't have the mental capacity to care for other people.

"They don't love me anymore... they don't love me anymore... they don't love me anymore..." Zaven repeated his words causing Torva to become even worried as he hurriedly approached him.

"Young Lord, what are you saying? Is there something bothering you? I'm here! I'll listen to you!" Torva said worriedly but Zaven still ignored him.

"They don't love me anymore... they only love Raven now... it's because I'm weak... I'm very weak... if I was talented... if I was not weak..."

"That's right! If I am not weak, Dad will love me again! To become strong, I need to hatch my cosmic beast, and to hatch the cosmic beast, I need resources! I need lots of resources!"

It was as if a spark of hope lit up inside Zaven but imbued with that spark of hope was a hint of insanity. He was far different than he was before reality slapped him hard in the face.

"Torva! Torva! Come with me! Let's go to the Dragonhead Mountain! Help me collect resources, quickly! Let's go now!" Zaven said to the guard hurriedly. He even grabbed Torva's arm tightly. If the latter was not a powerful Town-level cultivator, his arm might bruised because of how hard Zaven was holding it.

"Young Lord, the Dragonhead Mountain is very dangerous! I don't dare explore it. I can't compromise your safety!" Torva hurriedly shook his head.

Even the City Lord cannot guarantee his safety inside the Dragonhead Mountain and he is a dignified City-level cultivator. If such a powerful man also has risks of dying, what more for Torva especially if he has to protect a powerless kid?

However, as soon as he refuses, Zaven's insanity instantly grows immensely. "What?! You won't even listen to your Young Lord now? I bet if it was Raven who asked you for a favor, you would immediately agree! I hate you too! I hate you too!"

Insanity started to fill up Zaven more and more. He was really agitated now and with how weak his physique is, extreme emotions also have a detrimental effect on him.

As expected, it didn't take that long for him to clutch his chest in pain. He started gasping for air as he shed more tears. These tears are not emotional tears anymore but tears brought by extreme physical pain!

"Young Lord! This is bad! I have to take you to a healer!" Torva panicked after seeing Zaven's condition. While Zaven was born physically weak, this was still the first time that his condition worsened because of extreme emotions.

After all, everyone showered Zaven with love. None of them let him be aggrieved.

"N-no! I-I don't n-need a h-healer! W-what I-I need is r-resources! T-take me t-to the D-Dragonhead M-Mountain!" Zaven strongly refuses and Torva doesn't have a choice but to try to take him to a healer.

Unfortunately, Zaven struggled and the more he struggled, the more his condition worsened. His face was already as pale as a paper and his body started to shake. It looks like he would convulse anytime soon and Torva doesn't have a choice but to grit his teeth.

"Alright, let's go to the Dragonhead Mountain!" Torva doesn't have a choice but to agree, that is at the very least on the surface. No matter what, Torva won't take Zaven to Dragonhead Mountain. If not, even if he sacrifices his life, that might still not be enough if they encounter extreme danger.

As soon as he heard those words, Zaven calmed down considerably but his physical condition was still far from being desirable. Torva can only guide him towards one of the cars that the Ethelric Family owned.

Fortunately, some attendants are taking care of the cars and Torva called one of them.

"Inform the City Lord that the Young Lord insisted on entering the Dragonhead Mountain. I can't refuse him because of his physical condition. Ask the City Lord to stop us before we can enter the mountain!" Torva ordered and the attendant's expression turned serious. This is a big matter and he cannot mess it up. If not, he might need to face the City Lord's wrath.

"I understand!" The attendant answered and with that, Torva went to one of the cars with Zaven and he drove off

Fortunately, the Ethelric Family Manor is located at the heart of the City, it would take some time before they can reach the city gates. That should be enough time for the City Lord to intercept them.


"Hurry! Hurry! We have to get resources as soon as possible!" Zaven said impatiently. If people hear him, they would think that he is in a normal condition

However, at this moment, his eyes were already blurry. His cheeks were already flushed red as if he was suffering from a severe fever. One look was enough to see that his body temperature was higher than normal, especially since he was very sweaty now. His body was trying to cool down his temperature but to no avail

"Where is the City Lord? We are almost outside of the City now" Torva frowned.

Based on his judgment, the City Lord should have long intercepted them already. In fact, that would be the case normally.

Unfortunately, with Belthric's condition, he didn't let anyone see him aside from Raven. All the servants were unable to contact him or even if they sent him a message, he simply ignored them.

"This wouldn't do... as soon as we get out of the City and the City Lord still hasn't arrived, I don't have a choice but to make the Young Lord unconscious," Torva thought. In fact, he already thought of doing this earlier.

At the very least, it is easy for a Town-level cultivator to make a young child faint with a bit of force. However, he was worried that with the Young Lord's constitution, even that little bit of force might negatively affect him, especially now with his current condition.

As soon as the two reached the city gates, Torva could not help but sigh. It seems like the use of force is really necessary.

"Torva! Hurry up! What are you still doing? Get out of the car!" Zaven said impatiently.

Humans generally don't use cars outside of the City. Not only was the terrain unfavorable for their vehicles, but it was also easy to fall into danger when inside such a cramped space.

After all, the outside was filled with cosmic beasts. Even cultivators would be hard-pressed to defend themselves if they were trapped in such a cramped space. They might die before they can even start to resist.