
Commence Hostilities

The tension between Xu Yi and Wanyan Xue was palpable, as the gazes of onlookers shifted between the two, finally settling on Wanyan Xue with hostile intent.

Even Xiong Zhuangzhuang and Wu Gewei, who belonged to the same Beast Taming Sect as Wanyan Xue, remained silent.

Wanyan Xue felt nauseous to the point of vomiting blood.

In fact, the surging of her qi and blood had caused her blood to flow in reverse, but she managed to swallow it down.

She couldn’t afford to show weakness in front of Xu Yi, even without anyone’s support.

With her head lowered, she concealed the resentment in her eyes.

Soon, Shangguan Yuquan arrived.

Seeing Wanyan Xue bowing her head, Xu Yi assumed she had already given in and couldn’t be bothered to waste any more words on her.

She addressed the others,

“Let’s go!”

Buying some time would be beneficial.

Everyone also remembered the looming danger of Shangguan Yuquan behind them and hurriedly prepared to leave.