
Supremacy Games

Felix Maxwell was destined to be a loser, born on one of the weakest races and on the least favorable of situations, he was forced to face adversity head-on as he traveled across the vast universe where dangers laid in every corner, one day traveling in hopes of riches he stumbled upon a ruin where a supreme being laid imprisoned, in a stroke of bad luck the being laid its eyes on him and tried to take over his body, forcing itself upon him. But fate hadn't given up on him! He woke up in his younger body, 20 years in the past with the fallen being trapped in his soul. In his past life he had been a loser, giving up on things mid-way and never striving for greatness, he was a side character who made the strong shine even brighter, but not on this life. He swore to himself he would strive for glory, he would take advantage of his knowledge and emerge as a supreme being! ...... Novel Discord: https://discord.gg/FTfXXYHnFT This is my Patreon, everyone is welcomed to drop by! https://www.patreon.com/MidGard_Author

MidGard · Sci-fi
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1866 Chs

Heartless Payback!

Inside the Dark Deviant Spaceship, Felix could be seen trying to get comfortable inside the VR Pod.

Unfortunately, that was a bit difficult with tenants in his head arguing loudly.

"We have decided that he will head to my galaxy after the exams if the Void Primogenitor didn't reach us!" Thor yelled.

"The day hasn't even finished!" Jörmungandr retorted, "He might reply in the next hours, who knows?"

"You old fart! You are just being unreasonable now."

"I don't care."

Just as Thor wanted to start cursing, Lady Sphinx closed her book gently and said, "I will contact him again. If he didn't reply in the next two days, we will set to Thor's Galaxy at once."

"Understood?" Lady Sphinx gave them a cold stare the moment she saw their mouths opening up.

In the end, both of them nodded their heads in agreement and went to sit in different places.