
Merit Points

Nalan Yan lifted her chin slightly and said in a coquettish voice, “What else can we bet on? Of course, it’s the merit points. I’ll wager a hundred points this time.”

As her words fell, a chorus of exclamations erupted on the training ground.

“Nalan Yan is going all out this time!”

“A hundred merit points, tsk, if she loses, her ranking will likely drop by at least ten places. She’s really daring.”

“Wanyan Xue is going to lose.”

“… ”

The onlookers of disciples reveled in the spectacle, their faces filled with schadenfreude.

At Kunlun Academy, rankings were determined not by martial prowess, but by the number of merit points each person possessed.

And at the end of each month, the merit points would be reset, meaning new rankings would be generated.

Acquiring merit points was not an easy task.

It could be earned through completing academy missions, participating in assessments, or challenging endless trials.

Each merit point was hard-earned.