
The Flying Shuttle

Both Long Haotian and Wang Yi’an were not talkative individuals, and Chen Tao didn’t learn much about the master blacksmith from them.

He subconsciously assumed that this master blacksmith was an unremarkable middle-aged man or a spirited elderly gentleman.

But when he saw Xu Yi walking towards them, his jaw almost dropped.

She was the master blacksmith?

She looked too young.

At this moment, Long Haotian smiled and went forward to greet her, “Fair maiden.”

“Xu Yi.”

Long Haotian was taken aback, but quickly reacted, “I perceive that you are of similar age to me, may I have the audacity to address you as Senior Sister Xu?”

Xu Yi nodded, “You may.”

Long Haotian called Chen Tao over and asked him to greet Xu Yi.

“Xu, Senior Sister Xu, greetings,” Chen Tao stammered, then lowered his head, unable to meet Xu Yi’s gaze.

Long Haotian felt that Chen Tao’s reaction was peculiar, but didn’t dwell on it.