
SuperNatural Tales : Immortal

A Villain that ruined many life's, Just to start the ace era. A villain that is vicious in nature, Want's to destroy everything that relate's to the Highest Rank disciple of, Mr. King. But his plan work's like a charm.

Jessica_Prasad_8729 · Realistic
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2 Chs

Chapter One: Supernatural Era(?)

SuperNatural a word that described the fantasy world, The world of dream's, Imagination, Creativity, Mental illusion that Human's write about in book's but the REAL fantasy World has vanished way back in the past.

There are no record's that say the SuperNatural existed but Physical Artifact's still exist to this day. The written language, The Undiscovered culture all disappeared in one Crucial Night.

The SuperNatural world still exist behind the shadow's of the night as it is the most safe place and majority of them are dead.

But most wicked of them still exist, The world that supposed to be free from judgemental behaviour is now filled with Greed, Envy, Destruction, Addiction's, Deception and Karma.

The Mortal's have no idea, How much trouble they're in but life goes on.


A Slender figure wearing a dark red suit, Stared from behind the window looking at the closed golden gate's, The Enormous Mansion was located in the Serenity Forest.

The Serenity Forest is the private property of The Robinson Family, No one is seen around it. Most Village people avoid this place due to rumour's about ghost.

The figure's gentle emerald eye's kept looking at the locked gate's as if waiting for someone to arrive at the lonely, Dull Mansion.

 Mr. Robinson's glum face slowly turned into gentle, Sweet smile as the sound of a piano resonated throughout the Mansion.

Those note's played had so many memorie's attached to it but the note's were too smooth and accurate, Mr. Robinson turned around and slowly walked past his working desk.


As he walked toward's the door to leave his study room, His phone violently vibrates, He paused standing in front of a Beautiful Portrait.

Mr. Robinson reached for his phone from the back left pocket of his red pant's and answered slowly walking toward's the door, Again.

"Sir, a vampire was found dead in a cemetery".

The calm voice of his Personal Assistant spoke in a monotonous Voice informing of the dreadful new's without a delay.

Mr. Robinson, calmly asked : "A Vampire died, How?".

He inquired about the sudden incident, The Second he ask the question, The beautiful Crystal Chandelier fall on to the ground, Sending a shiver up his spine and abruptly the music stopped.

As previously, that exact spot the chandelier fall on was the place Mr. Robinson was standing few second's ago. The room was suddenly filled with dreadful silence.

Personal Assistant, Questioned: "What was.... that sound, Sir?".

Mr. Robinson smiled and in a charismatic voice answered back, "Nothing, Send me the detail's in an hour", He hunged up the call and with taking a deep breath.

He walked toward's the broken Chandelier, Stopping in front of the Chandelier.

Mr. Robinson, mumbled : "Seem's like bad luck is not far away".

Mr Robinson raised his head to look at the Portrait, He stared blankly at it without no sign of any emotion than suddenly his Eye's widened as realisation settled in.

"No one was at the Mansion but him"

Mr. Robinson turned around in haste and Sprinted toward's the door, Pulling the door open and than he darted toward's the Instrument Room.

The Portrait is framed in gold and has a glass case, The Person on the portrait had Pale skin and adoring light brown Eye's, The person Black hair was tied up in a ponytail that seemed to reach his back. He wore a Black suit that had red embroidery of a flower that resembled the Red Spider Lily.

The person smile was gentle, He had a slim figure with perfect plump lip's and mole on lower corner of his right eye. The Portrait was done in Majestic way to resemble ROYALTY.

If the portrait was ever taken off the wall and turned around, The signature of the painter will be there to define it's originality from the duplicate, The real World has no idea of this Painting.

After all, This painting was done even before Adam and Eve story was completely known to man kind.

The person on the Portrait was known as Zaid Quinn

The Person who is despised, Hated and was locked away for centurie's by the Saviour, The Hero, our Saint, TeCross.

Mr. Robinson hurriedly opened the door of the Instrument Room with the Key that was placed in the pot plant beside the door.

Mr. Robinson, Thought anxiously: "The door was locked for many centurie's so who was the one playing the Piano?".

"This song is only known to THREE people".

He opened the door to absolutely no one but an untouched room and the piano placed in the center with white clothing covering it completely.

The room had no spider's webs or dust settled in. The door leading to the balcony was also sealed shut, The reason for this high quality cleanses is because this whole mansion is taken care by DEAD SOUL's, Also known as Puppet Soul.

Soul's that roam around aimless but doesn't do any harm, They are commended by someone stronger in power to Work for them .

The Dead Soul listen to Mr. Robinson commend before he minimized the use of his power's, Once commanded they will listen to the same master to the rest of the Master's life span.

In Mr. Robinson heart, He had been thinking of the past lately as to why(?) that is unknown to him. He has this unsettling feeling that randomly annoyed him.

Maybe overthinking has started to show it's side effect, Mr. Robinson sighed he needs to go back to the city and handle this "Vampire Case".