
Endless Training

Word of Xu Yi’s actions quickly spread throughout Kunlun Academy, even reaching the ears of several teachers.

The teacher in charge of the Pill Tower and the esteemed teacher overseeing the Buddha Pagoda even got into an argument over who Xu Yi should apprentice under.

They were willing to expose each other’s secrets to win her favor.

Unbeknownst to Xu Yi, she had already entered the realm of Endless Training.

As soon as she stepped into Endless Training, Xu Yi sensed that something was amiss.

Her cultivation was forcibly suppressed to the early Astral Projection stage, and her spiritual power rapidly diminished until it reached the level equivalent to an ordinary early Astral Projection cultivator.

Raising an eyebrow, Xu Yi wondered if Sun Yue had failed to mention this situation to them.

Was it an accident, or was it intentional for all participants in Endless Training to be on equal footing?