
The Change of Ruler in Li City

Outside the Lord’s Manor of Li city.

“Chen Batian, the three-day deadline has passed. Come forth and face me in battle!”

Zhang Zhenshan, seated on a tiger-headed chair with a majestic golden sword, stared fiercely at his subordinates as they declared war on the Lord’s Manor.

After a century of hiding, today he would finally reclaim Li city with his own hands.

The streets of Li city were empty, but countless pairs of eyes watched from the shadows, fixed on the direction of the Lord’s Manor.

Three days ago, Zhang Zhenshan, in front of the people of Li city, issued a challenge to the Lord’s Manor, agreeing to a battle to determine the rightful ruler of the city.

During these three days, the atmosphere in the city grew increasingly tense, as they eagerly anticipated this battle.

Who was the city’s ruler held little significance to them; they simply wished for Li city to swiftly regain order.

After about half an hour, the Lord’s Manor remained eerily silent.

Zhang Zhenshan slowly stood up, stretched his muscles, and retrieved a pair of bronze hammers taller than a person.

A bloodthirsty smile crept across his lips.


With his command, he charged towards the Lord’s Manor, followed by twenty or thirty individuals who also brandished their treasures.

In an instant, colorful spiritual lights erupted, and the resounding thunder shook the heavens.

The protective formation of the Lord’s Manor lasted only a few moments before it crumbled.

Zhang Zhenshan, wearing a sinister grin, stormed into the Lord’s Manor.

An hour later, the thick scent of blood wafted through the air, carried by a gentle breeze, spreading throughout Li city.

Li city had changed the ruler then.

When Xu Yi and Lu Zaiye arrived in Li city, they saw a flag flying on the city walls, bearing the character “Zhang.”

“Such a foul stench,” Xu Yi wrinkled her nose, gazing towards the direction of Li city with a solemn expression.

“It seems the battle for the lordship has concluded.”

Having identified the source of the odor, Xu Yi’s heart sank. How much blood must have been spilled to create such a spectacle?

Encountering such a situation right after their arrival, it appeared that the Nine Provinces were not as peaceful as she had imagined.

Though Lu Zaiye remained silent, his eyes remained fixed on the direction of the Lord’s Manor.

The two of them entered Li city in silence, surprised to find that the city seemed relatively unaffected.

The streets were lined with vendors and shops, carrying on with their usual business.

Exchanging a glance, they both sensed the confusion in each other’s eyes.

Xu Yi paused for a moment and said to Lu Zaiye, “Let’s find a tavern.”

As the story had mentioned, the best place to gather information was often in taverns and teahouses.

If they wanted to gather information, the tavern was the ideal destination.

Lu Zaiye nodded, and they quickly found an inn.

Just as Xu Yi was about to call over a the waiter to inquire about the news, a clear female voice came from behind.

“the waiter, come here. I have a question for you.”

Xu Yi immediately held back her words and discreetly perked up her ears.

“Miss, how may I assist you?”

“After such a commotion just now, aren’t you all afraid?”

The curiosity in her voice was unreserved.

Xu Yi instinctively held her breath and gestured to Lu Zaiye to remain silent.

Lu Zaiye: ……

He was eager to remind her that they were currently facing away from each other, so the other party couldn’t see their expressions.

Seeing that Xu Yi was very serious, he ultimately chose not to speak up.

the waiter, whether he genuinely didn’t care or was wary of the person’s identity, straightforwardly asked, “Are you all not come from Li City?”

“Yes, anything wrong?” the woman’s voice inquired.

the waiter chuckled and replied, “Today, you see, the one leading the siege is the son of our former lord of Li City. He is known for his kindness. Three days ago, he made it clear that this battle is between him and Lord Chen, and it won’t involve us. He told us to carry on as usual.”

“Ah!” A hint of interest flashed in Yin Li’s narrow eyes.

“So that’s how it is. But haven’t you smelled the scent of blood in the air?”

This style of action was completely contrary to what the waiter described as approachable.

Upon hearing this, the waiter’s expression changed, and he lowered his voice, saying, “Fairy, please speak softly.”

“Then tell me, what exactly is the situation?” Yin Li cooperatively lowered her voice. With a sigh, the waiter said, “Our Lord Zhang is seeking revenge for the Zhang family.”

It turned out that a hundred years ago, the lord of Li City was Zhang Zhentian’s father, who was beloved by the people of Li City for his kindness and generosity.

However, later on, a powerful cultivator in the Unity stage appeared from somewhere, coveting the position of the city lord of Li City.

He massacred the lord’s mansion, but Zhang Zhentian happened to be traveling outside and narrowly escaped the disaster.

Everything happening now is just karmic retribution.

After a moment of lament, the waiter became somewhat excited and said, “Speaking of which, our Lord Zhang is truly something.”

He raised his thumb.

Seeing Yin Li’s urging gaze, he continued, “I heard that when Lord Zhang left, he had just reached the Astral Projection stage in his cultivation, but now he can actually overpower cultivators in the Integration stage… tsk.”

The waiter had a proud expression on his face.

Having obtained the information she wanted, Yin Li casually ordered a few dishes and tossed a middle-grade spirit stone to the waiter as a tip, dismissing him.

Once the waiter left, Yin Li chuckled softly, “In just a hundred years, he has advanced three levels from the Astral Projection stage, surpassing cultivators in the Integration stage.

It feels like something happened in a book.”

Sitting on Yin Li’s right, province Cheng smiled at the corner of his lips.

“Junior Sister, don’t believe everything you hear. This waiter might have just heard rumors. Even the renowned Fairy Jinghong, the most talented woman in the Nine Provinces, took nearly three hundred years to achieve such progress. This Lord Zhang… heh.”

province Cheng lifted his teacup and took a sip, not continuing his words.

The other two also echoed, clearly disdainful of the waiter’s words.

Yin Li smiled faintly, seemingly not bothered by what happened earlier.

At another table.

Xu Yi and Lu Zaiye heard the entire conversation behind them.

Xu Yi raised her hand and set up a soundproof barrier, letting out a sigh of relief.

Finally, they could talk.

“This Lord Zhang endured for a hundred years and finally erupted. It’s not easy,” Xu Yi commented.

Originally, Xu Yi had some reservations about Lord Zhang’s methods, but after learning about his experiences, she could understand his actions.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Lu Zaiye furrowed his brows slightly, wanting to say something, but his attention was diverted by Xu Yi’s next words.

“Those four people behind us should also be disciples of a sect. I just don’t know which one,” Xu Yi said.

Xu Yi had already scanned them with her peripheral vision, memorizing their appearances and attire.

There were three men and one woman, all with a noble bearing and well-dressed.

Combined with their previous address, their identities were becoming apparent.

Lu Zaiye openly glanced at them and affirmed, “They are from the Beast Taming Sect.”

“How did you figure it out?” Xu Yi widened her eyes.

“They each have accessories related to demonic beasts. People from the Beast Taming Sect love to dress that way,” Lu Zaiye explained.

Recalling their appearance, Xu Yi indeed noticed items that matched his description. “Lu Zaiye, you’re amazing,” Xu Yi praised without reservation.

Although she had caught up on a lot of information about the Nine Provinces during these ten years, she couldn’t know everything.

It seemed that the elders’ decision back then was correct.

With Lu Zaiye by her side, she could quickly understand the Nine Provinces.

Lu Zaiye was taken aback, slightly awkward, and lowered his eyes.

He had never expected to receive such praise from his little master.

This was truly…