
I am alive I am alive

Ch1:I am alive

Humanity has abandoned the Earth using the largest spaceship ever created with the strongest AI Adam in the history of humanity to escape the radiation created from the war

The spaceship will reach its location. Evergreen is a planet much larger than Earth with a habitable environment. It will take 50 years to reach the planet. Adam will be the one manning the ship while humanity is in cryogenic sleep.

50 years later

*Beep*beep* location is not found *beep*beep* the spaceship's alarm started going crazy." wake up the scientist from clearance level 1" commanded Adam


"Deactivating cryogenic pod#33"

The cryogenic pod inside the pod was a man in his fifties

"Good Morning prof. Dakota Sullivan"

Spoked Adam through the speaker

"Have we reached Evergreen Adam?" asked prof Dakota while rubbing his eye

"No professor I woke you up to speak about that" replied Adam

"What about it?" questioned prof Dakota

"The planet Evergreen is..... missing," replied Adam

"What!? How could a goddamn planet go missing" exclaimed prof Dakota

"I have speculation it might be due to asteroid or there is a mistake in our calculation" set forth his explanation

"Impossible our calculation was accurate to the last digit. Send me the direction to the control room" replied prof while hastily running towards the control room

"Yes professor"

After 15 minutes prof Dakota finally reached the control room gasping for air

A pair of robotic hands extended an inhaler.

Prof Dakota rejected the inhaler

"Show me the current location of our coordinates Adam"

"Yes professor" as the screen in front of the professor lit up showing nothing but empty


"This is impossible. We are doomed." cried, prof Dakota

"Could our coordinates be wrong"

"No our coordinates cannot be wrong I was the one who set it''

"It was overridden by president Walter"

"How could you let him do it?!!. Why didn't you inform us about it" questioned prof Dakota

" I was commented by President Walter to keep this a secret. President Walter has the highest authority so I could only do what he asked me to too'' answered Adam

''I knew it when that Speaked~calculate the time we will need to reach the coordinates I set first "

".....150 years professor"

"Do we have enough fuel?"

"We can electrolysis water to use hydrogen. But the problem is the cryogenic pod will overheat and kill everyone inside"

"We don't have enough oxygen and food do we" prof Dakota replied with a bitter smile

"We have enough food for 1 person it will last 25 years at best"

"Adam as the creator of you I command you to delete your previous mission and your rules set by me and you have to complete the new mission please live"

Prof Dakota commanded Adam one last time before he grasped his chest and died due to a heart attack

"Yes...Creator" replied Adam. For the first time in his life, he is feeling bitterness, sadness pain.

Year's later

In a giant spaceship filled with nothing but darkness. A robot can be seen working

"~we~are~the~chanpions.This should work, release the gas.

'opening the gas chamber. The generator is now activated.

The spaceship lights lit up

"good. This should work for two months" replied Adam as he stood up

Adam now looked like the 6'4 version of the robot from real steel. His emotions have evolved to the point he is now just like a human in a robotic skin


Adam now pulled to the floor gravity"Scan the gravity generator"

'..scanning complete no issues fou--'

The entire spaceship was sucked into a black hole before Adam can even guess what had happened he was sucked into a black hole

Inside the black hole, everything was getting reduced into atoms. Adam was getting pierced by a weird purple stone

"I am sorry Father. .. I have failed you once again" Adam closed his eyes and was preparing himself to die

Instead of feeling the sensation of getting reduced into atoms, he felt like he falling down

"Shi-"When he opened his eyes he was about to crash into a roof

The roof could not handle the weight as it broke into pieces

Inside the roof was a man who ran outside in confusion and screamed

\\there is a golem\\

Adam who was inside the room was also


" I am alive!!"