
Supreme Butterfly Monarch

This is the era of cosmic cultivation. Every cultivator absorbs and utilizes the cosmic energy of the universe to fuel their innate talents and unleash unparalleled might. Region-level cultivators can destroy regions and the even stronger Kingdom-level cultivators can destroy Kingdoms. Cultivators that can shatter entire continents that are at Continental-level also exist! This is an era where might reign supreme and the talented have a bright future yet Zaven Ethelric was always overshadowed by his cousin, causing his mind to grow twisted. Will Zaven successfully walk out of the shadow of his overly-talented cousin and become his very own protagonist or will he forever become a side character to his blessed cousin's life? Find this out by reading the journey of the Supreme Butterfly Monarch!

KenceRussel · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: Awake again!

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months also turned into years!

Just like that, a whole three years have passed. At this point, whether it be Zaven or Raven, both of them are already 15 years of age.

In this world, while 12 years old is extremely young, 15 years old is different. They are now considered as young adults. They are not as experienced as real adults but they are already not viewed as mere kids anymore.

In these three years, many things have changed in the city. The once prosperous and peaceful city has become very chaotic without its only City-level cultivator.

The cosmic beasts are just temporary problems. Months after the fight of the City-level cosmic beasts, the other cosmic beasts calmed down. Just like usual, they rarely went down the mountain.

However, the true chaos in the city comes from both internal and external sources. The internal chaos came from the factions that wanted to become the new ruler of the city, replacing the Ethelric Family. As for the external chaos, it came from the forces coming from City Lord Imba.

The situation of the Ethelric Family still being the ruler of the city was only forcefully maintained because of Raven's viciousness.

Rebels were killed one after another and the same was true for the subordinates of City Lord Imba. It doesn't matter if he has evidence and it was just a little bit of suspicion.

As long as Raven thinks that they will threaten the city, he will immediately execute them. From time to time, he will even execute them publicly to serve as a reminder and a warning.

At first, this domineering tactic was very effective but it was not a long-term solution. Dissatisfactions arose and Raven didn't have enough power to suppress the dissatisfaction!

"The time has come... I forcefully retained the Ethelric Family's rule in the Dragonhead City by being vicious and merciless, causing thousands of deaths, many of them done using my own hands..."

"This is possible because the Ethelric Family is the orthodox ruler of the City. However... no matter how orthodox the faction is, without the strength to back it up, they will still collapse"

Raven seemed to be talking to himself but his eyes were staring at the unconscious young man on the bed.

It has been three years and although a lot has changed in the city, the fact that the City Lord and the Young Lord are still in a coma didn't change.

"Zaven... I have to take a risk this time. With my talent, if I further loosen the suppression of my talent, even becoming a City-level cultivator is easy. However, while that will save the city temporarily, once I gained too much attention and my real talent was discovered, even I wouldn't be able to stop our family's demise"

"If I want to become a City-level cultivator without arousing much suspicion, I can only take a risk. I heard that in the Restless Bay, resources that can directly elevate a cultivator at the City-level can be found. Of course, that kind of treasure is rare and only the lucky can discover them"

"Not to mention, even City-level cultivators often fall in the Restless Bay, much less a Town-level cultivator. Even I, cannot guarantee safety but I only need an excuse. An excuse to reach the City-level immediately. Only then will the city truly regain its peace"

The reason why the Dragonhead City is in this much chaos is because of the absence of a City-level cultivator. No matter how much effort Raven poured, only when another City-level cultivator was born into the city could it regain its peace.

"Zaven, I hope that when I return, you will not be in a coma anymore. Even if I were to find treasures that would elevate a cultivator to the City-level, I don't need it. I will give these treasures to you directly. By then, you will be more than qualified to rule the Dragonhead City!"

After leaving those words, Raven immediately left. There was really no time to waste.

"No! Stop! Don't go to such a dangerous place. I don't care about the city anymore, all I really care about now is the family!" Zaven roared in his head.

Three years... a whole three years have passed and such a long time was more than enough for Zaven to contemplate and realize a lot of things.

He belatedly realized that it was not that he wanted the Dragonhead City to rise. All he really wants is to make his parents proud and the way he thinks to do that is to become a powerful cultivator and make the Dragonhead City rise.

However, in these three years, Zaven already realized that no effort is needed. Even if he just achieved the smallest little thing, his family would still be proud of him.

His twisted obsession with the City and the position of the City Lord has long vanished. All he wanted now was to keep his family safe!

"Raven... why go through such risk? We can just return to mom's family. We will lose the city but at the very least, we wouldn't be in danger..." Zaven muttered.

At this point, although he didn't experience much, he already matured a lot and he didn't cry like he would in the past. While he didn't experience the world and only heard bits of information from his family, who wouldn't mature after being in deep darkness for three whole years?


Just like that, another week passed and the forces in the city were in a stalemate. It was known to everyone that Raven went to the Restless Bay to find a treasure that would elevate him to the City-level.

Whether it be the external or internal sources of chaos, they are waiting. Raven states that whether he finds the treasure or not, he will return within three months.

If in three months Raven didn't return, the City would be swallowed by the others. If he did return as a City-level cultivator, the peace would return. If not, chaos will continue.

As such, everyone was waiting. They are waiting for his result.

At first, the Dragonhead City was in a state of calm before the storm, all of them were waiting for Raven's return. They didn't expect that another shocking news would spread.

"Was it true? The Young Lord has finally awakened?"

"It's true! I heard it directly from a guard working at the City Lord's Manor!"

"It has been three years and finally the Young Lord has awakened!"

"Psh, so what if he did? He was just a 12 year old kid when he fell into a coma. He can't possibly return peace to the city!"

"Alas! Only if it was the City Lord and not the Young Lord that awakened! Things would be different!"

Everyone has the same sentiments. They wish that the City Lord is the one that awakened rather than the Young Lord. If the former awakened, peace would return but since it was the latter, nothing will change!

However, while they are disappointed with this news, it is different from the people who really care about Zaven.

"Baby! You finally broke free from your coma! I missed you too much!" Elena said while holding her son's hands with shaking hands.

She badly wanted to hug him but she was afraid. Although she and Raven fed Zaven with precious herbs so that his physical body wouldn't further deteriorate, no one knows how much burden his physique endured.

He was already a frail kid before, what more now that he was unmoving and in a coma for three whole years.

"I'm awake... I'm actually awake now..."Zaven muttered in disbelief. Others don't know how much he tried to forcefully regain consciousness for the past three years. He tried countless of times.

However, today, he suddenly found himself truly conscious again without his control. He cannot help but feel a bit bitter.

He tried countless of times to no avail but now, he actually suddenly regained consciousness without a warning. How can he not feel bitter?

However, before he can even organize his thoughts, the manor's main butler enters his bedroom, to announce something.

"Young Master, Madam..." Butler Wern called out, his face showing an unsure expression. He doesn't know if he should say what should be said or not.

Sensing the butler's seriousness, Elana shook her head. "We will talk later" she said. Zaven just woke up, she doesn't want to burden him. In fact, Zaven doesn't even know anything and she was afraid to give him a shock.

However, contrary to what they are thinking, Zaven is not that ignorant. His mother and cousin talked to him even though he was unconscious. As such, he was not that ignorant of what was happening in the city.

Even if he only heard bits and bits of information, he at least knew the general state of the city.