
The Gongyang Master

Lu Zaiye’s eyes were sharp and filled with a hint of menace, exuding an intimidating aura.

The young man’s legs began to tremble, and he instinctively turned to the plump cloisterer for help.

The plump cloisterer, who had intended to test the waters, quickly approached with a forced smile, saying, “Senior, please calm your anger and allow me to explain.”

Lu Zaiye remained silent, his cold gaze fixed upon him.

The plump cloisterer’s heart trembled, though he maintained his smile and began to explain.

While he had hoped to profit from this opportunity, the young man’s words were not entirely false. The Li city was currently in turmoil, as someone coveted the position of city lord and a fierce battle was underway.

To prevent the city lord from seeking outside assistance, the opposing faction forcefully closed the Teleportation Formation leading to Li city.

The plump cloisterer had privately arranged for a Teleportation Formation to be hastily constructed with the help of a formation cultivator from Meng city.

However, due to the urgency of the situation, the array had not been thoroughly tested, and he couldn’t guarantee its operation flawlessly.

“That’s the situation, esteemed seniors. I have told you all, as the final decision rests with both of you,” the plump cloisterer concluded.

In truth, the plump cloisterer was starting to regret his actions.

While Teleportation Formations had evolved over the centuries and become more reliable, constructing one still required a considerable amount of resources. He had spared no expense in building the Teleportation Formation to Li city, hoping to make a profit from this opportunity.

However, now he realized that if anything went wrong during the teleportation, he would be held responsible and might even suffer severe consequences. His discomfort grew, contorting his face into a twisted expression.

After listening, Lu Zaiye didn’t respond to the plump cloisterer. Instead, he turned to Xu Yi and said, “This Teleportation Formation has its risks. Let us take another Teleportation Formation in the next city.”

The plump cloisterer’s face twitched upon hearing this but dared not say anything.

Xu Yi had no objections and was about to leave when she noticed the expression on the plump cloisterer’s face.

Suddenly, an idea sprouted in her mind, causing her to pause.

She gave Lu Zaiye a reassuring look and then smiled at the plump cloisterer, saying, “If we help you perfect this Teleportation Formation, what reward can you offer?”

Both Lu Zaiye and the plump cloisterer were taken aback.

Xu Yi’s intentions were too obvious.

She was capable of repairing the Teleportation Formation?

Understanding Xu Yi’s meaning, Lu Zaiye nodded slightly, while the plump cloisterer’s attitude became much warmer.

After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, “Senior, to be honest, I spent nearly all my savings on this Teleportation Formation. If you can help me perfect it, not only will I waive the teleportation fee for you, but I will also give you this.”

He extended his hand, revealing five high-grade spirit stones.

“Five high-grade spirit stones?” Xu Yi tested.

The plump cloisterer nodded, his face showing signs of pain.

Xu Yi had no intention of profiting from this opportunity, but she considered the time-saving benefits of using the Teleportation Formation.

She simply nodded and said, “Alright.”

“Senior, about the reward…” the plump cloisterer hesitated.

Xu Yi quickly intercepted the second half of his sentence, saying, “Once I have fixed the Teleportation Formation, you can give it to me.”

“Very well, please follow me,” the plump cloisterer said with a face full of wrinkles.

Leading Xu Yi, he headed towards the direction of the Teleportation Formation, with Lu Zaiye following closely behind.

The young man, who had been pushed aside, hurriedly caught up.

Each Teleportation Formation within the city is under the jurisdiction of the Lord’s Manor. The plump cloisterer dared to construct a Teleportation Formation privately can be seen as encroaching upon the Lord’s Manor’s business.

In order to avoid detection by people from the Lord’s Manor, he set up the Teleportation Formation in an inconspicuous location outside the city walls of Meng city.

Upon arrival, Xu Yi circled around the Teleportation Formation twice, revealing a disdainful expression.

Dissatisfied, she remarked, “who designed this Teleportation Formation? The patterns are crooked and twisted, as if the creator had not eaten their fill.”

The plump cloisterer awkwardly wiped the sweat from his forehead, not daring to mention that he had paid twenty high-grade spirit stones to hire a formation expert to design it.

Guiding Xu Yi was none other than an elder from the Xuanji Sect, whose cultivation and expertise in formations far surpassed that of formation experts.

With a simple glance, she pointed out seven or eight minor issues with the Teleportation Formation.

Then, rolling up her sleeves, she began rectifying the problems she had identified.

Lu Zaiye observed Xu Yi’s serious and earnest demeanor and caught a glimpse of a subtle smile, as if he saw the shadow of a certain elder from the Xuanji Sect.

The plump cloisterer and the young man were overjoyed.

From Xu Yi’s skilled actions, it was evident that she did not speak empty words; she truly possessed the ability to restore this Teleportation Formation.

Although the price of five high-grade spirit stones was expensive, they could easily recoup the cost by collecting additional teleportation fees, making it a worthwhile investment.

“Who is this little girl, daring to tamper with my formation!”

Xu Yi was interrupted by a loud shout as she adjusted the position of a spatial stone, nearly causing her to drop it.

She did not immediately acknowledge the person but instead securely placed the spatial stone in the intended location before clapping her hands and standing up.

In the distance stood a middle-aged man whose cultivation level was indiscernible, glaring at Xu Yi with a face full of anger, as if she had desecrated his ancestors’ graves.

Recalling his earlier words, Xu Yi sneered inwardly, realizing that this person was the one who had set up the Teleportation Formation.

She thought to herself that his cultivation was lacking, yet his temper was not.

Just as she was about to speak, the plump cloisterer hurriedly stepped forward, repeatedly bowing and apologizing to the man.

“Master Gongyang, please calm your anger. This esteemed senior was invited by me. Your magnanimity is unparalleled, so please do not take offense.”

The plump cloisterer also lamented inwardly.

This Master Gongyang was the formation expert he had hired to construct the Teleportation Formation.

The man was arrogant and narrow-minded, and this time, he might have truly offended him.

However, he couldn’t understand why Master Gongyang had claimed that he needed to rest in seclusion for a few days due to excessive consumption of spiritual energy after completing the Teleportation Formation.

How could he suddenly appear today, and at this particular moment…

Before the plump cloisterer could make sense of it all, Master Gongyang had already redirected his anger towards him.

“Yuan Dahai, I haven’t come to trouble you yet, but you begged me to repair this Teleportation Formation with spirit stones. What do you mean by this now? Are you trying to trample upon my dignity?”

Gongyang Hao’s eyes seemed to spew fire, with flecks of saliva landing on Yuan Dahai’s face.

Yuan Dahai wanted to dodge but didn’t dare to, so he could only reluctantly accept this baptism of saliva, continuously apologizing.

“Now, immediately get rid of that little girl for me, do you hear me?”

Gongyang Hao emphasized the last sentence with spiritual power, causing Yuan Dahai’s head to buzz.

Lu Zaiye noticed Gongyang Hao’s disrespectful words and his finger twitched. However, thinking of Xu Yi, he stopped and looked at her.

He saw that she was not only unbothered but also had a look of realization on her face.

He was certain that this young senior sister had already found a solution.