
5 x 10 Abandon All Hope

Alarms are blaring everywhere as the devil was spotted at Carthage, from reports it is assumed that he plans to summon Death.

Every single seraph was to help with the war effort, Abel and Peter are busy evacuating people from nearby towns, James and John were repelling Lucifer's forces in that area.

Ezekiel, Jeanne d'arc, Andrew, Philip, Matthew, Bartholomew, Thomas, Simon, Paul, and Stephen, were busy dealing with the pagan situation either by negotiation or by going to war with them.

Since the start of the apocalypse, both new and old gods have been either observing, helping us, or preparing for an invasion on us and humanity.

The most prominent pantheons to side against us and form a coalition, were the Shinto pantheon, Egyptian, Hindu(split between Indra and Shiva) remnants of the Persian pantheon, and the Greeks.

Mary, Ariel, Tien, Judas, and Cael were busy providing support and enemy reconnaissance, on the other pantheons to see where they stand in the war.

I was in a well-furnished Indian restaurant, waiting for Shiva, the chief God of the Hindu pantheon, for a meeting on what to do with Indra.

The door opened and Shiva entered the restaurant, Shiva took the form of a well-shaved Indian man, wearing a black kurta with a white dhoti and sandals, making him appear very distinguish and noble.

"Hello Shiva, it's been awhile since we last met, about 800 years ago i believe. How's your wife and Vishnu doing? Giving Shiva a firm handshake before sitting back down.

"Yes it sure does feel that way Isaiel, and as for my wonderful wife is doing well, she and Vishnu have been waiting for you to visit us again to share your insights." Shiva sat down as he ordered something from the menu.

"Anyway, i appreciate you taking the time to come here, especially since your in a war with Indra and his forces." Shiva looked up from the menu with a serious expression.

"I understand your concern about Indra and his allied forces, but the situation will be handled with our pantheon, I am finding much more interesting things than a war with Indra, like interacting with my believers."

"I understand your situation and I appreciate your help, but Indra is determined to fight me and my pantheon, I'm guessing that he is not over the embarrassment from our last meeting." Both Shiva and me laughed as we rembered our first meeting.

A time before the start of Christianity, I was in the court of Shiva, in the country of Bharat, which would be later called India.

"Who are you? and have you come from? Shiva questioned as him and his entire ensemble of important gods watched me.

"Greetings lord Shiva, my name is Isaiel, an angel of the lord and diplomat of heaven, sent here to establish peace between our two great powers." Indra scoffed as he sneered at my presence.

"Peace!? Why should a powerful pantheon such as ourselves, allied with a pathetic pantheon that doesn't even have any gods, you and your God, are nothing but unknown garbage compared to us." Indra voice echoed in the room as several gods looked at him.

My rage couldn't be described in words for that arrogant excuse of a god, a sudden chil was felt through everyone from my next words.

"Lord Shiva, I apologize, your pantheon wil lose a god after today." My voice was calm, but the sheer power from it was evident.

"You think...." Indra didn't get to say another word as he was forced to block a swing from my sword, the ground beneath us broke from the force, as Indra sword shattered.

"You dare tarnished my....

"Silence trash, you dare disrespect my Father, who has more power than you or your pantheon, you disrespected my family and friends, your impudence has guaranteed you death, and when I am done with you nothing will remain of your corpse, now let me show you my true power." I released all of my aura and power making many gods and humans fall to their knees, my power could be felt even in the depths of the cage and hell.

I slowed down time and created a sword of ice and attacked Indra, Indra began to hurled lighting bolts at me as I kept walking straight, before any of the bolts could hit me, they disappeared and I swung my ice sword at Indra cutting his cheek, he backed away and fired a lighting dragon at me.

I took the dragon head on and came back Unscathed, I sneered at his pitiful display of power and created thousands of clones.

Indra created thousands of lightning animals and monsters in response, my clones began to do battle with the monsters as I decided to use water magic.

"Everything began with water. Everything will return to water. Therefore water is life and death. The birthing mother and the swallowing snake. Everything flows. Not even time can escape. Like a boat at the mercy of a mighty river, all things are swallowed in the end. Oh, heartless nature of tanscience. Yet I will love the heartlessness and tanscience deeply. I have long forgotten my mother's face. My body will become a snake with its mouth wide open, and level everything. Insatiable, endless, emptiness. Endless pleasure, never stagnating. All things must flow, back into my stomach ouroboros." A sea of water erupted from the ground as tendrils grabbed Indra who desperately tried to escape.

Who is the weakling now, you know I don't care if you insult me, I lived for a long time to be affected by something so trivial, but you insulted my creator, and I will make you pay for your arrogance." My sword was forming in my head and I got ready to decapitate Indra.

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to continue this foolishness, even though I agree tat he should be punished, he is still one of us and is an important member of this pantheon." Shiva appeared next to me as he gripped my arm.

I glared at him and matched his aura, the surrounding gods began to power up and get In combat formation.

I let my aura dispersed and let go of Indra, I came here to build diplomatic relationships, not cause another war.

Me and Shiva continue to talk some more before I left for Carthage, when I got there multiple reapers were waiting for death's return.

I sensed the presence of both Castiel and Lucifer in an abandoned apartment, when I entered I was greeted by a ring of holy fire.

"Hello little brother." The words were said so kindly, that one would not recognize the threat of carnage underneath them.

I got a good look at Lucifer behind his vessel, and I wanted to cry at the state of Lucifer's true form.

It was so disgusting, it was dyed completely black, that even calling it black was seriously downplaying it.

Meg at least had some spark of goddess in her, something that of she wanted, could grant her redemption, but Lucifer was so absolute, it was like he wanted to erase any trace of good in his being.

"He chose this. I reassured myself. Knowingly, willingly, all the pain and suffering that he created, was his choice." I had one option at looking at something so revolting, I threw up at him.

"Ewwww! Meg stepped back and left as Castiel looked at me as if I was crazy.

"You son of a bitch." Lucifer stepped forward, but stopped himself before smiling.

"Look," Lucifer sighed as he spoke in an empathetic tone. I know how I'm usually viewed, but I'm telling you that God made a mistake about this situation, and don't tell me that this was apart of his plans, look at the situation that we are in. I didn't want this! Lucifer gestured to the sky and to the reapers.

"You have to realize that he's not All-knowing, because if he is, can you truly justify what's been happening? He allowed me to be free and the apocalypse to happen, killing thousands of innocents. Can you truly call a god like this benevolent? Is a god like this worth following!? Either he's benevolent or All-knowing, but given the answer in this war, it's that he's neither! If he actually cared he would have struck me down the moment I disobeyed him! Lucifer shouted in outrage as Castiel took a step back and lighting flashed.

"If he actually cared he wouldn't allow all this suffering, and I'm being generous by only focusing only by the harm caused by the apocalypse, and not the rest of world suffering. His chosen race. To the humans that suffered for his Wars. To us, his own children, used as soilders from the very moment we were created. All this has to stop. That's why I must do all of this. Even if it pains me." Lucifer looked at me and Castiel with an expression of regret.

I stayed quiet even as my anger and resentment build, wanting to see the point of Lucifer's little rant.

"You can make this stop." I gave him a surprise look. "You're clearly a central piece in his plans. And unlike him, I can treat and speak to you like an equal. I have heard the reputation you have in heaven and with the Seraphim. If you give the order, I'm sure all the fighting will stop. Lucifer stepped closer and looked in my eyes. No one has to die today."

"You know that I am right, surely you remember God's punishments. The ten plagues. The 40 years that the Israelites had to wander in the desert.....Me." Lucifer kept the the pleading gaze for a awhile, but got annoyed at my silence.

Lucifer and Castiel began to blink as I started to chuckled, before letting off a single laugh before calming down.

"What's this sympathy for the devil bullshit you keep sprouting Lucifer? Looking at him with sheer disbelief before my eyes turned cold.

"It must have burned when you first realized it."

"What? Lucifer blinked before looking confused.

"That you will never be God." I wonder what face did you make in the cage? There you are, the second-born, one of the most strongest and beautiful-I have no shame in admitting that-then God tells you to bow to this Adam and Lilith, these things made of dust." My face looked sinister in the light of the flames.

"Naturally you couldn't accept that and you rebelled. And then you loss and fell from grace. And then you went to the garden, and tempted Adam and Eve to make God reject them."

"Adam and Eve sin and what is this? Their punishment is to leave the garden and live on Earth? They weren't abandoned by God and his angels? My, owning up and apologizing for your mistakes is such a insane concept." My tone was full of mocking as Lucifer's face darkened.

"So then you decided to create demons, a parallel to the angels and obviously superior. My voice oozing with sarcasm. How long did Father take to make holy light deadly to demons? Enough to destroy their souls? Lucifer tried to hide his reaction but his wings gave him away.

"I mean no matter how egotistical you are, allowing your children to rebel against you, just to have an advantage over them isn't something you would add, and you would want to prove the superiority of your children after. Can't have them defective against the angels, right? Both me as Cas smiled like Sharks as Lucifer clutched his hand.

"You made 4 demon princess, 7 sins, and over thousands of demons just to spite God and corrupt mankind. God's answer? King Solomon, all of your demons forced to be subservient to a human, and help uphold his kingdom. You Whispered to the Egyptian God's and their avatars on Earth, and what happened with Moses again? Ah the 10 plagues. And my personal favorite, when I died as Jesus, and took all the billions of souls that were in the pit, and sent them up to heaven." I was full-on laughing as Lucifer tried to intimidate me into stopping.

"No matter how many times you misbehave or think you won. Father will always have something to drill in your head that you are still following his plan, even if you manage to kill me or Michael, win the war or destroy our Father. Sit on heaven's Throne. And erase all of his works. You will never be God, you stupid spoiled brat." Lucifer stood astonished, as I flicked my hand and covered him in holy fire and free Castiel.

I teleported to Ellen and Jo and covered them with my wings, as the entire building exploded in a blazing inferno.

I healed the both of them and sent them to Bobby, before leaving the area and helping my forces defeat Indra.

Hey guys hope you all are enjoying the new year, if you like this book, then check out my newest book: Seraph of the End Blood for the Blood God. it's a bit darker than this story, but you will enjoy it.

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