
Supernatural. Locked inside another. .

Kelly and Kaida Kline are both innocent women that get up in the deadly world of Supernatural as they both made a terrible mistake sleeping with the Devil, and his brother, Archangel Michael. They both have children. Jack Kline, the son of Lucifer and the first Nephilim, and his cousin Alexandra Kline the daughter of the Archangel Michael and the first Nephalem a (half angel and demon in existence. ) Two kids born to the most powerful Archangels - Michael and Lucifer.

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4 Chs

(Being part of a family. )

Chapter two:

Due to her birth, it led to the creation of the Oni demons, something that both angels and demons stated that is impossible for someone like Alexandria to create a monster like that.

Alexandria would stay with the Winchesters and Castiel as she masters her powers , in an effort to prove that she is good and not like her father, Michael and help to track down Jack. During this time she formed a brother/sister bond with Sam, developed her daughter and father bond with Castiel. She later formed a romantic bond with Dean Winchester.