
Superpower Evolution

TRY MY NEW BOOK " Superpowers in Apocalypse" and support it for WPC 228. ........................ When Sam just woke up from a daydream, he found that the world changed suddenly. After the apocalypse, humanity fell! Countless fierce beasts and carnivorous plants invaded the humacivilianation through portals that broke open due to space distortions caused by heavy nuclear explosions in the Third Nuclear World War! Humans were caught unprepared when they were recovering from the loss of the war. Only some millions of the population remained alive. Moreover, due to natural disasters, terrains changed. Storm ragged, tsunamis and earthquakes, volcanic eruptions devastated the lands. One after another continents fell. Another thing was the appearance of the Underworld about which mankind still had least to no information. Different kinds of zombies with intelligence and dead beings sprang up from underground and started slaughtering humans. Mankind had no way to stop them other than to flee. The government collapsed, society crumbled and the military was too busy to slaughter the enemies. Crime rates increased. All these internal and external troubles almost lead mankind to extinction. To survive this, some humans had somehow evolved from the radiation and mana from the portals and obtained superpowers. All the abilities started at super weakening from and the only way to strengthen your innate ability was to undergo further evolution by battling other superpower users who may be humans, fierce beasts or ferocious plants. A person needed to defeat a beast or ferocious plant themselves to gain their gene points. It gets miraculously absorbed in the body leaving only a useless beast or plant body that could be used as a ration. Thus in this world where government and military-ruled strictly, strength mattered the most! Thus humanity finally found a way to survive... In this world where the strong preyed on the weak, will Sam be able to survive? .................................................................................. P. S: I'm just a novice writer and English is not my first language. — This is my first original book. So don't try to steal it or I will sue you!! — I appreciate healthy reviews and comments. —Don't like it? Then just leave! — Btw the cover pic isn't mine, if the owner wants me to remove it, please do tell me and I will do so. Ty~ .................................................................................. WORDS OF CAUTION: This story involves different kinds of art! But the representation of art in this story is purely FICTIONAL and is NOT meant to hurt any feelings of any person who pursues any kind of art wholeheartedly. This story is purely based on my imagination and I hope my dear readers can also be imaginative while reading this story!!! .................................................................................. Please support and vote for this book! This novel is the entry for WSA 2021 in superpower. Help this novel, please.

Xiaoru · Urban
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37 Chs

Sudden reversal!

Sam grinned maliciously from behind. He controlled the paperwolves to dodge the earth spikes. Even if some invaded them, only some chunks of paper got torn! Moreover, gravity was useless on them!

Azzo panicked that moment! He kept retreating backwards while making earth spikes to isolate him.

Sam glared at Azzo coldly and grabbed the earth spike embedded in his shoulder and pulled it out fiercely. Even though Sam felt tremendous pain at that moment but seeing Azzo in despair was so pleasing that he ignored the pain!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The movements of paper wolves slowed down due to obstruction of the earth spikes but they used wind slash to continuously destroy them!

Azzo was sweating bullets due to excessive and continuous use of earth spike.

"Argh!!! You bastard!!"

While Azzo was not paying attention to Sam, he threw the same earth spike which was embedded on Sam's shoulder, like a javelin and stabbed it on Azzo's thigh from behind!

Sam was pretty ruthless with the strike as the earth spike tore his tendons and broke his ligaments and bones, almost nailing Azzo to the ground!

Azzo wailed like a pig being slaughtered! But he had no time to make sense of the situation when the paperwolves plunged onto him biting him and tearing fleshes on his limbs.

"A..rrghhh!!! H...lp...arrrghhh pl...."

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!!

Sam suddenly rushed towards Azzo and ruthlessly punched his face before he could admit defeat! Azzo's lower jaw twisted as he vomited a mouthful of blood!!

Sam grinned.

Oh, how could he let Azzo admit defeat so easily??

Azzo's nose and tooth were broken by the repeated punches. He wanted to speak something but sadly Sam broke his lower jaw!

At that moment, Azzo looked at Sam in fear and immense hatred!!

Sam just coldly smiled as he looked at Azzo who lay on the ground covered in blood. Suddenly, he pressed Azzo's injured leg on the same earth spike which was already embedded on his thigh. That earth spike lay almost vertically on the ground while piercing Azzo's thigh.


A bloodcurdling scream resonated the duelling ground as Sam pressed Azzo's thigh on the vertical earth spike and made it pierce his more and more! Almost when it was two-third at the front of the thigh, Sam slowly and painfully pulled it from Azzo's thigh to make him fully relish the pain!!!

(A/N: Sam threw the earth spike from behind, so it pierced Azzo's thigh from behind. Now, Sam pressed his thigh from the front and made the half pierced earth spike pierce his thigh fully so that he can extract it from the front of his thigh! I hope the explanation is now clear!)

The surrounding students were quiet after witnessing the brutal scene. Just when they thought that Sam was going to be critically injured when the reversal occurred!

Some shivered, some ran away while some girls cried silently! They never thought Sam would be so ruthless! The teacher-referee frowned and hesitated whether to stop the match or not! After some deliberation, he didn't stop the duel since neither had admitted defeat nor was dying!

Sam glanced at Azzo who was trying to back away pressing his arms on the ground, he controlled his paperwolf and mercilessly dragged Azzo by this leg to his side.

"Tsk! tsk! What a genius!!" mocked Sam.

"Never thought you will be in such a pathetic state by an orphan bastard. Did ya?" asked Sam mockingly.

Azzo glared at Sam viciously and with hatred! Never had he been treated like this before! It was utterly humiliating to lose to a lowly person like Sam! Now he seriously wanted Sam dead! .. thought Azzo in a deranged way.

Sam smirked at his glare and mercilessly pierced the earth spike straight through the other thigh of Azzo!


Azzo could only cry and beg for mercy in a muffled voice at this moment! He glanced at the referee and try waving his hands to get his attention.

Sam narrowed his eyes and sneered. He ruthlessly punched his abdomen to divert Azzo's attention! The paperwolves used wind slashes and created numerous deep gashes on his body!

Azzo at that moment truly became a bloody man!!

Sam was going to rain more punches on him when the referee rudely shouted,

"That's enough!! Samuel Richards, you have won! It's just a friendly duel! Don't go too far!!"

Sam sneered! If he was the one lying in the place of Azzo, then the referee wouldn't have made the same decision! But Sam knew that it was time to stop since he couldn't kill Azzo... at least at present!!

This outcome of this duel would surely spread in the entire school! Thus, he made the duel so brutal to warn others not to mess with him recklessly!

Sam kicked Azzo as threw his body towards the onlooking students. The surrounding students shrieked and ran away when they saw the bloody Azzo lay so close to them!

The referee quickly dismissed the students and carried Azzo to the school's doctor.

Sam just sneered as he looked at the surrounding students. None of them dared to look directly at Sam! They were scared that Sam would challenge one of them next!

Olson was utterly dumbfounded!

"How the hell did you get so strong, man?!" asked Olson astonished.

"Last week!" replied Sam casually as he bought a health capsule and healing lotion worth 200 system points each and utilized them on spot!

"What are you eating?" asked Olson weirdly.

"Painkiller!" lied, Sam without blinking his eyes!

Olson shook his head and dragged him to the doctor's clinic while nagging all the way!

The system's products were very good as Sam was completely healed in 1 hour.

The doctor just advised Sam to take a rest and have nutrients to make up for his blood loss.


*Congratulation to the host for defeating a human level 5 and gaining 25 gene points and 10 system points.*

*Host defeated a human opponent 2 levels higher than the host's level for the first time. Reward: + 10 to all stats*

Sam's mood elevated hearing the notifications. He cooly walked alongside Olson to the classroom.

When Sam entered the classroom for evening classes, the whole class was pin-drop silent!

His classmates looked at him like a monster!

Some had pale faces thinking about the past when they bullied Sam, some maintained a lukewarm attitude while some girls overflowed with admiration!

Sam looked at everything indifferently! Human hearts were truly unpredictable!

Olson was proud and happy to see his sworn brother so strong. He looked at his classmates and laughed heartily in his heart. From now onwards no one would bully Sam if they were not strong!

As Sam predicted, the whole school was abuzz after the incident! The school group chat was almost flooded by the comments of the duel. Some stronger students still disdained Sam but they still acknowledged the fact that the present Sam was no longer like the old Sam who could be easily thrashed!

Some of them wanted to challenge Sam purely to fight him, some wanted to show their superiority by defeating him.

One by one started throwing challenges at Sam!

While Sam got famous through this duel, some people were not happy at all!

Crash! Bang!

The office of the fat teacher was in scrambles! He was so angry that his planning failed yet again!!

At first, the fat teacher felt Sam was just an ant who could be squeezed anytime but now he felt intense hatred towards him.

"That mutt...how did he get so strong in a week?" he mumbled suddenly.

"Could it be that he got some heaven-defying treasure during the beast tide?" he thought as greed took seed in his heart.

"I must get it!" whispered the fat teacher. His eyes shown with greedy light as he twisted the wooden furniture and laughed sinisterly as he conspired to the next plan...



Okay, 1.3k words for this chapter. Hope you all like it. Please support the book with powerstones to cheer me up!!


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