
Supernatural High (Lesbian Romance)

Fenris Tal is a badass, but she never wanted to be. However people seem to expect her to be heartless and power hungry, when deep inside she's just a big softy. All this might have to do with the fact that she's half-demon and half-alpha werewolf. Also because she has access to all abilities from both species, which is unheard of with half-bloods. This makes her the strongest living supernatural creature around. But she can't hide what she is. Fenris hates the persona pushed on her, all she wants is her mate, her one true love. But with her good looks and bad-girl persona, also the fact that many girls try to throw themselves at her, Fenris is called the player of the town. Annabelle Rhyder is an omega werewolf. She is a small shy girl and gets picked on by the more popular kids. She's easily one of the prettiest girls in her school, but doesn't seem to realize it. In her pack being an omega is like a curse, you are constantly put down, forced to work for the alpha, and even physically bullied. If it wasn't for Annabelle's older sister Mary she would have more bruises and scars like the omegas in other packs. That's the other thing, she's the only omega in her pack. Annabelle can't wait to find her mate but she's scared, she wants a loving relationship, not a controlling one. She has also been told her mate will reject her. Her heart can't take that kind of pain. Annabelle and her family change packs because her sister meets her mate and will be the new luna of his pack. Annabelle catches a glimpse of Fenris with girls all around her and immediately doesn't want anything to do with her. After a encounter with Fenris, Fenris tells Annabelle they are mates, but Annabelle doesn't believe her. Will Fenris convince Annabelle and how far will she go to do so? Or will something happen and Fenris never gets the chance.

Dante_wolf · LGBT+
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40 Chs

Chapter 34 Johnny

Everything was almost together. Johnny had come up with the perfect plan to get rid of the mutt. First his betas and himself would corner Johnny's REAL mate, they needed to do it where Annabelle would be alone, but also where Fenris could see. Once they got Fenris' attention Johnny would kiss Annabelle and then run back to his pack house.

Johnny hated that part, he is not a coward and he would never run from that mutt. The thought alone that he would willingly run makes him growl in anger. He is the next alpha of his pack and deserves the respect that the title gives him, he shouldn't be running from a mutt who isn't officially associated with a pack. But, if Johnny wanted to succeed in getting Annabelle back he needed to.

The whole point of the plan is to get the mutt to come after him onto his territory. If she does then she will be alone because no one else, unless they are a part of his pack or are unaffiliated, can cross the pack line. If they do then they will be starting a war between the two packs and nobody wants that.

Once she comes onto pack land Johnny has the upper hand, besides the few who know of his intent he can tell the rest of the pack she is a violent intruder or something. So when they attack her and she dies it will all seem like a perfectly reasonable action.

Looking out the window of his fathers office he stood waiting for the last two pieces of his plan to come together.

"Alpha I brought her." Mark said, walking into the room with Poppy right behind him. Mark pushed her towards a chair in front of the desk and went to stand next to the door.

"Hello Poppy. You're going to help me with something." Johnny said with a smirk.

Poppy scoffed at that, "Why would I help you?"

"You don't want your daughter to be mated to that freak, and I want my mate back. So you do what I say and we both get what we want." Johnny stated, leaning over the desk grinning.

"How do you plan on getting her away from the hybrid. From what little I know she never leaves Annabelle alone, either she's with her or Mary is."

"I have something that will solve that problem. All you have to do is distract the mutt."

"And if I don't help?"

Johnny stood up and shrugged his shoulders, "I'll kill you." he said calmly.

He watched as Poppy looked over at Mark, then to the door. Johnny was practically sending her to her death and she knew it, but she didn't have an option. She could try to fight, but there was no way she could beat a beta and an alpha.


Johnny's grin spread wider on his face. "Good choice. Mark, take her to a cell."

Poppy took a step back when Mark approached her, growling at him. The beta simply growled back and grabbed the woman's arm, wrenching it behind her back. "Why are you putting me in a cell?" Poppy growled, as Mark dragged her out the room.

"Simply assuring you do your part of my plan." Johnny laughed, waving goodbye to a flailing Poppy.

Johnny sat down in the desk chair and spun around in it with an evil smirk on his face. [One part down, now I just have to wait for the other idiot to bring the second part.]

Just like he was being summoned Anthony appeared. He was sweaty and covered from head to toe in dirt, on his left hand was a thick leather glove that went almost up to his elbow.

"Do you have it?"

"Yeah it was hard to get. I almost touched it, could have burned my hand."

"That's why you had the glove."

"I forgot that it would hurt me."

Johnny just stared at the large oaf, not knowing what to say. Grabbing the other glove off the desk he held his hand out and Anthony gave him the small vile.

Looking in it Johnny was mesmerized by the thick blackish red substance, the blood of a dead double-heartless werewolf.

A double-heartless werewolf, some would think this phrasing odd, but there is more then one way to lose a heart. For a werewolf to be double-heartless they must commit an act against the Goddess. The most common act is killing their mate, either by their own hands or causing their mate so much pain they kill themselves, but this typically drives a wolf insane. The act of hurting ones mate causes a sort of pain that is both emotional and physical. It's not uncommon for mates to abuse each other, but it's rare for one to cause enough injuries to be considered deadly. Once that act happens most off the time the wolf is punished by having their heart ripped out while they're still alive, unless they kill themselves first.

"You're sure you got it from the correct person?"

"I double checked the gravestone with the name on the paper you gave me." Anthony confirmed.

"Good. This was the last thing I need to get rid of the mutt."

"Uh, how will that help again?"

Johnny rolled his eyes and carefully set the vile down on the desk. "Anthony can you touch this blood?"


"Why can't you touch this blood?"

"The legends say that the blood of a double-heartless wolf is toxic to other wolves because they went against the Goddess and her gifts to them. So if a living wolf who is still in the light of the Goddess touches it, they will die a slow and painful death. Never being able to see their loved ones again once this life is over and we return to the Goddesses side."

"Exactly, I'm impressed."

"Thanks." Anthony said happily, a huge smile on his face. "And this will hurt Fenris because-"

"Fenris is half wolf, this should kill her easy, and she'll never see MY mate again."